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Ракетний удар по Полтаві: кількість загиблих збільшилась до 12, серед них 2 дітей (фото)

Фото: Telegram / Полтавська ОВА | Збільшилась кількість загиблих в результаті ракетного обстрілу в Полтаві   Правоохоронці повідомили, що зросла й кількість постраждалих. Наразі відомо про 17 осіб, серед яких четверо дітей. Вранці суботи, 1 лютого, російська армія завдала ракетного удару по цивільній та енергетичній інфраструктурі України. Росіяни поцілили ракетою у під’їзд п’ятиповерхівки в Полтаві. […]

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I slept with a hot older woman at 19 – I found out she’s my girlfriend’s MUM years later when we came face to face

WHAT would you do if you found out your partner had had a fling with your parent?

Taking to Reddit to share his story, the post was titled: “I slept with my girlfriend’s mum two years ago. I can’t tell her because I know she’ll dump me and it’ll probably end her parent’s marriage.”

A young Caucasian man is covering his face, while his wife is looking at him, They're lying in their bed.
Does the young lad tell his girlfriend his secret?

The worried young land explained how the situation was “eating [him] alive”.

Picture this: a couple of years back, aged 19 he “met a woman whilst working as a personal trainer”.

The lady in question was in her 40s, but “looked like a 25 year old”.

She “took an interest” in the young lad and “invited [him] out a number of times”. They also “had sex a few times”.

But, after one meet-up, the older woman said “it was wrong for someone of her age to be with” someone younger and decided to leave the gym and exercise elsewhere.

Fast forward to the present day, and the young lad has been enjoying a year-long relationship with an “amazing” girl with whom he “loves very much”.

But when he met her family for the time time, he was “shocked”.

He said: “She took me to the house where I had hooked up with a woman and I felt like I was being pranked.

“Before I see her mum, it hits me.

“I have a type and they both fit that type so it make sense – I’ve been hooking up with a single mum and I’m now with her daughter.”

But that wasn’t the reality, the “single mum” he thought he had enjoyed a fling with a few years back – was in fact married.

“Then her mum and dad pop out and we both almost s**t ourselves,” he remarked.

“I meet her [is girlfriend’s] parents, [and get told] they’ve been married for 20 years.

“I realise I had been a married woman’s toy boy, I feel incredibly ashamed.”

After a very awkward encounter, it isn’t until later in the week when he has a conversation with the older woman – his girlfriend’s mother.

She gets hold of his number and tells him they cannot speak of their fling.

“She says that my girlfriend will hate me forever because I’ll be the one who broke up her parents. So now I’m stuck keeping this secret,” the Reddit post continued.

To make matters worse, the young lad was then invited to spend Thanksgiving with his girlfriend’s family, and since his own family live 1000 miles away, he doesn’t have an excuse not to go.

I realise I had been a married woman’s toy boy, I feel incredibly ashamed.


He said: “I [had] to sit there at a table and enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with the woman I had an affair with, her husband, and her daughter whom I am now in love with.”

The OP got lots of comments, with some useful advice.

One replied: “Damn. The mother is certainly projecting and deflecting her guilt into you. Not your fault my dude. The guilt isn’t yours to shoulder.”

Someone replied to this comment with: “Agreed. Your gf would be upset w her mom more than anything.”

Another remarked: “She’ll [your girlfriend] be more pissed with you if this comes out years from now…

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“I don’t know, but if you’re serious about the girl, she might need to know before too long.”

Someone else had similar thoughts: “GF will notice the awkwardness between you and her mom and for no reason in her eyes and she’ll dig and dig until it comes out and then, my friend, is where it’ll become really bad because you were holding out on telling her.

“Whatever you did before her is not her concern and you didn’t know the mom was married, so do not let the mom control the rest of your relationship with GF because believe me, it will get a lot worse.

“I’d talk to GF and tell her what happened now because that relationship IS OVER.

“Might as well finish it now before there’s more feelings or even a child together and then s**t hits the fan.

“And you never know, maybe GF will not blame you at all.

“But definitely tell her my friend. You have done nothing wrong here so why should you carry that tremendous amount of guilt.”

What advice would you give to a friend in this situation? Or if you were the girlfriend, would you want to know?

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The exact tactics one shopper used to nab SS24 Chloé handbag discounted by 93% – but it’s sparked controversy online

A SAVVY shopper has shared exactly how she nabbed a designer saddle bag for nearly 93% cheaper than full price. 

Ambie Hambie nabbed Chloé’s Mate S Hobo leather crossbody bag for an eye-watering £1,345 less than it was priced by the French fashion house

Woman in dark blue midi dress and black boots carrying a brown crossbody bag.
One shopper found this Chloé bag for £1,345 cheaper than full price[/caption]
Brown leather Chloé handbag with braided detailing.
The design was described as “back” by style bible Vogue in August last year[/caption]
A red Chloé handbag with a braided strap and price tag showing a heavily discounted price.
It was priced at a cool £108 in TK Maxx[/caption]

She bought it in cedar brown lambskin, and it is complete with a braided edge, drawstring fastening and adjustable shoulder strap.

Style bible Vogue declared the handbag style as “back” in August last year. 

And just six months later, Ambie found it priced at £108 in TK Maxx as part of the store’s yellow sticker sale. 

She took to Facebook group Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK to shout about the style steal. 

“I only posted to make people aware that the designer stuff was being heavily reduced,” she said. 

“This was at the Edinburgh store. 

“There were two other similar designs there at the time.”

The key to nabbing ultra-reduced designer pieces in TK Maxx is shopping in stores, as items online sell out almost instantly when dropped by over 90%. 

Experienced bargain hunters will find the shelves and areas of the stores dedicated to yellow sticker bargains and hunt through. 

You won’t always find something, but you can sometimes nab a deal as good as Ambie’s Chloé’ bag.

Her purchase caused a bit of a stir on Facebook. 

Arm chair fashion critics implied that she is a “sheep” and claimed that the designer piece was “nothing special”. 

“£108 to be a sheep,” Gemma Clarke wrote. 

“I wouldn’t pay a tenner for it,” Angela Kidman chimed in. 

How Does TK Maxx Flog Designer for Cheap?

  • TK Maxx follows an off-price business model to get designer products for cheap
  • It buys merchandise from various brands and designers at a discount and then sells it to customers at lower prices than traditional retail stores
  • The selection at its outlets often includes overstocked items, last season’s styles and goods from cancelled orders.
  • The Gold Label is a premium collection of designer and luxury products offered by TK Maxx.
  • If you love designer clothes, this is the tag you want to look out for on pieces.

It wasn’t all negative, though. 

Some people felt like Ambie had “won the lottery” with her 93% off steal. 

Emma Palmer beamed: “Oh my God, bet you’re buzzing! Amazing find!”

Tasha Lou added: “That is a super bargain.”

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Названі 5 поширених причин надмірного потіння

0 Потіти при високих температурах або при важких навантаженнях – цілком нормально. Але якщо ви стікаєте потом у прохолоду або при найменших навантаженнях, є привід замислитися про своє харчування і перевірити здоров’я. Сімейний лікар розповіла, які причини найчастіше призводять до такого неприємного симптому, як гіпергідроз. Надлишок кофеїну Найперше, помітивши за собою таке неприємне явище, зверніть […]

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Російська армія почала використовувати системи ППО «Бук» з «клітками»

Нові зображення, опубліковані в російських соціальних мережах, показують, що російські війська модифікували свої зенітно-ракетні системи СА-11 «Бук» середньої дальності, намагаючись посилити захист від FPV-дронів. Модифікації включають сталеву броню навколо радіолокаційного блоку та додавання сітки для захисту від дронів, широко відомої як «клітки для захисту», які раніше використовувалися на російських танках та іншій броньованій техніці. Оскільки […]

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Як використовувати бананову шкірку для підживлення квітів

  Квіти, як і будь-які інші рослини, потребують поживних речовин. При нестачі певних складових вони не будуть повноцінно розвиватись. Й квітник на вашій присадибній ділянці не буде повною мірою радувати вас та вашу родину красою. Подробиці Щоб із квітником не виникло проблем, потрібно періодично вносити добрива. Це відомо всім, але це не мають бути обов’язково хімічні […]

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Як приготувати пиріжки, які на сковороді збільшуються в 3 рази

  Дуже простий рецепт легендарних пиріжків, які збільшуються в обсязі під час смаження. Тісто виходить м’яким, еластичним, не стягується під час готування. Складові: тепла вода – 250 мл; борошно – 400-500 г; яйце – 1 шт.; цукор – 1 ст. л.; дріжджі – 20 г; олія – 3 ст. л.; сіль – 1 ч. л. […]

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“Плакала як маленька”: Tayanna зізналася, чому боїться ходити на побачення

Фото з Instagram Tayanna Співачка Tayanna (Тетяна Решетняк) зізналася, що їй стало страшно ходити на побачення та розповіла чому. Про це вона написала у своєму Instagram. «Дівчата, у кого бувало останнім часом таке, що було страшно йти на побачення? Декілька днів тому моя мама запропонувала мені познайомитися з чоловіком і сходити на побачення. І знаєте […]

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