counter easy hit Marvel Rivals Rocket Raccoon Guide: How to Play, Strategies, More – Wanto Ever

Marvel Rivals Rocket Raccoon Guide: How to Play, Strategies, More

“Just a healbot” might be the biggest lie told about Rocket Raccoon since Star-Lord claimed he had a plan. This furry little menace packs enough firepower, mobility tricks, and tactical options to make even the most hardened Marvel Rivals veterans think twice before underestimating him.

A close-up of Rocket Raccoon in Marvel Rivals.
The king of misunderstood heroes. | Image Credit: NetEase Games

Behind that snarky attitude and tiny stature lies one of the most versatile Strategists in NetEase’s hero shooter. Whether you’re keeping teammates alive, boosting their damage to ridiculous levels, or surprising enemies with his shockingly high DPS, Rocket rewards players who understand his true potential.

How to Play Rocket Raccoon in Marvel Rivals

First things first—forget what you’ve heard about Rocket being just a healbot. While his bouncing healing orbs are fantastic, limiting yourself to holding right-click all match is like buying a Ferrari and never shifting out of first gear. His primary fire boasts a staggering 193 DPS up close, making him surprisingly lethal against flankers who think you’re an easy target.

Rocket’s B.R.B. device is arguably the most clutch ability in Marvel Rivals. This portable respawn station not only brings teammates back from the dead with full health every 45 seconds, but it also periodically spits out armor packs and rocket boots. Unlike Adam Warlock’s resurrection, which basically announces “Hey everyone, free kills over here!” to the enemy team, Rocket’s tech lets you place revivals strategically and safely.

His mobility toolkit is absolutely bonkers when used properly. Combining Jetpack Dash with Wild Crawl (wall climbing) and Flying Ace (slow descent/gliding) makes Rocket nearly impossible to pin down. Good luck trying to chase this raccoon when he’s bouncing off walls, floating through the air, and dashing away faster than you can say “I am Groot.”

Speaking of Groot—if your team has the walking tree or firearms specialists like The Punisher and Winter Soldier, Rocket becomes an absolute no-brainer pick. His team-up abilities can grant damage reduction while riding Groot or provide infinite ammo to your gun-toting allies, turning them into walking death machines.

Best Strategies to Use While Playing Rocket Raccoon

Close-up of Rocket Raccoon snarkily looking at his Wanted poster in Marvel Rivals.
Image Credit: NetEase Games

Start every match by deploying your B.R.B. in spawn so everyone can grab armor packs. That’s an extra 150 health across your team that enemies need to burn through—not to mention the rocket boots that give teammates an extra super jump. Once you’re moving out, destroy that beacon and reposition it somewhere sneaky but within 50 meters of the fight.

Your basic gameplay loop should involve bouncing healing orbs off walls and ceilings to keep teammates topped up while weaving in primary fire to finish off weakened enemies. The best Rocket players maintain this balance—healing when needed, dealing damage when possible, and using their mobility to stay alive longer than anyone else on the team.

Don’t waste your ultimate! That 40% damage boost from your C.Y.A. device can turn a mediocre push into a team wipe when coordinated properly. Time it with heavy-hitting ultimates like Punisher’s Final Judgment, Venom’s Feast of the Abyss, or Doctor Strange’s Eye of Agamotto for devastating results. Without this coordination, you’ll just be the player whose ultimate gets called “the most useless ult ever” in team chat.

Use your exceptional mobility not just to escape, but to reach positions other supports can only dream of. High ground is your best friend—it gives you clear sightlines for healing while making you harder to hit. Remember that you can mount Groot from surprisingly long distances, giving you yet another escape option when things get hairy.

What Should You Avoid While Playing as Rocket Raccoon in Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals screenshot of Rocket Raccoon shredding his Wanted poster with his primary fire.
Image Credit: NetEase Games

Don’t place your respawn beacon in obvious spots. Nothing screams “amateur hour” like dropping your B.R.B. in the middle of the objective where the entire enemy team can see and destroy it. Find sneaky corners, elevated positions, or areas just behind the cover to maximize its value.

Underutilizing Rocket’s mobility is a cardinal sin. His wall climb and jetpack combination is arguably the most broken movement ability in any hero shooter—use it constantly! You should consistently have the lowest death count on your team; if you don’t, you’re not leveraging his survivability properly.

Avoid overextending just because you can. Yes, your primary fire melts faces up close, but that doesn’t mean you should be flanking enemy supports. Know your role—you’re there to keep your team alive and occasionally finish off low-health targets, not to play lone wolf.

Finally, don’t stay silent. Rocket’s relatively chill gameplay loop makes him perfect for shotcalling. If you’re not communicating enemy positions and coordinating engagements, you’re missing half your potential value. A vocal Rocket player can be the difference between a disorganized mess and a well-oiled killing machine.

What’s your experience playing Rocket Raccoon in Marvel Rivals? Share your tips and favorite team compositions in the comments below!

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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