counter easy hit “His entire family was murdered”: Gal Gadot’s Holocaust Survivor Family and How Her Past Helped Wonder Woman to be a Box Office Hit – Wanto Ever

“His entire family was murdered”: Gal Gadot’s Holocaust Survivor Family and How Her Past Helped Wonder Woman to be a Box Office Hit

Gal Gadot has faced quite a bit of unwarranted criticism in recent years, but her story is one of hard work and determination. She jumped into acting with big dreams and worked hard to make them happen.

Gal Gadot in a still from Wonder Woman 1984
Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman 1984 | Credits: Warner Bros. Pictures

A huge influence in her life was her grandfather, a Holocaust survivor, whose story taught her the power of courage, resilience, and standing up for what’s right, values that stuck with her. Thus it’s no surprise that this helped her shine as Wonder Woman, bringing heart and strength to the role.

How Gal Gadot’s family shaped her values and ultimately led her to Wonder Woman…

Gal Gadot‘s journey to playing Wonder Woman may have started in Hollywood, but her strength was forged long before that. In her family, her father comes from a long line of Israelis, while her mother’s side has roots in war-torn Europe.

Her maternal grandmother managed to escape just before World War II, but her grandfather’s journey was far more harrowing. He was just 13 when the Nazis invaded his home in Czechoslovakia.

Gal Gadot's late grandfather Abraham Weiss, a Holocaust survivor whose family was killed at Auschwitz. || Credits: Facebook/Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot’s late grandfather Abraham Weiss, a Holocaust survivor whose family was killed at Auschwitz. || Credits: Facebook/Gal Gadot

His father died serving in the army, while his mother and brother tragically died in Auschwitz. After the war, he made his way to Israel alone, determined to start fresh. Gadot in an interview with Rolling Stone revealed,

His entire family was murdered – it’s unthinkable, He affected me a lot. After all the horrors he’d seen, he was like this damaged bird, but he was always hopeful and positive and full of love. If I was raised in a place where these values were not so strong, things would be different. But it was very easy for me to relate to everything that Wonder Woman stands for.

Perhaps it’s no coincidence that Gadot went on to portray Wonder Woman, a hero who stands for love, hope, and justice, who first appeared in 1941, the same year America entered World War II. It goes without saying that her ties with the character are deeply personal.

Gal Gadot on her political views…

Hollywood may seem highly political during award shows and public events, but it’s still a delicate topic within the industry, (and not to mention on social media) especially when the conversation extends beyond U.S. borders.

This is particularly true for Gal Gadot, an Israeli performer who isn’t afraid to address her homeland’s complex politics. In a conversation with Variety, she revealed,

There is a challenge for people to speak on social media because there is so much hate going on and so many bots and so many angry people that are looking for a cause

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman 1984
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman 1984 || Credits: Warner Bros. Pictures

She further added,

After October 7th [2023], I don’t talk politics — because who cares about the celebrity talking about politics? I’m an artist. But on October 7th, when people were abducted from their homes, from their beds, men, women, children, elderly, Holocaust survivors, were going through the horrors of what happened that day, I could not be silent. I was shocked by the amount of hate, by the amount of how much people think they know when they actually have no idea, and also by how the media is not fair many times. So I had to speak up.

On October 7, 2023, Hamas, a Palestinian armed group and political movement based in Gaza, carried out an attack on Israel, killing approximately 1,200 people and taking over 250 hostages. In response, Israel launched a major military offensive in Gaza, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians.

Thus, beyond everything, Gadot prays for peace, prosperity, and better days for everyone on this planet, especially for a safe and secure environment for the next generations.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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