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Вареники “Преміум” з курячою печінкою

Мабуть, усі люблять вареники. Для начинки можна використовувати сир, різні ягоди, капусту, картоплю, м’ясо, гриби та навіть рибу. Ми ж хочемо поділитися з вами рецептом вареників із курячою печінкою. Інгредієнти для тіста: 400 г пшеничного борошна вищого сорту; 2 великі варені картоплини; 200 г кисломолочного сиру; 1 яйце; сіль; 2-3 столові ложки рослинної олії. Інгредієнти […]

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Італійські дієтологи розповіли про продукти, що продовжують молодість

Жителі Італії відрізняються довголіттям і моложавістю. На думку науковців, продовженню молодості у них сприяє харчування. Італійські чоловіки доживають в середньому до 81 року, жінки – до 85 років. Дослідники пов’язують високу тривалість життя з особливостями місцевого живлення і перевагою певних продуктів. “Раціон італійців багатий білком, вітамінами А і С, фолієвою кислотою і антиоксидантами. В ньому […]

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Kelsey Parker teases wedding plans with new boyfriend Will Lindsay after revealing she’s pregnant

KELSEY Parker has revealed she could marry new boyfriend Will Lindsay within the next couple of years.

The 34-year-old, who is pregnant with her and Will’s first child together, was previously married to Tom Parker.

A woman in a floral dress laughs as a man in a gray suit embraces her.
Kelsey Parker hinted she could marry Will Lindsay in the next couple of years[/caption]
A man and woman hold their two young children outside a house.
Kelsey’s late husband Tom died in 2022 – he was just 33

The Wanted singer tragically died from brain cancer in 2022, at the age of 33, leaving behind Kelsey, daughter Aurelia, five, and son Bodhi, four.

Kelsey announced she was expecting last week and hinted at her marital future at Married At First Sight star April Banbury’s bridal event.

She told the Mail: “I would love to wear one of April’s wedding dresses in a couple of years’ time, there are some gorgeous designs.”

The mum-of-two revealed she is planning to pay tribute to late husband Tom when she gives birth.

Aurelia came up with a touching way of keeping her dad’s memory alive.

Kelsey told OK! Magazine: “I feel like Aurelia’s been in this world before. And when I was eight weeks pregnant, she came up and started talking to a baby in my tummy.

“Will and I just looked at each other in total disbelief! She has also said she’d like the baby to be called ‘Parker’ if it’s a boy.”

She admitted it had been “bittersweet” finding out she was expecting because she had also planned a big family with Tom.

“I’ve felt every emotion under the sun,” she said. “I’m still getting my head around it but I’m so excited. And I know I’m putting myself out there, telling people. I just want everyone to be as happy as I am.”

She continued: “I’m just trying to find joy. I love my children – they’ve got me through the worst times. So I feel like I’ve been blessed with another.

“If I dwelled on everything that’s happened, I wouldn’t be here. Tom was my soulmate. I’m still angry he’s gone. But I can’t live in sadness. Tom wouldn’t want that.”

She also said that Tom’s mother Noreen “gave me her blessing instantly” and is excited about having another grandchild.

Kelsey revealed she was in a new relationship with tree surgeon Will , 27, after posting a loved-up snap of the pair of them together last September.

She discovered she was pregnant again in October.

Tom Parker on the Lorraine TV show.
Tom bravely battled an inoperable brain tumour
Kelsey Parker at The Sun's Who Cares Wins Awards.
Kelsey has Tom’s mum’s blessing to move on[/caption]

Kelsey and Tom's relationship timeline

Kelsey and Tom were together for 13 years and have two children together

2009: Kelsey Hardwick and Tom Parker first met. Tom Parker was a member of the British-Irish boy band The Wanted.

2011: Kelsey and Tom started dating. Their relationship grew stronger as Tom’s career with The Wanted progressed.

2016: Tom proposed to Kelsey in a romantic setting. The couple announced their engagement to the public.

2018: Tom and Kelsey got married on 14th July 2018 in a beautiful ceremony attended by family and friends.

2019: The couple welcomed their first child, a daughter named Aurelia Rose Parker, in July.

2020: In October, Tom Parker revealed that he had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Kelsey stood by his side, providing support and strength.

2020: The Parkers welcomed their second child, a son named Bodhi Thomas Parker, in October.

2021-2022: Throughout Tom’s battle with cancer, Kelsey continued to support him and raise awareness of his condition.

2022: Tom Parker sadly passed away on 30th March 2022, after his courageous battle with brain cancer. Kelsey honoured his memory with heartfelt tributes and continued to share their love story with the public.

Kelsey Parker remains dedicated to keeping Tom’s memory alive and continues to be an inspiration to many for her strength and resilience.

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BBC star who ‘made so many people smile’ dies of heart attack in hospital after suffering stroke

BBC STAR Michael Baggott has died after a heart attack.

The Flog It antique dealer passed away in hospital on Tuesday, according to a post on his X account.

Headshot of Michael Baggott from BBC's Flog It.
Michael Baggott of BBC’s Flog It[/caption]

He had previously suffered a stroke in October last year.

The statement said: “Heartbroken to share that Michael died yesterday in hospital of a heart attack following a stroke in October.

“He was a dearly loved son, brother, nephew and uncle who will be deeply and profoundly missed.

“There will be a memorial service in the coming weeks, the details of which will be shared here.”

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5 кроків, як вирощувати вітамінну мікрозелень на підвіконні

  Мікрозелень — це городина (овочі, трави, злакові), яку зібрали після пророщування. Врожай збирають, коли в рослин з’явились 2-3 справжніх листочки. Розмір переважно до 15 см. Мікрозелень дуже корисна для здоров’я. З неї готують смузі, додають до салатів, супів та сендвічів. Вирощують із насіння. Врожай можна збирати через 1-3 тижні після посадки. Мікрозелень росте на […]

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