counter easy hit Jamie Laing forced to throw up at the side of the road during his gruelling 150 mile Comic Relief challenge – Wanto Ever

Jamie Laing forced to throw up at the side of the road during his gruelling 150 mile Comic Relief challenge

JAMIE Laing was forced to stop his epic fundraising challenge because he had to vomit, Radio 1’s Greg James revealed.

The radio and podcast star, 36, is on day four of his 150-mile run for Comic Relief and he has very little left in the tank.

Two runners on a road, one stretching.
Jamie Laing’s body is taking a battering on his 150-mile run
Three people jogging down a road.
He’s running from London to Salford for Comic Relief

On today’s breakfast show, Greg said: “He sounded very broken then, difficult times for him. Matt Edmondson said he pulled up to the side of the road and vomited. His body is saying please stop and all of us are saying please keep going, you’re nearly there.”

Made In Chelsea legend Jamie is attempting five ultramarathons in five days, travelling from BBC offices in London to Salford, Manchester.

At one point Jamie sank to the ground, his legs unable to carry him any further.

Matt, who is part of Jamie’s support team, said: “Jamie’s on his hands and knees on the side of the road palms in the gravel.”

Breathless, Jamie said: “I didn’t think it could get any worse guys, it’s worse than yesterday.”

Before finding out his new total, he said: “I want to be as authentic and real as possible, oh I’m going to faint.

“Something like this when I get an update suddenly you get some endorphins or something in your muscles that goes come on you can do this.”

He was lost for words after learning he’s raised over £510,000.

“I’m totally speechless,” said Jamie. “That’s just incredible and so generous. The Radio 1 listeners, you guys rock, you’re complete rock stars, each and every one of you. Thanks so much.”

In an attempt to buoy Jamie’s spirits at the finish line, Greg has agreed to wear a wedding dress when he reunites with his BBC stablemate tomorrow.

The Sun has been checking in with Jamie daily on his challenge and it is clear the road had taken its toll on his body.

Speaking from Loughborough University, where he started his fourth day running, Jamie admitted: “My body is totally broken, to the point I don’t know how I am going to push on.

“My feet hurt, my legs hurt, my brain hurts, everything hurts.

“I’m going in and out of weird emotions, sometimes I feel emotional, sometimes I feel angry, sometimes excited, sometimes tired – it is a rollercoaster of everything.”

To keep up with Jamie’s challenge and to donate – please visit

BBC Radio 1 presenter Jamie Laing emotional during a Comic Relief challenge.

The emotions have been high on epic fundraiser[/caption]

BBC Radio 1 presenter Jamie Laing hugging his wife Sophie Habboo.

His wife Sophie Habboo is supporting him[/caption]

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