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Shoppers rush to Morrisons for ‘massive’ dupe of Jo Malone’s pomegranate diffuser that ‘smells amazing’ for £3 not £74

SHOPPERS are rushing to Morrisons to snap up a ‘massive’ dupe of Jo Malone’s pomegranate diffuser that is said to ‘smell amazing’.

The supermarket is currently offering a clearance sale on home fragrances, with the scents priced at just £3 – a fraction of the £74 cost of the luxury brand.

Exterior view of a Morrisons supermarket.
Shoppers race to Morrisons to get their hands on a home scent bargain[/caption]

Libbie May Fitzpatrick took to her TikTok page to share a video of her latest bargain find and is encouraging others to grab it before it sells out.

She says: “If you love Jo Malone Pomegranate, you need to get down to Morrisons.

“This massive diffuser is only £3, and it smells absolutely amazing.”

The diffuser Libbie is referring to is the Grenade Pomegranate Diffuser de Parfum by Georges Rech Paris, which comes in a 180ml bottle.

By comparison, the Jo Malone diffuser, which she claims smells similar, is priced at £74 for a 165ml bottle.

That’s not the only thing shoppers are going mad for when it comes to shopping at Morrisons. 

We previously revealed that thanks to a new ‘middle aisle’ in stores, you’ll find everything from affordable kitchen items to luxurious hair tools.

One savvy shopper was delighted to discover the extensive range of affordable finds and took to social media to share the news.

Posting on BARGAIN LOVERS Poundland, Home Bargains, B&M, Primark, The Range & More, a public Facebook group boasting 719,900 members, Felicity Greenwood shared a post originally uploaded by Money Saving Mama UK, leaving many shoppers stunned.

Sharing snaps of the wallet-friendly finds – which range from air fryers and vacuum cleaners to hair straighteners, cosy slippers, and snug blankets – the savvy shopper exclaimed: “Morrisons ‘middle aisle’ – and there are some absolute bargains!”

You can bag the Kenwood Twin Air Fryer for just £60, down from £100, saving you £40.

There’s also the Jonas two-in-one vacuum cleaner priced at an affordable £40.

A hand holding a Georges Rech pomegranate diffuser, a Morrisons dupe of a Jo Malone product.
Georges Rech Paris Grenade Pomegranate diffuser 180ml
Jo Malone London Pomegranate Noir diffuser.
Jo Malone
Jo Malone London Pomegranate Noir Scent Surround Diffuser 165ml[/caption]

And the savings don’t stop there.

A 10-piece set of Blue Diamond ceramic non-stick pans is up for grabs at only £45 – a massive £94.99 off the original price.

Other standout deals include cordless hair straighteners, available in a range of colours, for just £20, and even an ice plunge pool for the bargain price of £40.

How to save at Morrisons

Buying a delivery pass can slash the cost of shopping online if you’re a Morrisons regular.

You also get priorities for Christmas delivery slots.

How much it costs depends on which you get anytime or mid-week, and if it’s for the year, six-months or monthly.

You’ll need to work out the cost compared to how much you spend on delivery without one to see if it’s worthwhile.

Morrisons does a range of wonky veg that can work out cheaper than the main range.

Check websites like Quidco and TopCashback BEFORE you place your order.

Cashback websites PAY you to shop. All you have to do is click through their links and the money is added to your online account.

Search for discount codes on websites like and to see if you can get money off at the till.

Follow your favourite shops on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and sign up to its deals newsletter to get the latest on any offers. We post the best deals in our Sun Money FB group too.

Try switching all of your branded or premium goods for lower level ones and see if you notice the difference.

Morrisons regularly adds new products to its ‘own-brand “savers” range.

This is its value range where prices start from as little as 20p.

It includes all sorts of products including peas, spaghetti, marmalade, jaffa cakes and washing up liquid.

Swap your usual items for savers alternatives and see if you can tell the difference.

Shoppers can earn points with the More Than loyalty scheme when they spend online or in store.

How many points you earn will depend on the offers available at the time, plus you get five points for every litre of fuel at Morrisons petrol stations.

Reach 5,000 points and you get £5 off your shopping, plus there are other offers and coupons and the checkout and via the app.

Shoppers also get cheaper prices that are just for members.

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Запікаємо свинину з грибами та цибулею — доречна страва до будь-якого свята

  М’ясо треба приготувати так, щоб воно було ніжне, смачне та ароматне. І свинина для цієї цілі підходить якнайкраще. Ви будете у захваті, наскільки буде чудовий результат. Таку страву можна подавати до столу на будь-яке свято. Вона завжди буде доречна. Якщо маєте бажання, можна і на вечерю подати. Інгредієнти Вам потрібні наступні: свиняча шия — […]

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ХАМАС передав Ізраїлю вісьмох заручників, серед них пʼятеро іноземців

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Названі 5 найкращих поєднань продуктів для боротьби із запаленням

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“Без насильства над собою”: Ксенія Мішина у яскавому луці розказала, як спорт став для неї мистецтвом

фото з Instagram Акторка Ксенія Мішина, яка разом з сином зимує на Балі, посвітила пружним тілом. В Instagram 35-річна акторка розказала, як змінювалося і формувалося її ставлення до спорту. «Дивовижно, як може змінюватися сприйняття, коли вектор уваги спрямовується в незвідане ремесло.Ще вчора спорт для мене був чужим та далеким, спортзали здавались складами непотрібного металу, інші […]

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