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Love Island drug scandal as Stacey Solomon’s ex ‘smuggled narcotics into villa’ and shared them with co-stars

LOVE Island has become embroiled in a historic drugs scandal centred on Stacey Solomon’s ex.

The X Factor alum, 35, dated Jackass star Steve-O, 50, after they met while filming reality series The Jump.

Stacey Solomon and Steve-O at the "Barely Lethal" film screening.
Love Island has become embroiled in a fresh drugs scandal involving Stacey Solomon’s ex Steve-O
Steve-O on Love Island, holding a hat.
Jackass star Steve-O, 50, was part of the Love Island 2006 cast
Paul Danan, Love Island star, pointing.
The late Paul Danan made allegations Steve-O smuggled narcotics into the Fuji compound[/caption]

Yet now American stunt performer and comedian Steve-O, famed for his role in the dare-devil reality series, is the centre of attention for his former Love Island stint.

Steve-O appeared in the celebrity version of the matchmaking show in 2006 and has now been accused of smuggling drugs into the villa, which was in Fiji at the time.

The scandal came around after a confession by the late Paul Danan, in the final podcast released before his death last month.

In the Outlet Ten Discussions Podcast Steve-O’s fellow Love Island alum Paul said of his villa entry: “They didn’t search you or anything like that because we’re not stupid.

“No one’s gonna bring nothing on there. But guess who f**king did?

“They got Steve-O from Jackass, and he basically swallowed a load of f**king whatever, and he was like s**tting it out!”

He then suggested Steve-O, whose real name is Stephen Glover, made a bong by cutting off the top of an apple while in the middle of the villa.

Paul added: “So there we are me and Steve-O just smoking away this apple, and you can hear ‘Paul and Steve-O, can you come to the Beach Hut right now.’

“They know they can’t use any of it obviously, and he got chucked out. They were like, ‘you can’t do that, man.'”

At the time Steve-O left the villa, ITV released a statement that read: “Steve-O became very emotional last night and again this morning, and was upsetting some of the other celebrities.

“We therefore agreed with him that he should go home.

“He has been great entertainment since he arrived on Monday, and we thank him for his contribution.”

ITV bosses declined to comment when approached by The Sun.


Meanwhile, Steve-O and Stacey met on wintersports reality show The Jump back in 2015 and had a whirlwind romance.

Love Island All Stars 2025 official line-up

Love Island All Stars is back on TV for season 2.

Here we take you through the line-up of all the Islanders who are in the villa so far.


Each series brings with it a string of hot single bombshells making their epic entrance into the villa.

Here’s who has joined the villa so far:

One fan called the relationship “actually nuts” while another boggled: “What the actual f**k?”

For a while they were a real celebrity couple and dated for six months before the distance between the pair made the relationship difficult.

Sadly Steve-O and Stacey were not to be with an insider telling The Sun at the time: “Stacey found it hard being away from Steve-O so they decided to put their relationship on hold.”

“He has a huge tour in the States, as that’s where his fanbase is. The relationship developed quickly and was a real whirlwind, but for the time being it’s not to be.”

Their break-up paved the way for her now-husband Joe Swash to start dating in 2016.

Steve-O on Love Island.
Steve-O is said to have created a makeshift bong in the villa
Stacey Solomon and Steve-O.
Stacey found it hard to be away from American Steve-O, so the pair put their relationship on ice[/caption]
Paul Danan on Love Island.
Paul sadly passed away this year[/caption]

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Jim Gavin ‘in a hot tub smoking a fine cigar sipping champagne’, claims Joe Brolly after ‘electrifying’ Derry vs Kerry

JIM Gavin will be ‘sitting in a hot tub smoking a fine cigar sipping champagne’ after Derry vs Kerry according to Joe Brolly.

The Derry native made the claim while still riding the high of watching an ‘electrifying’ contest at Celtic Park.

14 May 2023; Joe Brolly of the Derry 1998 Ulster Champions side during the Ulster GAA Football Senior Championship Final match between Armagh and Derry at St Tiernach’s Park in Clones, Monaghan. Photo by Harry Murphy/Sportsfile
Brolly is all in on Gavin’s footballing revolution
30 November 2024; GAA Football Review Committee chairperson Jim Gavin during the GAA Special Congress 2024 at Croke Park in Dublin. Photo by Piaras Ó Mídheach/Sportsfile
Football Review Committee chairperson Gavin speaking at November’s GAA Special Congress 2024 at Croke Park
2 February 2025; Anton Tohill of Derry and Diarmuid O'Connor of Kerry during the Allianz Football League Division 1 match between Derry and Kerry at Celtic Park in Derry. Photo by Stephen McCarthy/Sportsfile
Kerry won by an outrageous scoreline of 5-15 to 1-24
Screenshot of a tweet about a football game in Celtic Park.
Quite the image[/caption]

Such was the captivating nature of the match-up that Brolly openly acknowledged that he didn’t overly mind that his county had lost.

He tweeted: “Brilliant game of football in Celtic Park. Absolutely electrifying.

“Crowd going wild, totally engaged throughout. We lost but who cares?

“When football is played like this it is the best game in the world.

“Jim Gavin sitting in a hot tub smoking a fine cigar sipping champagne.”

He was far from the only one raving about it on the social media network.

2012 All-Ireland winner with Donegal Eamon McGee hailed: “Jesus I enjoyed that Derry/Kerry game.

“Another few weeks of that and the rules are a down deal.”

Similarly, Virgin Media presenter Joe Molloy approved: “Derry-Kerry a great advertisement for the new rules. Brilliant game.

“The constant competition at kick-outs gives the game such an injection of pace/intensity.”

Former Laois star/Smaller Fish GAA podcast host Colm Parkinson lavished on more praise for how both teams performed.

In a pair of tweets he recapped: “Best game under the new rules I’ve seen.

“Fetching, kicking, pressing, turnovers & plenty of 1v1s.

“Attitude of both teams great Full forward lines, especially Kerry, are staying deep and stretching it.

“The better team lost that game.

“Derry will be kicking themselves, gave up three poor second half goals. Super game and excitement.”

Not everyone has been universally in favour of Gaelic football’s new rule ‘enhancements’ though.

High-profile referees David Gough and David Coldrick have pointed out issues to do with the rule book and the difficulty club whistlers are likely to encounter.

Meanwhile Paddy Tally is among the inter-county managers to have so far spoken out against the crackdown on dissent.

The Derry boss last week labelled the 50 metre free kick punishment for not handing a ball back to an opponent ‘very draconian’.

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Трамп хоче позбавити USAID незалежності: у Reuters з’ясували, що буде з іноземною допомогою

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