14 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on M6 traffic: Horror lorry crash forces major motorway to CLOSE during rush hour as emergency crews scrambled
A MAJOR motorway is completely closed after a horror lorry crash this morning.
All lanes going northbound on the M6 in Lancashire are shut between junctions 32 and 33.
Lancashire Police said that the motorway is expected to be closed for some time.
The force released a statement on X which read: “The M6 Northbound between junctions 32-33 is currently closed due to a road traffic collision.
“We anticipate that the motorway will be closed for some time. We’d recommend looking for an alternative route.
“We’ll update you here once the motorway is open.”
National Highways also said the M6 is “likely to be closed for some time”.
A social media post said: “The #M6 in #Lancashire is CLOSED northbound between J32 (#M55) and J33 (#Garstang) due to a serious collision involving a lorry and a van.
“All emergency services are in attendance.
“More information including diversion route details to follow shortly.
“The road is likely to be closed for some time. Thanks for your patience if you’re caught up.”
The M6 Northbound between junctions 32-33 is currently closed due to a road traffic collision[/caption]
14 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on ‘We all share the same emotional turmoil’ say Stardust families in touching gesture to Omagh victims as inquest begins
SOME of the Stardust families have travelled to Omagh to support the loved ones of the 1998 Real IRA bombing’s victims and help them prepare pen portraits at the public inquiry, the Irish Sun has learned.
A hearing started in the Co Tyrone town into the worst terrorist attack in the history of the Troubles, which claimed the lives of 29 people, including a woman pregnant with twins.
No one has been convicted of the atrocity, which took place on August 15, 1998.
The public inquiry will feature family members and friends delivering pen portraits about the victims over the coming weeks.
Pen portraits were a vital part of the year-long Stardust inquests, which concluded last year when a jury ruled that the 48 young people who lost their lives in the 1981 Artane nightclub fire were unlawfully killed.
Gertrude Barrett, who lost her 17-year-old Michael in the blaze, Terry Kavanagh, the sister of Stardust victim Murtagh Kavanagh, and Lorraine Sorahan, whose sister Teresa McDonnell lost her life in the St Valentine’s Day disaster 44 years ago, have travelled to Omagh to support the families and help them with the pen portrait process.
Gertrude told the Irish Sun: “It is a privilege to stand in solidarity with Omagh families as they proceed through their pen portraits.
“They have had the awfulness of a bomb and we had the awfulness of a fire, yet we share the same emotional turmoil, heartache, grief and unbearable loss, compounded by a fight for truth and justice. Something we should never have to do – fight for truth and justice.”
Her daughter Carole added: “It is very easy for victims to get lost in the number 29 (Omagh victims) and the words Omagh bombing, as it was for Stardust victims; they were lost in the number 48 and the word Stardust for 43 years.
“Pen Portraits are very important, they humanise victims and tell us about their individuality, personality and uniqueness.”
Michael Gallagher, who lost his 21-year-old son Aiden in the Omagh, has long campaigned for a public inquiry but says for the next three weeks it should be about remembering the victims of the horror attack 27 years ago.
He said: “We are having some the survivors of the Stardust tragedy, which happened in 1981 when 48 young people lost their lives on the 14th of February, St Valentine’s Day. They’re coming, without being asked.
“We supported them last year when they had their public inquiry and that took over 40 years and eventually the Irish Government reluctantly made an apology. It’s important for now that we remember those people who died in Omagh.”
14 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on ‘This is first time my name is over door’, Kathryn Thomas says on big-time new Q102 job as she reveals famous pals plot
KATHRYN Thomas has told of her excitement at taking on the challenge of hosting her own radio show, and said: “My name is over the door, I can’t wait for it.”
And Kat, 46, admitted that, while there’s some nerves, she can’t wait to get going.
She said: “I’ve done long stints filling in for people on radio, but this is the first time my name is over the door. I have never had that opportunity before, so I am grabbing it with both hands.”
Kathryn has worked in Irish TV and radio for over 25 years, starting on RTE travel show No Frontiers.
And she revealed she’ll be calling on some famous pals to help her out — including new station mate Ryan Tubridy, who will follow on from Kathryn on weekdays at 10am.
She said: “Ryan said it could take a couple of months to find my groove, so I’m under no illusion.
“There will be new listeners I bring to the station, but there will also be existing listeners who love Q102. I’m excited and I can’t wait for this challenge.”
Kathryn is at the forefront of a brand new relaunch for Dublin’s Q102 which aims to “brighten listeners’ days with fresh entertainment and feel-good music”.
Kathryn told The Irish Sun: “I can understand why somebody thought this was a good idea. It’s a new chapter for both of us (Kathryn and Ryan) going into commercial radio. Ryan came on air with Q102 quite quickly, and now the station are building around that.
“I’ll be covering stories that matter to Dubliners, along with weather and travel and feel-good music that promises to brighten your morning, no matter what the weather.”
It’s fair to say that Kathryn is buzzing about the future.
She said: “I’m somebody who loves to learn and loves new challenges. Now I’m operating the desk and I have never run a radio desk before. I’m learning what the buttons do, calling in the news and turning my microphone down. I’m sure, after a while it will all become second nature to me.
“Naturally, it will evolve as I find my feet. It’s a big challenge but I’m relishing it. I’ve also been practising the early morning starts and so far, I haven’t slept through my alarm clock once.
“The support from everyone at Q102 and the well-wishes from all over Dublin have been amazing. I’m so excited to get started!”
While used to doing morning or afternoon stints on RTE, breakfast radio is brand new to Kathryn, who revealed she has sought advice from broadcasting pals who know how morning radio works.
She said: “I’ve spoken to Muireann (O’Connell) and Doireann (Garrihy) and all the FM104 crew. Everyone who has done morning radio or TV and knows this breakfast space, and they have all been amazing.
“For instance, I’m used to doing ten or 15-minute interviews, but on breakfast, you need to be in and out in three minutes. Now I’ve picked up so many tips and hints.
“It’s really all about finding your feet and knowing when something feels comfortable. Like, we tested out a couple of things that weren’t connecting with me, and we binned them to try something else.”
Fun items on Kathryn’s new morning show will include ‘Brekkie’s Got Talent’, where children across Dublin share their amazing talents on-air, and engaging games where listeners can win big prizes.
Kathryn said: “Kids on the radio for me is always gold, so we’re doing that. There’ll be competitions as well for listeners to win some money. And I want to remind Dubliners what’s so great about being in Dublin, let them know what’s happening in the city and all the best places to go.”
Expect lots of guests too, with Kathryn revealing she might double job as her own booker, ringing up famous pals to come on her show.
She laughed: “You can’t work in TV for 25 years and not have contacts. I’d like to think I have built a lot of friendships along the way.
“For example, I just bumped into Una Healy in the corridor at Q102. We did The Voice Of Ireland together back in 2015 when she was pregnant. Back then I wasn’t married, had no kids, but now I have two children.”
Speaking of children, Kathryn said the offer from Q102 came at just the right time, as a mum to daughters Ellie, six, and Gracie, three, with husband Padraig McLoughlin.
She said: “I never mind people asking me how I juggle work with kids because I’m always interested in talking to women with children and how they manage. This new show wouldn’t have worked for me or suited my life when my kids were small.”
Kathryn, from Carlow, is a huge advocate for health and has her own business, Pure Results, where she runs fitness and wellness retreats here in Ireland and abroad.
And healthy living is still a subject close to Kathryn’s heart, as she hosts a new two-part RTE TV documentary on ‘Ozempic, The Skinny Jab Revolution’, airing in the coming weeks and produced by her own production company.
She added: “I’m really fascinated looking at how these weight-loss drugs work and how they are impacting society as a whole.”
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Планування городу – це мистецтво, яке поєднує науку та досвід. Сівозміна (чергування культур) допомагає уникнути виснаження ґрунту, зменшити ризик хвороб і шкідників, а також підвищити врожайність. Основні правила сівозміни Схема городу з урахуванням сівозміни – це інвестиція в майбутній урожай. Вона не лише підвищує врожайність, але й зменшує витрати на добрива та захист від […]
14 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on Які 7 “секретів” допоможуть приготувати “ідеальний” гарнір із рису
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14 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on Ознаки в листуванні, які покажуть, що партнер вам бреше
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14 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on “Ви перейшли всі межі”: “Холостяк” Терен закликав підписників Бєлєнь “від*батися” від нього. Оновлено
Історія парочки з «Холостяка-13» завершилася несподіваним для багатьох чином… Фото з Instagram Бєлєнь Заява героя 13-го сезону «Холостяка», ветерана та письменника Олександра «Терена» Будька та переможниці шоу Інни Бєлєнь про завершення стосунків викликала бурхливу реакцію мережі. Настільки бурхливу, що чоловік закрив коментарі під цим дописом у Instagram, а в сторіс емоційно звернувся до підписників Інни, […]
14 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on Підрозділ російських окупантів отримав “техніку” для транспортування боєприпасів
Для транспортування боєприпасів на передову одному з російських підрозділів видали віслюка. Відповідне відео опубліковане у телеграм-каналі Бутусов Плюс. За словами самих загарбників, раніше для таких завдань використовували класичні “буханки”, проте тепер техніку або знищено, або її просто немає. В результаті солдатам доводиться використовувати тварин.