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I tried the £8 Shein device that’s supposed to remove split ends in seconds – I was scared to even touch it at first

ARE you fed up with having split ends?

A woman has shared how she decided to tackle the issue using an £8 device from Shein, but admitted she was “initially scared.”

Person using a pink hair-straightening device.
Beauty lover Tina tried out Shein’s split end trimmer[/caption]
Before and after hair treatment.
She compared the side she had trimmed (left) with the normal side (right) and loved the results[/caption]

On her @tinadestruit account, she wrote: “Seeing if the Shein split end trimmer actually works.

“Not gonna lie; was initially scared. Tested it out on a small section first.”

The beauty lover showed how she had a few slit ends before using the device, and carefully ran it through her hair in small sections.

And she seemed happy with the results.

She wrote: “Not sure if you can see the difference but I can feel the difference.”

The shopper also had some tips for other people who praised the finished look in the comments.

She added: “It’s recommended to straighten the hair first before use!

“Just use it on the bottom of your hair; just a few passes each time! 

“Won’t thin out your hair.”

Currently Shein has split end trimmers being sold for £8.31, and they come in a range of colours.

Tina’s video seems to have impressed other beauty fans, as her clip has racked up over 139,000 likes.

One person wrote: “I brought this too!!”

Another added: “Your hair is so long and luscious!”

And a third commented: “Omg ur so gorgeous and ur hair is stunning girl.”

Pink rechargeable hair clipper.
You can pick up the device on Shein for £8.31[/caption]

But do the devices work and what do experts say?

Cosmetic chemist Ni’Kita Wilson told TODAY Style: “If the blades are sharp then the cuts will be clean.

“But it has a lot to do with user compliance. If the hair is rugged or pulled then it can result in jagged tips.”

Meanwhile, Matt Fugate, celebrity hairstylist for Kérastase, was more wary.

He said: “The ends may begin clean, but as you are cutting dry hair, the blade will dull instantly and start ‘chewing’ the ends instead of cutting them.”

What is Shein and is it legit?

Shein is an online-only fast-fashion retailer, based out of China, that has become a number one shopping destination for many around the world.

The company was valued at $66billion in 2023, dwarfing that of popular high street brands Zara and H&M.

The fashion retailer was founded in late 2008, by entrepreneur and marketing specialist Xu Yangtian, also known as Chris Xu.

Shein is a legitimate selling website and is not a phishing scam.

But you may receive a disappointing order or run into shipping issues if you order from the site, according to reviews.

There have been swathes of quality complaints, which makes sense when looking at the price tag.

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