Invincible’s arc so far in the show has been him struggling to not become his father. This has manifested in a chronic aversion to killing, something that Mark has given in a few times, albeit under duress, like with Angstrom Levy, and the Future Immortal. Robert Kirkman has revealed why Mark’s journey has been the way it has, and what his thoughts were on where Mark landed in the finale of Season 3.

The fight with Conquest ended with Mark deciding that if it ever came down to his family and an attacker, he would hesitate to protect his family, killing the aggressor if necessary. This is shown in the fact that Mark has zero remorse for the death of Conquest and that he blatantly tells Oliver that his attitude was right about Angstrom Levy. Robert Kirkman has revealed that Mark’s growth this time around might be here to stay.
Robert Kirkman believes that Mark should have killed Angstrom Levy the first time around

Angstrom Levy’s death was something that weighed pretty heavily on Invincible, with multiple characters going out of their way to tell Mark that he did the right thing. However, when the character returned, alive and well, Mark actually saw the logic in killing Levy, almost going ahead with it, only failing because Levy managed to escape.
Robert Kirkman believed that Mark was on the right path this season, saying that he was wrong to not want to kill Levy the first time around. He said (via Variety)
That was something he was wrestling with for the majority of Season 3 and then became keenly aware of the fact that if he had actually murdered Angstrom, it would have prevented a ton of misery. He definitely believes that he killed Conquest. It shows that this guy’s learning.
I think one of the fun things about this series is that Mark is young. Early on, I was seeing people agree with Cecil and think Mark was wrong at the beginning of this season, and, yeah, he is.He can be, that’s fine. I like the idea of a protagonist that is making mistakes, and a lot of people try to avoid that. They don’t want the audience to be against the main character. But I think that showing the naivete that Mark can have is important as he learns and grows from season to season.
The idea that Mark, who was perhaps in the conventional right at the beginning of the series, might be wrong when it comes to his world, is something a lot of people picked up on at the beginning of the series.
Cecil, and Oliver for the most part, had the right idea when it came to the likes of Angstrom Levy. This was cemented in the punishment that Mark dished out the Conquest, causing him to solidify his fate in killing the character.
Where is Mark headed in Season 4 of Invincible?

Season 4 of Invincible has taken a wild turn from the comics, thanks to the post-credit scene of the finale. Robert Kirman talked about how he was always keen on doing certain stories that never got the time of their day in the comics. Be it a storyline focused on Hell, or more to do with a character that did not get the chance to shine in the comics, Invincible Season 4 is going to have a wildly different storyline than the comics.
While the story has moved around things during its adaptation, the show, save with Damien Darkblood, has never done anything this major. Invincible will definitely be traveling to hell to fight The Great Beast, however, he manifests.
It must be noted that a slew of Invincible bodies are currently on Earth, Mark has decided that killing is alright, and Conquest rests in the GDA’s secret vault, all of whom could be worthy candidates of the ‘blackened heart required to resurrect the Great Beast.
Invincible Season 3 is currently streaming on Prime Video.
This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire