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Drivers fuming over ‘nonsense’ change to Google Maps affecting their car digital screen

AN update to Android Auto is driving users round the bend by making it hard to see the full view on Google Maps.

Android smartphone owners can connect their car to the infotainment system screen displaying useful apps like Google Maps to get around.

Photo illustration of the Google Maps logo on a smartphone screen.
The change appears on the Android Auto version of Google Maps
Android Auto screen showing Google Maps navigation to NW 17th Ave.
Users are not happy with the on-screen shake-up[/caption]

But users have noticed a “nonsense” change to the interface.

The problem kicks in when you leave Google Maps open and don’t have a guided destination set.

It seems, after a recent update, Google Maps now appears in a centred view by default.

As a result the destination box that allows you to type in where you want to go now blocks much of the map view.

As screenshots and comments on Reddit show, the smaller your screen the worse it is.

“I absolutely despise that box,” one user wrote.

“Even when you click the map to view the map larger, it’s the same goddamn size bc that black box is in the freaking way. I hate it w a passion.”

Another wrote: “Complete nonsense there is no feature parity with iOS, and that Google doesn’t even prioritize their own ecosystem (Android).”

Meanwhile, others have said they will switch to Waze – which Google also owns.

Users do have the option to hide the box by tapping the arrow button.

However, this isn’t a permanent fix as it re-reappears later.

Time to switch to Waze?

Analysis by Jamie Harris, Assistant Technology and Science Editor at The Sun

Was this change deliberate or an oversight?

Despite the sheer amount of testing that goes into software, things do get missed and it takes complaints like the ones above to bring about change.

It could be that Google didn’t quite consider that some people have older cars with smaller screens, compared to flashy new cars with bigger screens.

If it is unintentional, one would hope it will be quite easy to fix by allowing people to hide it permanently.

I personally prefer Waze on my car.

Despite also being owned by Google, it has more live traffic options and alerts that help me get from A to B faster.

So if the Google Maps change is bothering you, I’d see this as a good opportunity to switch.

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Princess Beatrice’s baby girl’s royal title revealed – and why aunt Eugenie’s sons DON’T get them

PRINCESS Beatrice’s baby girl could have a very unique royal title – but aunt Eugenie’s sons won’t get them.

The royal’s newborn daughter Athena was born several weeks prematurely and is said to be healthy and doing well – weighing 4lb 5oz.

Newborn baby wrapped in a pink blanket.
The couple have released a photo of their ‘tiny’ newborn wrapped in a pink blanket[/caption]

Princess Beatrice and her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi announced the birth alongside an adorable picture.

It is not expected that Her Majesty will give the newborn a title but Athena could get a unique one through Edoardo’s family.

Edoardo is actually an Italian count, so his children also inherit a count or countess title. 

Edoardo’s dad, Count Allessandro Mapelli Mozzi, explained to the Daily Mail: “Edoardo is the only male descendent taking the family into the next generation.

“He is a count, his wife will be a countess automatically and any of their children will be counts or nobile donna.”

Edo’s father has both British and Italian citizenship, but he cannot officially use his reported Italian title in the UK.

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RTE star Kayleigh Trappe reveals real reason she joined DWTS and admits to ‘fire in her belly’ for competition

RTE star Kayleigh Trappe has revealed the real reason she joined Dancing With The Stars – and it’s not for her family or friends.

The Irish social media star has been firing up the dancefloor each week in attempt to lift the coveted glitterball trophy.

Kayleigh Trappe and Ervinas Merfeldas dancing on Dancing with the Stars.
Kayleigh Trappe on week one of Dancing With The Stars series eight
Kayleigh Trappe and her dance partner on Dancing with the Stars.
Kayleigh Trappe is partnered with pro-dancer Ervinas Merfeldas

Kayleigh is partnered up with pro-dancer Ervinas Merfeldas and the pair have received some serious scores from the judges over the past four weeks.

Although the Monaghan beauty is breaking a sweat to impress the judges every Saturday, she has confessed the only reason she is doing the show is “for herself”.

The 29-year-old told VIP: “Growing up I loved sports but I was never very good at it. I always fell short at every hurdle. But this is the kind of show where I want to finally, in some sense, do myself proud.

“I already have done myself proud but with my demons from the past, I have a point to prove to myself rather than to the public or to family and friends. I want to go as far as I can go.”

The funny woman remarked that there was a “fire in her belly” to keep going to the final.

Aside from her self-motivated journey, Kayleigh noted how her family’s “amazing support” has also encouraged her to give it her all.

She said: “When I get on the dancefloor, I look at my family and I’m raring to go. It’s so lovely to see your family out there supporting you.”

And despite having a major following on TikTok, Kayleigh has been humble about her roots.

The Irish star joked: “I grew up in the sticks of county Monaghan and I’m so proud of it! I haven’t been home since Christmas, I miss home so much.

“And I long for the day I get to go back home and see everything because my family keeps sending me posters and different kinds of support back home. But I don’t believe it!”

 The former teacher revealed how her boyfriend has been supporting her through DWTS and is in the audience at every show.

The lip-synching comic met Tom, a fellow school teacher, on a night out last year.

And she told how the new fella never misses a live edition of DWTS, sitting with her family each Sunday night.


Kayleigh told The Irish Sun: “My boyfriend comes every week. His name is Tom and it’s fairly fresh but he is an absolutely amazing supporter.

“It’s funny, when you take somebody to Dancing With The Stars, you think they might not come again but they are up to coming every week so it’s great to have that support.”

She revealed how her parents love Roscommon man Tom, an “all-round good guy who works hard and is motivated”.

Kayleigh added: “He is so supportive.”

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Huge free adventure park that mums say is ‘one of the UK’s best’ to close ahead of £3million revamp

A HUGE free playground that was built as a royal memorial is to close ahead of a multi-million pound revamp.

The Diana Memorial Playground was built in 2000 inside Kensington Gardens.

Illustration of a playground design featuring a large wooden galleon ship play structure.
The Diana Memorial Playground is to undergo a £3million renovation this year[/caption]
Illustration of a new playground design.
A new multi-storey treehouse will open too[/caption]
Illustration of an accessible playground design, showing a person in a wheelchair with a helper inside a wooden ship structure.
It will also be made more accessible[/caption]

As many as 1million people visit a year, with a huge pirate ship, beach and sensory trail.

However, it is set to close, with plans for a £3million redevelopment.

The Royal Parks charity, who runs the playground, that it would is “retain the characteristics of the existing Peter Pan-inspired playground”.

The Peter Pan elements comes from its history relating to the famous book, where it was thought to have inspired the author JM Barrie.

The garden’s park manager Andy Williams, said it would “provide more accessible and inclusive play, as well as challenging physical play, so that children of all abilities can enjoy creative and imaginative play together”.

This means the galleon ship will have new additions such as a crowds nest, wheel and telescope, as well as a double-storey stern.

A new multi-level treehouse will have a suspension bridge, new tunnel slide, seesaw bridge and slide.

And the water and sand area at the Mermaid Fountain will be expanded.

More trees and plants will be added along with seating areas and designated paths.

The playground will close from autumn 2025, and will reopen by spring 2026.

So kids will still have a chance to visit it this summer before the temporary closure.

Mums have previously raved about the park, with one saying it was the “the best playground we’ve visited”.

Another said: “Brilliant free playground, the best we’ve been to.”

Many said that they spent hours at the park, with enough to do for kids to stay entertained.

Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground.
The sand pits are also being redeveloped[/caption]
Illustration of the Diana Memorial Playground in Kensington Gardens, featuring a large wooden pirate ship play structure and other play areas.
The park will close by autumn 2025[/caption]

Thankfully there is also a coffee shop, snack stall and toilet block as well, so no rushing away for kids craving food.

Only kids with adults are allowed in, with a gated area and staff not allowing solo adults inside.

If you want to explore the rest of Kensington Gardens, you can also spot the unique ring-necked parakeets and even feed them.

Otherwise here is what it is like to visit the world’s largest play structure, which is right in the UK.

And the Netherlands is home to Europe’s largest playground.

We’ve even rounded up five of the best indoor attractions for when the weather turns.

Children playing on a large wooden pirate ship playground.
It will reopen by spring 2026[/caption]

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Продукти, які дають організму багато вітаміну B12

Вітамін B12 є важливою поживною речовиною, яку необхідно отримувати з їжею, оскільки організм не може її виробляти. Вітамін В12 необхідний для процесу кровотворення та формування ДНК, нормального функціонування нервової системи. При його нестачі виникає проблема швидкої стомлюваності та неврологічних порушень: погіршується пам’ять, мислення, виникають депресивні стани та нервозність, розвиваються порушення сну. Так само як дефіцит […]

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Два способи для чищення сковорідки

Утворення нагару — звичайна справа. Користуватися сковорідками можна обережно та дбайливо, але він в будь-якому випадку має властивість з’являтися. Розповімо про два методи, які допоможуть його побороти. Метод для чавунних виробів Найперше, що треба сказати про чавунні сковорідки: не лишайте їх після приготування стояти тривалий час без обробки. Посипте нагар декількома ложками солі, влийте оцет […]

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Жінка дуже спритно спіймала склянку з кави, що випала з рук

Катріна зовсім не є професійною трюкачкою, а тому їй була особливо дивовижна та спритність, на яку вона виявилася здатною. Жінка, що тримала в руках склянку з кавою, випустила її, але катастрофи зі зіпсованим нарядом не трапилося, адже Катріна зуміла спіймати склянку. Після дами із задоволенням згадала про наявність камери відеоспостереження, яка, звичайно, зняла цей момент. […]

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37-річна Саша Шульгіна в бікіні похизувалася спортивним тілом після двох пологів

Переможниця 1-го сезону «Холостяка», блогерка і лайф-коуч Саша Шульгіна посвітила фігурою в купальнику. 37-річна мама двох доньок похизувалася спортивним тілом і замотивувала підписників. За останні 2 роки Саша скинула близько 40 кіло Спонсори фігури блогерки — не лише харчування й спорт, а і занурення у холодну воду   Саша дійсно надихає жінок, зокрема майбутніх мам […]

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Як господині використовують обвітрене сало

  0 Внаслідок тривалого зберігання сало може втратити білий колір і стати жовтуватим. З іншого боку, продукт обвітрюється. У результаті він ще значною мірою втрачає свій апетитний зовнішній вигляд. У подібній ситуації багато господинь приходять до висновку про необхідність позбутися страви. Подробиці Однак досвідчені кулінари ніколи не викинуть старе сало на смітник. Хитрі кухарі знають, […]

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