counter easy hit We quit smoking OVERNIGHT thanks to Paul McKenna’s simple 25-minute hypnosis – try it today exclusively with Sun Club – Wanto Ever

We quit smoking OVERNIGHT thanks to Paul McKenna’s simple 25-minute hypnosis – try it today exclusively with Sun Club

QUITTING smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health.

But kicking the habit isn’t easy. In fact, most people who try fail within a week.

Portrait of Paul McKenna in a suit.
Hypnotist Paul McKenna is here to help you quit smoking once and for all
Paul McKenna

But it doesn’t need to be such a challenge. Instead of weeks of battling intense cravings using patches and gums, there is a far easier way.

Sun Health has teamed up with world renowned self-help guru Paul McKenna for an exclusive two-part series.

The self-help guru is on hand to help guide you through the simple steps he has used to help celebrities, and people just like you, put down their cigarettes for good, in just a matter of days.

On Saturday, he shared an exclusive 25-minute hypnosis video, which is so effective, one in three people listen once and quit forever.

Click here to listen to Paul’s hypnotic trance video exclusively with Sun Club

He also recommended three visualisation techniques, known as Hindsight Ahead of Time, The Swish and The Calm Anchor, proven to help.

And in today’s Sun on Sunday, the hypnotist also revealed the final two techniques anyone quitting needs, to help ease those cravings.

Here, three people who have experienced the successes themselves share their stories.

‘I quit smoking overnight – Paul saved my life’

Man in red sweater sitting in teal armchair.
Dan Charity

Daniel Flower, who quit smoking after using Paul McKenna’s programme[/caption]

Man in red shirt making a hand gesture while sitting in a convertible car.
Dan Charity

He also lost 12stone in weight using the hypnotist’s methods[/caption]

DANIEL Flower quit smoking overnight and then lost a whopping 12 and a half stone in weight – thanks to Paul McKenna’s process.

Daniel, 48, of North West London, said: “I started smoking in 1999.

“I was dealing with stress and once I’d started smoking, I believed I was never going to be able to stop.

“I was a massive smoking addict of up to 40 a day before reading Paul’s book and using the hypnotherapy methods to quit.

“I found the hypnotic trance really worked for me. I fell asleep sometimes when I was listening to it, but your subconscious soaks it all in. 

“I found that the most helpful thing for me. I played it every night and followed every instruction to the letter.

“I’d often do the last thing when I went to bed and when I woke up I’d feel ready to start the day but it had sunk in.

“I desperately wanted to give up for numerous reasons, health firstly then the smell!

“Oh my goodness, to those that don’t smoke it’s literally unbearable, even now the smell I find abhorrent.

“I first tried Paul’s process in 2015 and after smoking for 10 years. Even after the first time listening to it I became apprehensive towards cigarettes. 

“I had two packets of cigarettes, I crumpled them up and threw them in the bin. It was that quick.

“Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man but it was literally like a switch, I never even fell off the bandwagon, nor had cravings!”

I woke up in the morning with no craving for that first cigarette. Not only that, I didn’t remember that I was a smoker

Alex ClarkeFormer smoker

It was such an overnight success Daniel decided to use Paul’s process to lose weight later that year.

He said: “Weight had crept on through the years.

“I was eating to comfort myself as I was putting on weight and I ended up at 22 stone 4lb. 

“So I decided to do Paul’s process, I Can Make You Thin, and again it worked.

“I’ll be honest, I was sceptical even though the smoking had stopped as it was a far larger challenge. But I got to a happy weight within a year. 

“I’m now 12 stone 8lb. Not a pound ever went on again.”

He urged Sun readers even if they are sceptical to just follow the programme as it works.

Portrait of a man in a red sweater.
Dan Charity

He credits Paul with saving his life[/caption]

“I followed it to the letter and it worked for me,” he says.

“Most of the weight went between six to eight months, then it came off steadily.

“There was no mad yo-yo dieting and even now I look at food and I only eat if I’m hungry and I eat very healthily.

“There was another knock on effect too. Paul’s process also boosted my confidence and it made me significantly happier and healthier. Paul has transformed my life.

“Paul’s smoking cessation program and process is literally priceless.

“I honestly feel I owe Paul my life and I’m so thankful and eternally grateful.

“But my advice is to really immerse yourself in the process, it’s not difficult.

“Even today it’s still working, it’s amazing. I still use it regularly if I have stress with work or just feel I need a top up.

“I’m living proof that it works.”

‘I tried gums, patches and sprays – then simply forgot I was a smoker overnight’

Portrait of a woman with long, light-red hair.

Alex Clarke used to smoke 40 a day – then she quit overnight[/caption]

Portrait of a red-haired woman in a colorful jumpsuit.
The 47-year-old was so inspired, she now runs her own therapy sessions
The Holistic Photographer

ALEX Clarke, 47, from Gorton, Manchester, was a 40-a-day smoker who started at 12 years old but quit overnight and never looked back.

After years of trying – and failing – to quit, Paul’s process changed her life so much, she retrained as a hypnotherapist and now helps others.

Alex said: “I started smoking aged 12. I used to syphon my mum’s Gold Mark ciggies for chuffing on the way to school rather than have breakfast (sorry, mum!). 

“It was the 90s, and I wanted to be a size zero, which was all the rage back then. 

“I’d heard somewhere that smoking curbed the appetite; in reality, all it did was give me bad breath and a wheeze, which happily is no longer the case!

“Before doing Paul McKenna’s giving up smoking process I was smoking 40-plus a day. 

“Some days I would even be crying and smoking because I didn’t want to be so hooked! But I couldn’t stop, no matter what I tried.

“Cold turkey saw me relapse after a few months. 

“I tried gum, patches, sprays, you name it, but I always relapsed.”

I had tried so many times with various ways and never been successful, but suddenly I literally couldn’t smoke anymore even if I tried

Suzi LeaFormer smoker

She came across Paul’s Quit Smoking Today book and audio 10 years ago and after doing it stopped smoking overnight.

She said: “I thought I couldn’t be hypnotised, let alone that it would change anything! 

“I went to bed that night and woke up in the morning with no craving for that first morning cigarette. 

“Not only that, I didn’t remember that I was a smoker. 

“I was stunned! I tried to search for the craving, and it wasn’t there. 

“I opened my packet of cigarettes and sniffed them, trying to elicit the craving, and felt nauseated.

“I remember laughing and thinking, ‘This is how non-smokers must feel’.

“There is life before Paul Mckenna and life after. 

“Post-Paul McKenna, I’ve had zero relapses, despite some very stressful life events, including divorce and bereavement.”

Illustration showing the positive effects of quitting smoking over time.

It had such a massive impact on her life that she decided to retrain as a hypnotherapist to help others.

Alex said: “I became so fascinated by how my unconscious mind could enact such a huge, seamless change that I needed to know more about how hypnosis and the mind worked. 

“So I retrained as a hypnotherapist! My life has been completely transformed for the better since giving up smoking. I’ve a lot to thank Paul McKenna for!

“My advice to those about to embark on this process is to keep an open mind and give Paul’s hypnotherapy a go.

“You often get secondary benefits too, like relaxation, less stress, and better sleep. 

“Stick with the programme and remember you are not really giving anything up; instead, you are giving yourself health.

Paul McKenna’s work changes lives, and we are blessed to have him create such effective life-changing systems

Alex ClarkeFormer smoker

“I desperately wanted to give up, and by the time I came across Paul’s book, I had tried everything. It felt like my last resort. I’m so grateful it worked! 

“I didn’t put on weight, despite that being one of the fears that got me hooked and kept me hooked. Don’t be afraid you’ll gain weight.

“I’m now ten years on and have never looked back. I love being a non-smoker.”

In the aftermath she also used another of Paul’s processes called Instant Confidence.

She said: “I was unable to publicly speak and wanted to give it a whirl.

“I can now run group therapy sessions with my own company, Recovery With Alexandra, and enjoy speaking with people. 

“Paul McKenna’s work changes lives, and we are blessed to have him create such effective life-changing systems – thank you, Paul!”  

‘I didn’t even want to quit but I literally couldn’t smoke anymore even if I tried’

Portrait of a woman with brown hair wearing glasses and a black and white polka dot top.
Suzi Lea says she’s had no cravings at all since trying Paul’s method

FORMER smoker Suzi Lea, 48, from Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, wasn’t even planning to give up, but Paul McKenna led her to quit – forever.

Suzi was a heavy smoker of 20 a day for 17 years but after reading Paul’s book and listening to his trance out of curiosity in May 2010, she instantly stopped and hasn’t touched one since.

She said: “I bought Paul’s quit smoking book and I decided to read it, not because I was ready to give up, but because I wanted to see what it was all about and what to expect when I was ready to quit.

“I found it very interesting, put it down and thought nothing more of it.  

“A few weeks later, on June 11, I woke up and lit my usual morning cigarette, but this time I didn’t want it! I kept trying to smoke it but couldn’t. 

“I put it out half way through. It was completely bizarre.

“I thought, ‘What am I doing?’ The only thought in my head was, ‘I don’t want this cigarette’.

“Later that evening I realised I’d not smoked all day, so I tried again but still I didn’t want to smoke. I really didn’t want it.

“Again, the next morning I tried once more to smoke, but put it out.  

“I’ve not had a cigarette since and that was 15 years ago. I don’t want one and never have.”

She said she had no cravings, adding: “I had tried so many times with various ways and never been successful, but suddenly I literally couldn’t smoke anymore even if I tried.

“I definitely put it down to reading Paul’s book.

“I hate it now, I can’t bear the smell, I feel so much better and I have more money.

“I don’t have the book any more as I’ve lent it so many times to other people.

“I’d say to anyone, ‘Just try it’, if they want to give up.” 

The truth about smoking

ONE in eight people in the UK smokes.

And yet it’s the biggest cause of death and disease that we can control.

About half of life-long smokers will die early, losing about 10 years of life on average.

The most common smoking-related causes of death are: lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and coronary heart disease.

But it is linked to all sorts of other conditions, from heart attacks and strokes to diabetes and depression.

Smoking harms every organ in the body, which is why it accounts for approximately 74,600 deaths every year in England alone.

It kills more people annually than having a high BMI, alcohol and drugs combined.

Around 506,100 NHS hospital admissions in people over the age of 35 are attributable to smoking, accounting for four per cent of all hospital admissions in this age group.

Smoking also costs the NHS in England about £1.9billion a year.

Source: Action on Smoking

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