counter easy hit “Hector deserved better”: ‘Castlevania’ Should Never Have Tried Redeeming Lenore After What She Did to Hector – Wanto Ever

“Hector deserved better”: ‘Castlevania’ Should Never Have Tried Redeeming Lenore After What She Did to Hector

Carmilla takes the cake for being the wicked villain in Castlevania. But there is someone more cunning who blatantly got away with what she wanted. Yes, it is Lenore, the fan-favorite redhead who was somehow redeemed by the end of the series. But it is unbecoming and underserving in every single way.

Dracula with his fangs out in Castlevania.
Vlad Dracula Tepes in a still from the animated series | Credit: Powerhouse Animation

Her actions in the series are questionable despite her performative “humanity” toward Hector. The seduction and manipulation are a part of her charm to maneuver people according to her will. By the end of it all, it was a major disservice to the forge master and his painful experiences in the series.

Lenore’s redemption is unbecoming and undeserving

Lenore is every redhead stereotype you could think of. She is charming, attractive, manipulative, and contentious for the most part. This has to do with her characterization. Her being fashioned on the femme fatale archetype is no joke, especially with how she “enslaves” Hector.

She is a member of the Council Sisters and is one of the key rulers of Styria along with Carmilla, Morana, and Striga. It is her persuasion skill that comes in handy when Hector is brought to Styria. The forgemaster’s army is an asset hence Carmilla enslaves him in her kingdom.

Lenore in Castlevania.
Lenore in a still from the animated series | Credit: Powerhouse Animation

Fans deem her rather compassionate to the Forgemaster compared to Carmilla but that is disputable in every sense. She indeed warms up to him which makes him feel at ease. But she also exploited his vulnerability when she manipulated him to have s*x with him.

On top of that, the “pet ring” doesn’t shake the fact that she treats him as a subhuman. Putting him on a leash is her way of dehumanizing him while most fans cheer on this dominatrix feat. And while her beauty gives her a pass for being a predator, her redemption is unbecoming and undeserving.

This is something that is agreeable and this Redditor even vouches for it.

byu/basket_foso from discussion

When asked if they remember the redhead, the Redditors responded with hate. Some loyalists tend to overlook her actions in the series. Others, however, had strong opinions and wished for a gruesome end. But one thing is certain and that is, her end was dissatisfactory in every aspect.

It is unfair to Hector’s traumatic past and journey in the series. Her solar suicide is something that was underwhelming. There are undeniable, moments where she seeks to protect the forge master but it doesn’t spare her from criticism. His trauma and loss are something even readers won’t forget.

Hector’s rattling journey in Castlevania

Hector is a skilled forge master and one of the well-written characters in the Castlevania series. There are parallels between him and Isaac when it comes to loss and suffering. Both forge masters left their “families” and found solace in Dracula’s mission and purpose.

I have respect for him, but he is a gentle soul. He’s still a little boy. Probably the same little boy who didn’t understand why he was beaten for keeping pets

It is their journey that reflects pain and trauma. Both characters mirror pain in different ways as the series progresses. And while some find wisdom, others are left helpless as is the case with Hector. This is precisely why Isaac calls him a child.

We see sternness in Isaac when he decides to discipline himself with a whip. It reminds him of his troubled past. Yet, with the latter, it is the child-like disposition that renders compassion within his nature. It is a beautiful moment where he pets the night creature showing his residual humanity.

The show has an array of moments where characters take a detour from their usual persona. And though our forge masters were freed from the torment, they deserved closure by the end of the series.

Castlevania is available for streaming on Netflix.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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