2 days agoLatest NewsComments Off on Coronation Street and Emmerdale slash episodes in huge soap shake up amid ITV budget cuts
ITV is dramatically slashing its soap schedule as Coronation Street and Emmerdale struggle under a cash crisis.
Corrie currently airs for three hour-long episodes a week, whilst Emmerdale is four 30 minute episodes and one hour-long.
Helen Worth has also quit Coronation Street
Now just five 30-minute episodes of each show will air.
A source said: “Soaps are incredibly important to ITV and this is about preserving their longevity for the future.
“There has been a super squeeze in production costs and it was necessary to make changes but Corrie and Emmerdale both remain integral to ITV .”
They will screen a “soap power hour” as two back-to-back 30 minute episodes.
It will also air later in the day.
Insiders at the channel say it will help make both Emmerdale and Coronation Street more “streaming-friendly”.
It comes after a string of big name stars quit Coronation Street and many have called out the budget crisis which has left them struggling to make ends meet.
The new structure will launch with a huge stunt on both soaps.
A source added that ITV will still broadcast more hours of soap each week than any other channel.
Currently, Emmerdale airs six episodes per week, Monday to Friday with a double episode on Thursdays.
Coronation Street also airs six episodes per week, spread across Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with two episodes each night.
Schedules can sometimes change due to special events or seasonal adjustments.
2 days agoLatest NewsComments Off on ‘Some people don’t see it’ – Stephen Hendry opens up on health condition that forced him into snooker retirement
STEPHEN HENDRY has opened up on the wrist condition that caused him to retire from snooker.
The Scottish snooker icon, 56, hung up his cue last summer after turning down a two-year tour card.
GettyStephen Hendry retired for a second time last summer[/caption]
This was the second time Hendry had call it quits, initially retiring in 2012 before returning in 2020.
The seven-time world champion struggled to achieve big results upon his return, calling it a day amid frustration with his performances.
Opening up on his snooker exit, he said: “Let’s be honest, I wasn’t pulling up any trees, was I?
“I was a little bit surprised with how good the standard was, but I’ve just got so many other work commitments, I won’t be able to dedicate enough time to practising.
“I know the game inside out, I still know all the shots, but unfortunately the body is not performing like my brain wants it to.”
Hendry then opened up on suffering with “the yips”.
The yips involves involuntary muscle spasms and can affect players in other sports including darts and golf.
Hendry added: “If I didn’t have the yips and I could play, I would still play.
“I can’t go through the ball properly and I can’t wait at the back.
“There are certain shots I know I can’t pot and they can be the easiest pots in the world or easy positional shots. I hate it.
“I don’t know where it came from. Some people don’t see it but it’s horrible and that’s why I retired.”
It was long believed that suffering from the yips was always down to performance anxiety.
But further research has shown that it can be linked to a neurological condition called focal dystonia.
Hendry now works as a commentator and pundit for the BBC.
PAHendry, 56, now works as a pundit on the BBC[/caption]
2 days agoLatest NewsComments Off on I’m a flight attendant of 10 years – there’s one class of passenger that is the MOST annoying… and it’s not economy
A FLIGHT attendant of 10 years has revealed which class of passengers is the most annoying and difficult to deal with.
Paula Gahan shared the inside scoop about flyers and said economy passengers weren’t the worst.
Paula GahanPaula Gahan revealed which cabin can be the worst to deal with on a plane[/caption]
GettyThe flight attendant of 10 years shared economy flyers were not the most difficult[/caption]
Gahan – who is based in London – has had her fair share of customer interactions while working on international flights.
The flight attendant shared some of her thoughts on the different types of flyers she has encountered, per The Telegraph.
Gahan shared which class can be the worst to deal with while up in the air.
The decade-long cabin crew member said premium economy passengers are “stuck in a bit of a quandary”.
She said: “Most passengers are delightful, so it’s hard to pick one class that is more difficult, but if I had to pick one, it would be premium economy.”
Gahan shared the differences between flyers in each of the four cabins.
She said the smaller number of people in first class meant it was less likely for cabin crew to encounter difficult flyers.
Gahan then described business class passengers as “used to it” as they fly in that cabin often.
The attendant also explained that economy flyers were mostly easy to deal with as they often have a laid back attitude to the service and their experience.
She said: “Economy flyers are pretty easy-going about the service.”
Gahan explained what could make premium economy flyers different to the rest.
She said: “But premium-economy passengersare stuck in a bit of a quandary: they can’t quite afford business but feel they are a little too good for economy.
“Wedged between two worlds, glimpsing life beyond the business-class curtain, they’re in a state of turmoil.
The flight attendant revealed what these premium economy flyers could do that made travelling with them more demanding.
What are the classes of air travel and what makes them different?
Economy class
This class is the cheapest option for flyers.
Limited services are offered to passengers in this cabin and they sit in standard seats.
Premium economy class
This is a step up from economy.
Passengers are often given wider and more comfortable seats with better leg room.
Meal options are more varied than in the lower cabin.
Business class
This cabin offers much more comfortable seating and sometimes reclining seats that can turn into a bed.
Passengers here are given more privacy, better food, and more hands on service.
First class
This is the most premium class of flying with tickets often setting people back tens of thousands of pounds.
Passengers are offered chef-like dining, expensive drinks, and more attentive care.
Fully reclining seats and even private seats can be expected.
Some airlines make Wi-Fi and showers available for these passengers.
She added: “These people tend to complain the most, demand everything they can get, and have their fingers glued to the call bell.”
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