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В Італії сильний шторм викинув на мілину вантажне судно з українським екіпажем (фото)

Фото: seafarersjournal | Судно Guang Rong, що сіло на мілину   На момент аварії на судні перебувало 12 членів екіпажу, здебільшого громадян України. Усіх моряків евакуювали вертольотом. Вантажне судно Guang Rong під прапором Кіпру, що стояло на якорі в Тірренському морі біля берегів невеликого італійського курорту Маріна-ді-Масса в Тоскані, 29 січня потрапило в сильний шторм, […]

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Charity slams new XL Bully ban as ‘mass confusion’ as ‘panic’ sets in for dog owners across Ireland

THE ban on XL Bully dogs has come into full effect today, causing “mass confusion” as panic sets in for thousands of dog owners.

The XL Bully dogs ban is part of control measures set out by the Government after a number of attacks on people across the country.

American Bully XL dog sitting outdoors.
Owners of the XL bullies now require a certificate
Getty Images - Getty
XL Bully dog named Pippa on private land.
XL Bully ban has fully came into effected today
Getty Images - Getty

Yesterday, a High Court injunction granted a pause on the regulation from coming into effect, which would allow State agents to seize XL bullies from shelters and have them euthanised.

Although the charity was successful in finding new homes for its XL Bullys, Pat Watt, the DSPCA CEO, stated that there were concerns that a large number of XL Bullys in shelters across the nation would be put down because they were unable to find new homes in time.

According to Mr Watt, there has been an increase in bull breeds and crossbreeds being surrendered or abandoned to shelters due to the ban, affecting how people view bulldog breeds generally.

Mr Watt slams the Government for the lack of support for shelters in dealing with the new legislation.

The legislation was introduced with the aim of protecting the public from the XL Bully type dogs attacks – which saw a number of cases throughout the years.

It comes after the horrific attacks by XL Bully dogs in Limerick, which resulted in the death of a 23-year-old Nicola Morey, who died in her own home.

Another attack occurred in Enniscorthy, Co Wexford, leaving a nine-year-old boy with serious facial injuries.

The former minister for rural and community development, Heather Humphreys, stated that the ban was “in the interest of public safety” and that no dog’s life is worth more than human life.

She also announced an additional €2million fund to be provided to support county councils to hire more dog wardens to maintain public safety.


As the new law has fully kicked off, it is now illegal to own an XL Bully type dog without a certificate of exemption issued by the local authority or evidence that an application has been made.

The importation, breeding, selling and re-homing of the breeds was already banned in October as part of its first phase.

The certificate allows the owner to keep the dog at specific premises until the natural end of the dog’s life, preventing them from being euthanised.

The Government then gave owners until today to apply for an exemption.

Owners must ensure their dog is licensed, microchipped and neutered to maintain a certificate – the owners may then be required to show it to a dog warden within ten days of a request to do so.

Failure to provide a certificate may result in a fine of up to €2,500 or imprisonment for up to three months.

However, if you have applied but have not yet received their certificate, do not fret, as it will happen in due course, and there’s nothing to worry about.


The Department of Rural and Community Development says that an XL Bully is a variant of the broader American Bully breed type.

This means that the dog is larger and more muscular than the original breed, which are usually micro, pocket, standard and classic.

The department’s document highlights that the XL Bully dog is a “large dog with a muscular body and blocky head, suggesting great strength and power for its size” and also a strong-built individual.


The XL Bully dogs are the first breed to be fully banned as no other breed of dog is currently banned in Ireland. But with certain breeds of dogs, additional rules must be followed.

This applies to the following types of dog, as well as strains or cross-breeds of these breeds:

  • American pit bull terrier
  • English bull terrier
  • Staffordshire bull terrier
  • Bull mastiff
  • Dobermann pinscher
  • German shepherd (Alsatian)
  • Rhodesian ridgeback
  • Rottweiler
  • Japanese akita
  • Japanese tosa
  • Bandog

In Ireland, restricted dogs or strains and crosses of them must be:

  • Kept on a short strong lead of under two metres
  • With someone over the age of 16, who is able to control them
  • Muzzled when in a public place
  • Wearing a collar with the name and address of their owner, at all times

But Minister Heather Humphreys confirmed more severe rules could be on the cards, saying: “I have asked the Group to examine the restricted breeds list, in line with actions being taken in the UK and Northern Ireland.

“I am committed to working with colleagues across Government in taking whatever action is necessary to strengthen our dog control laws.”

However, it causes mass confusion as it provides descriptions of all the characteristics of the dog.

Mr Watt slammed the documents as they were not clear enough, making all owners confused and afraid of what to expect as the deadline passes.

He stated that according to the document’s descriptions, even the charity struggles to determine whether certain dogs are or are not XL bullies as other breeds meet the criteria.


As the new legislation is now in full effect across the country, Mr Watt believes that it will not achieves its aim as it will increase more attacks, which the United Kingdom has experienced since their own ban.

He expressed his worries that the ban will drive people to underground for its illegal breeding, which will bring new hybrid breeds that will eventually replace the XL Bully.

However, the charity supports the ban on breeding as breeding dogs such as XL bullies are cruel due to their skeletal frame being under pressure by their sheer size.

Mr Watt stated that there needs to be better enforcement of the legislation, such as more dog wardens and increased fines for non-compliance.

Education programmes and mandatory training for dog owners on the restricted breed list would be a great solution, preventing the lack of care, cruelty and poor behaviours – which may reduce the attacks.

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Janette Manrara shrugs off Wynne Evans Strictly scandal on family day out with husband Aljaž Škorjanec

JANETTE Manrara has shaken off the latest Strictly scandal in order to focus on her family – with her mum Maritza making a special trip to see her. 

Maritza, who lives in Miami, flew over to spend time with Janette, her husband Aljaz Skorjanec and their 18-month-old daughter Lyra. 

Janette Manrara with her husband and mother-in-law on a bridge.
Janette’s mum has been over from Miami to visit for the past two weeks
Family selfie with a toddler.
The family have been sharing adorable pictures from their time together
Selfie of three women in an elevator, one holding a baby.
Lyra was looked after by Maritza as the Strictly tour kicked off

Joining the pair on the Strictly UK tour, the proud grandma and Janette’s brother, Alejandro, have been on hand to look after the adorable tot. 

Ignoring the ongoing Strictly issue around Wynne Evans making a crude remark at Janette’s expense, Janette has instead been making memories with her adorable family. 

Photos from across the UK see the professional dancer and It Takes Two host beaming as she cuddles up to her mother, standing in front of landmarks and taking in the sights. 

As Maritza and Alejandro prepared to go home, Janette posted a heartwarming message celebrating her mother and everything she does for their family unit. 

“This is a special post for my mother @stepby2designs who has really helped us out these past 2 weeks,” she wrote. 

“It really does take a village and as a working parent, having her to be there for Lyra meant the world. I could not be doing shows and entertaining audiences if it was not for her coming and making sure Lyra was well and looked after.” 

“It’s extra special as they do not get to spend time together and were really able to bond these past 2 weeks, with the surprise visit from her uncle (my brother @fizzymanrara) too!” 

“My heart was full,” Janette concluded. “Mom, I love you, I appreciate you, and I cannot wait to see you again soon.”

The sweet family time comes amid a sea of trouble for the Strictly tour, with Wynne Evans being removed from the national performances after a rude remark about Janette.

During a press shoot ahead of launch night, Wynne was heard making a horrid joke to Jamie Borthwick as Janette stood in between them.

The GoCompare opera singer remained on the tour following an apology, where he stated: “My language was inappropriate and unacceptable, for which I sincerely apologise.”

However, after uproar from fans, it was decided this week that he would be taken permanently off the line-up.

A source said: “He’s had repeated warnings about his behaviour and told to rein it in. He’s not been taking it in, in this day and age the BBC have to be seen taking action and safeguard everyone.

“He’s had a tough time with the death of his brother and people should give him some slack, he is going to take this time off to do some self reflection.

“He has a lot of support from a lot of the backstage dancers. It’s been a really sad ending to what has been a really fun tour.”

He later released his own statement, saying: “I’ve agreed with the BBC that l’ll take some time out from my radio show and the Strictly Live tour, as well as my other public commitments, to prioritise my wellbeing.

“I am deeply sorry for the pain my inappropriate actions have caused, and plan to take this time for self-reflection.

“Apologies to those I won’t get to see at the remaining performances and I’m grateful to my fellow tour gang for all the amazing support they have given me.”

He was supported by his professional partner, Katya Jones, who urged fans to show “humanity and consideration” as he took time away to reflect.

Janette Manara and Aljaz Skorjanec holding hands leaving a hotel.
Janette has been supported by Aljaz throughout the latest Strictly scandal[/caption]
Selfie of three people in front of a bridge.
Janette took a moment to celebrate her mother online

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Очевидні нюанси, які видають людей «фальшивок»

0 Не всі, і не завжди можуть розпізнати нещиру людину, яка говорить те, що хочуть чути від неї навколишні. За спиною цих людей вона висловлює зворотну думку, висміює їх. Як не стати об’єктом негативного ставлення таких «фальшивок»? Є кілька ознак поведінки таких осіб, які їх можуть видати з головою. Шукаючий погляд Нещирий інтерес до співрозмовника, […]

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800-сильний монстр: тюнери схрестили старий універсал Mercedes W123 і Toyota Supra

Фото: Carakoom | Старий Mercedes W123 доопрацювали у Фінляндії   Mercedes W123 оснастили 800-сильним турбодизелем та спортивною підвіскою. Універсал занижений, а його кузов повністю виготовлений із карбону. Універсал Mercedes-Benz W123 1981 року отримав друге життя. Його перетворили на надпотужний снаряд. Про це повідомляє сайт Carakoom. Тюнінг Mercedes W123 виконало фінське ательє Black Smoke Racing. Від […]

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800-сильний монстр: тюнери схрестили старий універсал Mercedes W123 і Toyota Supra

Фото: Carakoom | Старий Mercedes W123 доопрацювали у Фінляндії   Mercedes W123 оснастили 800-сильним турбодизелем та спортивною підвіскою. Універсал занижений, а його кузов повністю виготовлений із карбону. Універсал Mercedes-Benz W123 1981 року отримав друге життя. Його перетворили на надпотужний снаряд. Про це повідомляє сайт Carakoom. Тюнінг Mercedes W123 виконало фінське ательє Black Smoke Racing. Від […]

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Які супи корисні, а яких краще уникати

  Більшість українців їдять суп щодня. І в цьому є користь – суп допомагає розвантажити ШКТ, наситити організм корисними речовинами і рідиною. Але не всі супи однаково корисні. Якщо ваша мета – здорова вага, то до супів варто ставитися обережно. Особливо, якщо ця страва не була приготовлена вами. Чому? Підрахувати калорійність супу досить складно. У […]

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Курка з капустою, запечена в духовці: вечеря з підручних продуктів

Сьогодні хочемо поділитися з вами максимально простою стравою! Курка з капустою, запечена в духовці. Цей рецепт чудово підійде як на обід, так і на вечерю. Завдяки цьому рецепту, капуста у вас вдома тепер не залежиться! Інгредієнти: Стегенця курячі – 1,5 кг Капуста білокачанна – 2 шт. Сіль – 1,5 ч.л. Перець чорний мелений – 1 […]

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Червоний vs бургунді: Шерон Стоун вигуляла два приголомшливі образи на івенті в Нью-Йорку

Фото Getty Images Американська акторка Шерон Стоун 30-го січня відвідала щорічний захід Red Dress Collection Concert благодійної організації The American Heart Association. 66-річна зірка не лише дотрималася традиційного червоного дрескоду, а підібрала для пишного вечора два ефектні аутфіти: яскраво-червоний джампс’ют із глибоким вирізом і сукню кольору бургунді з високим розрізом. Світлини в обох луках Шерон […]

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