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Drink-driver who crashed after making late-night dash to McDonald’s to buy a Happy Meal is jailed

Mugshot of a man with a beard.

A DRINK-driver who made a late-night dash to a McDonald’s to buy a Happy Meal has landed behind bars.

Ethan Marshall crashed while leaving a drive-thru with his food.

The 31-year-old failed to stop but was later tracked down by police.

Officers found a crate of Bud Light beers and a bottle of white wine perched next to his McDonald’s order on his passenger seat.

Marshall, of Hawarden, Flintshire, was twice the drink-drive limit.

He admitted drink-driving, driving while disqualified and having no insurance when he appeared before Mold magistrates the next day.

He was jailed for 16 weeks and banned from the roads for 51 weeks.

North Wales Police said: “Not a Happy Meal for him, in the end.”

Posting a picture on their Facebook page, the force added: “A 31-year-old male was arrested last night in the Broughton area following reports of a failure to stop RTC.

“Officers attended and located the vehicle, the driver provided a positive roadside breath test.

“Needless to say he didn’t get to enjoy his Happy Meal and was off to McCustody instead.”

A dozen comments flooded in, with one man branding Marshall a “McNugget”.

Mugshot of Ethan Marshall, drink driver.
Ethan Marshall was jailed for 16 weeks and banned from the roads for 51 weeks

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David Beckham strips down to his boxers to reveal his new Boss One Bodywear collection

GOLDENBALLS is well and truly back — as David Beckham poses in underwear.

The ex-England captain, 49, kicks back in a leather armchair in his trunks in the shoot for the Boss One bodywear collection.

David Beckham in BOSS underwear.
Mert and Marcus
David Beckham posed in a leather armchair in his trunks in a shoot for the Boss One bodywear collection[/caption]
David Beckham in BOSS underwear under a shower.
Mert and Marcus
Becks is seen dripping wet while taking a shower in his pants in a series of snaps[/caption]

He is also seen dripping wet while taking a shower in his pants in a series of snaps taken by pro photographers Mert and Marcus.

Proud wife Victoria, 50, showed her support on Instagram — where she commented: “My boss.”

And Becks’ personal trainer Bobby Rich hinted at the sportsman having toiled at the gym ahead of the ad, saying: “This is the epitome of ‘hard work pays off’.”

The news comes as dapper footie hero David was handed a gong at the World Economic Forum’s gathering of the super-rich.

Becks, 49, chatted to US TV anchor Sara Eisen after accepting an award for his work improving the living conditions of children.

The Unicef Goodwill Ambassador told the audience in Davos that girls are “held back” by discrimination.

He said he wanted his daughter Harper, 13, to have the same life chances as her three older brothers.

Becks said: “Girls need opportunities. They need collective action and they need investment.”

Also speaking at the 55th annual WEF meeting in Switzerland was Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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Готуємо смачні пончики з дріжджового тіста

  Пончики актуально готувати завжди та при будь-яких умовах. Вони просто дуже смачні. А як приємно ласувати ними із чаєм. Готувати їх не є складною задачею. Просто треба зробити добре тісто із дріжджами. То ж беріть продукти, гарний настрій та порадуйте родину смачненьким. Продукти для приготування Для пончиків вам знадобляться наступні продукти: борошно — 500 […]

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5 міфів про здоров’я, в які вірять навіть лікарі

Якось ми вже розповідали про міфи про самопочуття. Якщо ви думали, що цим забобони про здоров’я закінчуються, то глибоко помиляєтеся. Адже існує ще чимало міфів про головний пріоритет людини – здоров’я. Міф № 1: щодня треба випивати 8 склянок води Вважається, що чим більше води ти в себе вливаєш, тим краще для здоров’я. Зокрема, для […]

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Сирість та цвіль шафам більше на загрожуватимуть: що ідеально забирає вологу

Якщо сирість та цвіль у шафі дошкуляють, то ці методи допоможуть усунути вологу, грибок і неприємний запах безпечно і ефективно. З такою проблемою, як запах цвілі час від часу стикається кожна людина. Частіше всього від неї страждають власники приватних будинків та приміщень, де відчувається підвищена вологість. Навіть якщо ви зберігаєте речі в шафі, то це […]

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Watch Renée Zellweger and Leo Woodall’s cute moment at the ‘Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy’ London premiere

Could they be any cuter? Renée Zellweger and Leo Woodall share a sweet moment on the red carpet at the ‘Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy’ premiere. See why we’re obsessing in the clip! Subscribe to our YouTube for the latest on all your favorite stars.

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