counter easy hit Martha Stewart Shared a Genius Tip to Add More Flavor to Your Chocolate Cake – Wanto Ever

Martha Stewart Shared a Genius Tip to Add More Flavor to Your Chocolate Cake

Martha Stewart knows a thing or two about how to make delicious cakes. So when she shares a new recipe for baked goods, we quickly take note. From her iconic fluffy Angel Food Cake to her citrus magic sheet cake — we loved them all. However, there’s one classic cake recipe that’s always our go-to: chocolate cake; and Stewart just shared a genius way to make it even better than usual. Her Chocolate Sprinkle Sheet Cake recipe is lighter than many dense, decadent chocolate cake recipes, and she shared the secret on Instagram.

In the Instagram post, she wrote, “A light chocolate cake is not a contradiction in terms; it’s a splendid anytime snack. Here, some of the flour in our basic recipe is replaced with a half-cup of cocoa powder for a deep chocolate flavor. Sour cream creates a tender crumb, and buttercream frosting gets whipped until airy with an electric mixer. Last but by no means least: Sprinkles make everything joyous. Get the recipe at the link in our bio. 📷: @conpoulos_photographer.”

Stewart’s tip on replacing some of the flour with cocoa powder is so simple and yet so so genius. Honestly, we’re not sure how we’ve never thought about this before but it’s definitely going to change the way we make our cakes from now on. After all, can you ever really have enough chocolate?! (The answer is always a resounding “no”).

As Stewart says, you’ll need an electric mixer; if you don’t have one KitchenAid has a stand mixer we love (and so does Ina Garten).

Get Martha Stewart’s Chocolate Sprinkle Sheet Cake recipe online and in the January/February issue of Martha Stewart Living.

Before you go, check out our slideshow below:

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