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Barcelona vs Real Madrid could be played at WEMBLEY as £1.25bn Camp Nou renovation descends into chaos

EL CLASICO could end up being played at Wembley after Barcelona’s £1.25billion renovation of the Nou Camp descended into chaos.

The Spaniards have been playing at Catalonia’s Olympic Stadium for nearly two years while their famous home ground undergoes a major rebuild.

Aerial view of Wembley Stadium with branding being installed.
Barcelona vs Real Madrid could end up being played at Wembley[/caption]
Renovation work at Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona.
A rebuilt Nou Camp is unlikely to be ready before next season[/caption]
Kylian Mbappé of Real Madrid in action against a FC Barcelona player.
Barcelona and Real could end up having a title showdown on May 11[/caption]

Barcelona were hoping to return to the Nou Camp before the end of the season, as it would be the ideal setting for a potential title-decider against fierce rivals Real Madrid on May 11.

However, Barca’s plans have been thrown into turmoil after it emerged that the Nou Camp is unlikely to be ready before next season.

The arena was knocked down in June 2023, with the new stadium built on it foundations.

But despite splashing out £1.25bn to increase capacity from 99,354 to over 105,000, Barcelona chiefs now fear the Nou Camp will not be finished in time for the next El Clasico.

It leaves them facing life without a base for the final month of the season, with the lease on their temporary Olympic Stadium home expiring in April.

The ideal solution would be for an extension until the summer.

But the 58,000-seater Olympic Stadium has already been booked out for several concerts in May, including the first show of the Rolling Stones’ upcoming European tour.

Barcelona are now exploring the possibility of playing their match against Real abroad, having already seen a December clash against Atletico Madrid in America collapse.


LaLiga beaks have always dreamed of an El Clasico in the United States, but that would be extremely unlikely right now give the time span.

Instead, the Mail claims that Wembley has emerged as a wildcard option due to it being the venue where Barcelona won their first European Cup in 1992.

Panoramic view of Estadi Olímpic Lluis Companys, where FC Barcelona will play during the 2023-2024 La Liga season.
Barcelona’s Olympic Stadium lease ends in April, with a brief renewal unlikely[/caption]
Ronnie Wood, Mick Jagger, and Keith Richards backstage.
The Rolling Stones are booked to play the Olympic Stadium in May[/caption]

The London stadium’s mega 90,000 capacity means that fans from both sides would be able to pack in comfortably.

And with Barcelona hoping to whittle down the seven-point gap to league leaders Real before then, the match could end up becoming a potential title decider.

Hansi Flick’s side have had the better of their rivals three times already this season.

Their first was a 2-1 friendly win August.

And that was followed up by an incredible 4-0 league thumping at the Bernabeu in October.

Earlier this month, Barcelona smashed Real 5-2 to win the Spanish Super Cup in Saudi Arabia.

But both sides will be aware of Atletico Madrid looking to spoil the party, with Diego Simeone’s side second in the table – four points off Real and three ahead of Barca.

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“Міні носик”: Аліна Гросу замилувала мережу рідкісними фото з 7-річним братом (фото)

29-річна співачка Аліна Гросу, яка нещодавно пояснила, чому не показує чоловіка-росіянина, поділилася свіжими кадрами зі своїм молодшим братом Михайлом. На фото, які артистка виклала в Instagram, вона ніжно обіймає хлопчика. Підписники навіть не одразу зрозуміли, хто на фото — син Аліни чи брат. У Аліни з братом різниця у віці 22 роки   «Міні бро, […]

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5 натуральних способів збалансувати рівень гормонів

За балансування гормонів відповідає ендокринна система, а їх дисбаланс призводить до серйозних ускладнень начебто депресій, ожиріння, втрати волосся і безпліддя. Ось чому важливо зберігати цей баланс усіма доступними способами. Правильне харчування. Нездорова їжа порушує роботу ендокринної системи. Для того щоб уникнути її гіперактивності або недостатньої активності, потрібно вживати їжу з великою кількістю білків і волокон. […]

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Анастасія Приходько розповіла про роботу чоловіка та їхній спільний бюджет

6 Українська виконавиця Анастасія Приходько вперше за довгий час висловилася про своє особисте життя під час інтерв’ю. У новому випуску програми «33 питання» на ютуб-каналі Люкс ФМ артистка вперше розсекретила, чим займається її чоловік Олександр. За словами зірки сцени, коханий працює її концертним директором. Крім того, чоловік має власний бізнес. Приходько зазначила, Олександр добре розбирається […]

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Які помилки допускають при приготуванні пельменів

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Дефіцит куль і туалетного паперу: колишній солдат розповів про службу в армії КНДР

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Love Island fans spot exact moment Grace Jackson plans to ‘dump’ Luca Bish after scathing remark

LOVE Island fans claim Grace Jackson will dump Luca Bish after she called him out on his behaviour last night.

The pair have building on their fledgling romance since coupling up last week – but major drama in the villa looks to have driven a wedge between them.

Grace Jackson and Luca Bish in bed together.
Grace Jackson is growing frustrated with Luca Bish and Scott Thomas’s dynamic
A woman in a sparkly top sits on a couch in front of a beach scene backdrop.
Could Grace be in the market for a new man?

Luca clashed with pal Scott Thomas on Sunday night as the villa stars played truth or dare during a Las Vegas themed party night.

They had to be pulled apart after a riled Scott confronted Luca for revealing to the group that he wasn’t feeling his relationship with Tina Stinnes anymore.

Last night Luca and Grace were seen laying together in bed when she told him his continuous digs at Scott were putting her off.

She whispered: “You wind him up all the time. All the time. Don’t do that again or it will put me off.”

One viewer wrote on X: “From what Grace has been telling Luca during bed time seems like Luca has been pinching at Scott for a while and it’s honestly giving Tasha flashbacks.”

Luca was in the villa with Tasha Ghouri first time around in 2022 and faced bullying claims, along with Dami Hope, over the way he treated her.

Another viewer commented: “Grace ready to dump Luca lmao.”

However, there is still hope.

Luca and Scott buried the hatchet with a teary heart to heart paving the way for a fresh start.

In the villa garden Luca told Scott he “looks up to him”, as Scott – who says he sees himself as Luca’s “big brother” – apologised for “winding him up”.

“I love you,” Scott told Luca. “Come here. Bro, it’s all banter that went too far but I promise you, I didn’t want to bring out that side out of you.”

Hugging Scott, Luca agreed: “I didn’t want to bring it out of you. I look up to you, bro.”

The pair agreed to put their disagreement behind them, but fans are still worried about Luca’s wellbeing as it wasn’t the first time he’s been in tears this series.

Scott Thomas and Luca Bish of Love Island having a conversation.
Luca and Scott had a tearful make up session

Love Island All Stars 2025 official line-up

Love Island All Stars is back on TV for season 2.

Here we take you through the line-up of all the Islanders who are in the villa so far.


Each series brings with it a string of hot single bombshells making their epic entrance into the villa.

Here’s who has joined the villa so far:

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