3 weeks agoLatest NewsComments Off on Sick mum who starved daughter, 13, to death & ripped her hair out while she was locked in tiny room is jailed for life
A FRENCH mum who subjected her 13-year-old daughter to years of unimaginable torture before starving her to death has been sentenced to life in prison.
Sandrine Pissarra, 54, was convicted on Friday by a court in Montpellier of inflicting acts of “torture and barbarity” on her daughter, Amandine, who died of a heart attack in 2020.
FTVA French mum was jailed for life after starving her daughter Amandine (pictured) to death[/caption]
FTVThe 13-year-old girl tragically died in 2020 after years of abuse[/caption]
Amandine, who weighed just 28 kilograms (62 pounds) at the time of her death, had endured years of horrific abuse, including beatings, starvation, and being locked in a windowless storage room for weeks.
She had lost several teeth, her hair had been ripped out, and she suffered from severe muscle loss and septicaemia, a medical report revealed.
Pissarra, described by prosecutors as a “domestic tyrant” and “executioner,” must serve at least 20 years before being eligible for parole.
Her ex-partner, Jean-Michel Cros, 49, was also sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in the abuse.
He was convicted of depriving Amandine of care, a crime the court branded “cowardly collaboration.”
Unlike Pissarra, Cros is ineligible for parole.
More to follow… For the latest news on this story keep checking back at The Sun Online
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3 weeks agoLatest NewsComments Off on Joao Felix pulls out of Chelsea squad for Man City clash and forced to fly home for family bereavement
CHELSEA star Joao Felix will not feature against Manchester City this afternoon after flying home due to a family bereavement.
Felix, 25, has been granted compassionate leave by the Blues.
RexJoao Felix will not feature for Chelsea this afternoon[/caption]
The Portuguese may have been in contention to feature against City, but will now be unavailable on compassionate grounds.
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3 weeks agoLatest NewsComments Off on Man, 20, killed after tree fell on car in Donegal named as Storm Eowyn leaves power cuts, extensive damage & devastation
THE first Irish Storm Eowyn victim who died in a devastating road incident in Co Donegal has been named.
Kacper Dudek, 20, tragically died after a tree fell on his car at Feddyglass on the Lifford to Letterkenny road yesterday.
Kacper Dudek was killed in a horror road incident during Storm EowynGarda InfoAssistant Chief Constable Davy Beck issued a warning on the dangers of Storm EowynDavid Young/PA WireThousands of households are still without power todayBrian Lawless/PA Wire
His body was removed from the scene to the mortuary in Letterkenny University Hospital.
A post-mortem examination will take place in due course and gardai conducted a full examination of the scene this morning.
Storm Eowyn caused devastation nationwide as it ripped through buildings, trees and power lines.
Record 183kph winds battered the country, leaving thousands of homes across the country still without electricity.
Some 528K homes are still without power today as ESB crews work endlessly to restore lines.
They said roughly 143,000 homes had their power restored so far.
Newly elected Táiniste Michael Martin thanked all those helping in the effort to respond to the ferocious storm.
He said: “The destruction caused by some of the strongest winds on record has been unprecedented, and there is still a huge amount of work needed in the days ahead to restore electricity, water and communications to hundreds of thousands of people.
“I’m grateful for the efforts of multiple state agencies to help those most in need, and we understand how difficult it is for homes and businesses across the island.
“This is a whole of Government effort including ESB, EirGrid, Irish Water, Local Authorities, the Defence Forces, Civil Defence, the NPWS, Coillte and others.
“I’ve been briefed by the Chair of the National Emergency Coordination Group, which will meet again today, and every effort is being made to get high voltage transmission lines up and running, homes reconnected and water supplies secured.”
As the massive Storm Eowyn clean-up operation continues, weather chiefs have warned of another storm brewing.
Alan O’Reilly from Carlow Weather said Storm Herminia is set to hit Spain.
But it will bring us wet and windy weather on Sunday and Monday.
Met Eireann have issued a number of yellow weather warnings that come into affect tomorrow.
A status yellow rain warning has been issued from 5am-5pm tomorrow for Carlow, Kilkenny, Wicklow, Cork, Kerry, Tipperary and Waterford.
While a status yellow wind alert has been issued for 6am-6pm Sunday for Carlow, Dublin, Kilkenny, Wexford, Wicklow, Munster, Galway, Mayo and Sligo.
A status yellow wind warning comes into effect 11pm Sunday night until 6am Monday. for Cork, Kerry and Waterford.
ESB crews are working hard to restore powerAlamyStorm Eowyn brought 183kph windsArthur Allison/Pacemaker PressStorm Eowyn destroyed numerous buildings across the countryNatalia Campos/Getty Images
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