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Love Island’s Toby Aromolaran confirms he’s in talks to enter villa as a bombshell – but he’s got a strict condition

LOVE Island’s Toby Aromolaran has confirmed that he is in talks to return to the villa as an All Stars bombshell.

The Sun previously revealed how bosses are keen to sign up the footballer after his successful past two stints.

Man smiling in shallow water wearing pink swim shorts.
Toby Aromolaran has confirmed he has talked to Love Island bosses about being an All Stars bombshell[/caption]
Toby Aromolaran, Love Island Series 7 Islander.
The reality star shot to fame on Love Island in 2021
Chloe Burrows and Toby Aromolaran from Love Island.
Toby met Chloe Burrows the first time round[/caption]
Georgia Steel and Toby Aromolaran from Love Island: All Stars.
The second time he was with Georgia Steel and they left the villa together – but it didn’t work out[/caption]

Toby has now spilled the beans on the possibility of him going back into the villa and revealed he’s had talked with producers about his return.

Speaking exclusively to The Sun, the hunk in trunks said: “It’s one of those ones where everyone spoke to [the producers] at least once, or even had a phone call. I’ve spoken to them, had a chat with them. I always speak to them anyway because I’ve been there twice, three times if you count the games.

“I chat to the producers, they chat with me. That’s life. Going back in, that’s another thing. I think I might be too immature!”

Continuing he added: “I don’t know if people can handle me being immature again, the self reflection I’ve had, especially this season where everyone is so grown up and stuff.

“Maybe someone like me is not meant to be in this line-up. I am still looking for love!”

However, there was one strict condition for him returning, and that was if another former Islander returned with him.

“There’s only one person who could make me go into the villa, who would make me excited. One girl anyway,” Toby told us.

“But I’m not telling you (who)! I’m not outing her like that.”

Meanwhile, The Sun were first to reveal that Toby was in talks to enter the villa for a third shot at love.

A source told us:  “Love Island bosses have approached Toby about coming back for another round in the villa.

“He created a lot of drama last time around with his turbulent romance with Georgia Steel, and obviously he was a fan favourite with his romance with Chloe Burrows during his original stint.

“Toby is weighing up the offer and he’s definitely tempted. The discussions are ongoing, and have been for a while, so don’t be surprised to see him returning as a bombshell any day now.”

The footy star would not be the only star to return so many times – this series has already seen Casey O’Gorman hoping to be third time lucky.

Georgia Steel and Toby Aromolaran from Love Island: All Stars.
Toby and Georgia had a tough time last series[/caption]

Toby ended up in fourth place during the last series of All Stars with Georgia Steel but the pair split shortly after leaving.

The former couple faced intense scrutiny from fans and the cast of All Stars when they entered the villa

Just five months prior, they had filmed another Love Island spin-off, The Games, in Fiji.

People questioned their romance in the All Stars villa and whether they were faking it to win.

They initially had a spark on Love Island Games, but it fizzled out.

Georgia and Toby then signed up to All Stars and their history rippled through the villa.

They ended up leaving together but split not long after,

Toby talked to The Sun in conjunction with

Love Island All Stars 2025 official line-up

Love Island All Stars is back on TV for season 2.

Here we take you through the line-up of all the Islanders who are in the villa so far.


Each series brings with it a string of hot single bombshells making their epic entrance into the villa.

Here’s who has joined the villa so far:

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Who is TikTok star Mat Armstrong? Car enthusiast who restored Marcus Rashford’s wrecked Rolls-Royce

MAT Armstrong has built up an enormous following thanks to his impressive videos showing the arduous step-by-step process fo restoring motor vehicles.

He’s carved out a career for himself on social media, helping him add to his large car collection. Here’s everything we know about Mat.

three men standing in front of a car in front of a store called wheelmania
Mat Armstrong renovates cars on his social media[/caption]

Who is TikTok star Mat Armstrong?

Mat Armstrong from Leicester rose to fame through his social media profiles.

He’s built up a following of 51k on his TikTok page @bmxmatarmstrong.

Meanwhile over on Instagram, Mat has a huge 1.1million followers, with his bio stating “I ride bikes & film stuff on cars”.

He is also active on YouTube where he boasts a whopping 4.1million subscribers.

After leaving school Mat became a professional BMX rider, complete with numerous sponsors.

Even so, he ended up working at Indian restaurant Spice 45 in the evenings due to the low pay.

During the day he used the restaurant’s car park to work on his pal’s cars, teaching himself how to fix them.

From there, Mat went to work at a garage where he was put in charge of social media, posting videos of himself with cars online.

Through working during the day at the garage and in the evenings at the restaurant, Mat managed to save enough to buy his first home at the age of 21.

After renovating and refinancing, he rented the property out and was able to buy a second property, with his girlfriend Hannah, who he met through BMXing.

He did the same again and bought a third property.

What sort of content does he create?

Mat posts videos and photos related to his car renovations on his social media.

His TikTok is full of videos where Mat purchases rundown cars that may have been involved in some sort of crash.

However, he is able to see the potential in the messed up cars and does them up to make a profit.

He also keeps his followers updated with what else he has been up to, including a visit to Silverstone to watch Formula 1 in July 2024.

Nearly 1M of you guys following my journey on here and what a journey it’s been couldn’t be more grateful

Mat ArmstrongInstagram

On May 27, 2024, Mat shared a sweet post where he thanked his Instagram fans for almost a million followers.

Along side a photo of some of his super cars, he said: “Nearly 1M of you guys following my journey on here and what a journey it’s been couldn’t be more grateful.”

When did he buy Marcus Rashford’s car?

Mat bought Premier League football Marcus Rashford’s car in early 2024.

The purchase came after Rashford crashed the car in September 2023 and it was written off.

Fortunately neither Rashford or the other driver were injured in the crash, which also saw the car knock over a traffic pole.

Man smiling in a luxury car.
Before becoming a social media star Mat was a pro BMX rider and also worked in an Indian restaurant

The accident caused a lot of damage to the left side of the vehicle so it was listed for auction.

Mat was contacted by the England international’s team to help restore the vehicle.

They even provided him with a secret code to start the car as well as a spare key.

A message from Rashford’s team said: “Hi, I deal with all of the cars from Marcus, I believe we still have a few bits from the car you might need.

“We might have the v5 spare key and a couple more bits from when the car got recovered. 

“We also have the ghost code and tracker information if you want us to get them to you?”

a car with the hood removed is on a lift in a garage
Mat Armstrong bought Marcus Rashford’s written off car[/caption]

Mat bought the vehicle for £185,000, after Marcus paid £700,000 for the custom car.

The car had less than 1,000 miles on the clock and Mat bought another £90,000 Rolls-Royce to help the restoration.

Mat shared a video where he restored the car and revealed the overall cost of the project was £324,000.

What other cars has he restored for his channel?

Mat’s career restoring written-off cars began when his girlfriend Hannah was involved in an accident.

Mat began restoring the smashed Audi TT – and documented his progress on his YouTube channel.

Damaged gray Rolls-Royce Wraith.
Rashford’s Rolls Royce was badly damaged on the left side

During the process he fell in love with rebuilding cars and filming the work.

He then bought an Audi S5 and restored that, garnering more fans online.

He then posted numerous videos restoring cars on his social media since then, all while working full time at the garage.

However, when the pandemic forced the UK into lockdown, Mat was furloughed and with time on his hands bought a crash damaged Bentley Continental GT – and rebuilt it.

And he soon started earning more money from the videos then in his day job.

After discovering his true passion, he took a risk and quit his job to work full-time filming and editing videos of his car renovations.

Most common illegal driving activities

Here's a list of reckless driving behaviour and the fines and penalties you risk getting from it.

  • Using phone while driving
    A cheeky glance at a phone screen will result in six penalty points on your licence and a £200 fine.
    New drivers might lose their licence if caught doing so within two years of obtaining it.
  • Speeding
    Lovers of fast and furious will end up with a minimum of three points and a £100 fine.
  • Running a red light
    This offence will incur three points and £100 fine.
  • Middle lane hogging
    It constitutes careless driving and police will hand you a £100 fine with three penalty points.
  • Undertaking
    This could possibly result in three points on your licence and a £100 fine.

His girlfriend eventually joined him in the business.

He made a £15k profit doing up an Audi RS6 which had a severely damaged front and a smashed windscreen.

The car usually retailed for £46,000 but he paid £20,000 at auction.

After forking out another £6,789 to restore it, Mat made a profit of £15,211.

Mat’s Instagram showcases several car renovations he has done.

He posted in May 2024 that he had done up a Porsche GT3 which he took from smashed up to painting it fuschia.

Mat also shared a before and after post of a BMW M4 which he completely transformed.

He often raffles off his rebuilt cars to his followers, which he says is his favourite part of the job.

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