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Ireland Under 20s suffer disappointing defeat to defending champs England in Six Nations opener

OISÍN MINOGUE’S sin-binning ended Ireland’s comeback bid as England kicked off the defence of their Under-20 Six Nations title with victory in Cork.

The Red Rose were leading 9-3 in the 67th minute when the unlucky Munster flanker, who had just been introduced, was punished for collapsing a maul.

30 January 2025; Charlie Molony of Ireland is tackled into touch by Josh Bellamy and Kane James of England in the last play during the U20 Six Nations Rugby Championship match between Ireland and England at Virgin Media Park in Cork. Photo by Brendan Moran/Sportsfile
Charlie Molony of Ireland is tackled into touch by Josh Bellamy and Kane James during the 19-3 loss

Minogue was sent to the bin and England were awarded a penalty try to make it 16-3.

With Ireland down to 14 men, the visitors saw the game out, with Ben Coen adding to his three first-half penalties.

The champions led 9-3 at the interval, with Sam Wisniewski kicking Ireland’s only score.

England were down to 13 men at one point when Junior Kpoku was shown a 20-minute red for a shoulder to the head.

Captain Tom Burrow followed him for ten minutes after slapping the ball out of Clark Logan’s hands.

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Little boy, 5, was ‘in his school uniform and looking for his brothers’ when he was killed by car – as mum pays tribute

A SCHOOLBOY was killed running out into a busy road as he tried to find where his older brothers were playing, an inquest heard.

Dexter Chapman, five, was struck by a car on the A390 road at Penpillick Hill in Par, Cornwall, in April last year.

A390 road in Cornwall, England.
Google Street View
Dexter Chapman, five, was struck by a car on the A390 road[/caption]

A coroner said he had seen dashcam footage from a nearby car of the collision which he would not show to the inquest on Thursday.

The inquest in Truro, Cornwall, heard that Dexter had been playing in the front garden with his brothers when the older siblings went to play on a swing in a neighbour’s garden.

The assistant coroner for Cornwall Stephen Covell said:”It is likely Dexter left home to search for his brothers who had gone off to a neighbour’s garden.”

But the blond haired boy, who was still in his school uniform, went down a track towards the main road.

Witnesses saw him look right and left as he stood on an overgrown grass verge.

Mr Covell said Dexter may have misjudged the speed of the approaching car or not realised what he needed to look for as he had “no experience of crossing roads”.

Dexter ran out into the three lane road and the car driver had no chance of avoiding him as he was driving at up to 45mph on the steep hill.

The driver said in a statement that Dexter ran out in front of him in a split second and he braked hard but could not avoid hitting him.

He said: “I saw something move. It all happened at speed. The next second a child came out onto the road in front of me.

“He stopped as if he didn’t know where to go. I didn’t know which way to steer to avoid him. It all happened so fast.”

There were no defects on the Ford Fiesta.

The schoolboy suffered catastrophic head and other injuries and, despite aid given by passing drivers, he died at the scene.

Dexter’s parents said he was a “happy, active child” who liked to be out and about and was a “cheeky story teller”.

The coroner recorded a road traffic collision conclusion.

Mr Covell said: “It is likely that Dexter didn’t have any experience of crossing the road or did not see the car or misjudged the speed it was travelling at.

“It’s likely that he was just looking for his brother and thought they might have gone back to the road.

“He ran across the road into the first lane of the carriageway into the path of the Ford Fiesta. Emergency brakes were applied.

“The driver locked his wheels and tried to steer into the outside lane but Dexter continued to run across the road and the collision took place.

“The driver was unable to avoid the collision.”

Young boy on a swing.
Casey Bowerman/GoFundMe
Dexter’s parents said he was a ‘happy, active child’[/caption]

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Вибори в Польщі: РФ платить до €4 тисяч за фейки

Російські спецслужби пропонують 3000-4000 євро за поширення контенту, що містить дезінформацію, щоб вплинути на майбутні президентські вибори у Польщі. Про це в інтерв’ю Reuters заявив віцепрем’єр-міністр – міністр цифровізації Польщі Кшиштоф Гавковський, передає Укрінформ. “Російські служби ГРУ і ФСБ на ці гроші шукають тут (у Польщі – ред.) поширювачів свого контенту”, – сказав він. За словами […]

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Суп з сирними кульками — ідея смачного обіду

  Курячий суп з сирними кульками — це справжня смакота. Рецепт допоможе зробити меню різноманітнішим. Переважно в таких супах роблять сирним бульйон, а тут акцент зроблений саме на сирних кульках. Інгредієнти Вам потрібні наступні: курячий бульйон — 2,5 л; картопля — 4 шт; морква — 1 шт.; цибуля — 1 шт.; часник — 2 зубки; […]

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9 ознак того, що у вас є залежність від телефону

  Фахівці з дослідницького агентства Gallup (США) стверджують: приблизно кожен другий дорослий у розвинених країнах так чи інакше відчуває хворобливу залежність від свого смартфона. Їх підтримують колеги з Італії: за даними Національної служби у справах дітей та молоді цієї країни, половина італійців у віці від 15 до 20 років перевіряють свої телефони не менше 75 […]

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Зразки OSIRIS-REx показують, що астероїд Бенну містить «насіння життя»

Вчені виявили всі п’ять нуклеобаз разом із мінералами, необхідними для життя, яким ми його знаємо, на потенційно небезпечному астероїді Бенну. Вчені виявили основні будівельні блоки для життя на зразку далекого астероїда. Зразок, який космічний корабель OSIRIS-REx зібрав з астероїда Бенну та повернув на Землю у 2023 році, містить усі п’ять нуклеотидних основ — «букви», з […]

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Кращі спортивні седани: ТОП-10 напрочуд недорогих моделей у 2025 році

  Коли мова заходить про спортивні автомобілі, перше, що спадає на думку – величезний цінник. Однак далеко не всі спорткари коштують нечуваних грошей. На ринку можна знайти динамічні та продуктивні седани за напрочуд низькою ціною. Видання TopSpeed виділило десять таких моделей, на які варто звернути увагу в 2025 році. 1. Honda Civic Si Ціна: 30 […]

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