counter easy hit Woman, 29, went from size XXXL to an XS in just a year – and reveals key tip after ‘shedding an entire person’ – Wanto Ever

Woman, 29, went from size XXXL to an XS in just a year – and reveals key tip after ‘shedding an entire person’

A WOMAN who weighed more than 20st (127.7kg) has revealed how she lost nearly half her body weight in a year.

Mikaela Cameron, 29, says she was “obese, depressed and lost” and knew that she had to reshape her mind and body.

Woman in pink shorts and black sports bra smiles for the camera.
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Mikaela Cameron is urging others not to give up when it comes to weight loss[/caption]

Before and after photos of a woman's weight loss journey.
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In 2023 she underwent gastric sleeve surgery and lost a staggering 9st 10lb[/caption]

Before and after photos of a woman's weight loss journey.
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But Mikaela said she also needed to change her mindset to keep the weight off[/caption]

This spurred her on to undergo gastric sleeve surgery in November 2023, after which she lost a staggering 9st 10lb (61.7kg).

But she insists that the operation was not a quick fix – and that losing weight and maintaining her new body requires something key – a change in mindset.

“Some days, I’m truly blown away by how much my body has transformed,” she says.

“There’s no secret: the gastric sleeve changed my life, but it’s a tool, and you need to use it right.

“You can regain weight or not lose it. I used it to shift my mindset, change my lifestyle, and take control of my life. Getting the gastric sleeve isn’t a quick fix; it’s not the answer unless you’re ready to put in the work.”

She is also quick to correct those who assume her transformation is down to luck.

“I’m not ‘lucky’ – I work hard,” she says.

“I train five days a week, even when I don’t feel like it.

“I’ve completely changed my relationship with food and binging. I see food as fuel and learned to love the foods I once hated because I know they’re good for my body.”

Mikaela began 2024 weighing 17st 4lb (110kg).

By December she was down to 10st 13lb (69.4kg) and now weighs 10st 5lb (66kg).

She had a major setback after developing gallstones, a possible complication with gastric sleeve surgery, and had her gallbladder removed in October.

“My surgery was delayed by seven hours, which had my anxiety through the roof, but I finally made it through. The first few days were tough with intense pain, especially in my shoulders from the gas they use in surgery, but I’m grateful to be surrounded by such an incredible support network,” she says.

Mikaela credits her success to consistency and urges others who feel stuck not to give up, also admitting hiring a coach transformed her workouts.

“Progress doesn’t happen overnight. Some days were better than others,” she says.

“Some weeks, my motivation was non-existent.

Progress doesn’t happen overnight

Mikaela Cameron

“But no matter what, I kept going. Because at the end of the day, no one else is going to do it for you but you.

“Keep showing up. Keep putting in the work. Your future self will thank you!”

Mikaela, from Sydney, Australia, is now preparing to take part in FMG International Australia competition, competing in both the transformation and bikini categories.

“I never imagined I’d be here, but now, I’m stepping on stage as a competitor,” she says.

“A dream I once thought was impossible – something I admired from a distance, believing it was out of reach. But now, for the first time in my life, I’m not just chasing my dreams – I’m proving to myself that I can make them a reality.”

She believes the last year has taught her to be kinder to herself.

Before and after photos of a woman's weight loss journey.
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Mikaela sees food as fuel and has learned to love the foods she once hated because she knows they’re good for her body[/caption]

Before and after photos of a woman's weight loss journey.
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Hiring a coach helped her transform her workouts[/caption]

Before and after photos of a woman's weight loss journey.
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She trains five days a week, even when she doesn’t feel like it[/caption]

Woman in sports bra and underwear, showcasing her weight loss transformation.
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She’s now getting ready for her first bodybuilding competition[/caption]

“What a journey it’s been,” she says. “This past year has been about gaining me back, choosing to live fully, and no longer letting my weight hold me back.

“Losing nearly 10st is like shedding an entire person – it’s mind-blowing when you really think about it.”

People often say losing weight doesn’t make you happy, but Mikaela disagrees.

“I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t true. My weight held me back in so many ways, and now I finally feel free to live life to the fullest. I’m exploring, growing, and becoming the person I’ve always wanted to be.

“I went from wearing XXXL before my weight loss journey to now being a XS – I wear size 6 to 8. I’ve had to throw out all my old clothes – even the ones with tags still on them!”

Different types of weight loss surgery

For many people who are overweight or obese, they may feel they have exhausted options for weight loss and want to try something more drastic.

Weight loss surgery may be available to them on the NHS if they have a BMI over 40 and have a condition that may be improved with weight loss, such as diabetes.

But the availability of these procedures largely depends on where you live in the UK. People can also pay privately.

Weight loss surgery is a common and safe procedure. However, as with any operation, there are risks, such as a blood clot, a band slipping out of place, a stomach infection, gallstones and excessive skin from weight loss that in most cases, won’t be removed on the NHS.

In all of the following options, the space in the stomach is reduced, therefore a person feels fuller after eating less food. They lose weight as a result.

However, it is necessary for them to also learn good eating habits and have a healthy balanced diet, too.

Gastric bypass

The stomach is divided into two using a staple. The smaller part is connected to the intestines, effectively cutting how much space there is in the stomach by half.

The operation takes around two hours.

Gastric band

A band is tied around the top of the stomach and inflated so that it tightens. 

The operation takes three to four hours.

Gastric balloon

Patients swallow an empty balloon which is attached to a tube. 

The balloon is filled with water via the tube, taking around 20 minutes, so that it fills around two-thirds of the stomach space.

Sleeve gastrectomy

Around 80 per cent of the stomach is removed in surgery to make it much smaller and a sleeve shape.

The operation takes between one and three hours. 

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