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Як городники використовують листя капусти після обрізки

  Після збирання ранніх сортів капусти, як і пізніх, нерідко нижній ярус листя залишається незатребуваним. Найнижчі листочки хоч і такі ж поживні, але в їжу їх не використовують. У кращому випадку вони спалюються після того, як засохнуть, або гниють серед залишків рослинності. Досвідчені городники використовують капустяне листя як добрива до ґрунту. Подробиці Натуральне добриво Сміттєву […]

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Каллас – про «вибори Лукашенка»: Кричуща наруга над демократією

Висока представниця ЄС із зовнішньої та безпекової політики Кая Каллас заявила в суботу, що самопроголошений президент Білорусі Олександр Лукашенко не має жодної легітимності, та назвала «вибори» в країні фіктивними. Як передає Укрінформ, про це Каллас написала у соцмережі Х. «Лукашенко тримається за владу вже 30 років. Завтра він перепризначить себе на чергових фіктивних виборах. Це кричуща […]

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Storm Herminia: Full list of Irish travel updates including Irish Rail, Dublin Bus, Luas and major airports

PUBLIC transport services across the capital and beyond have issued travel updates – as Storm Herminia batters the country.

As many public transport services are slowly resuming operations, some are still experiencing travel disruption over Storm Herminia’s arrival.

Fleet of Dublin buses on College Green.
Many public transport services are suffering some disruptions
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Irish Rail train at a small, snow-covered station.
Irish Rail has issued some alerts over their delays
Getty Images - Getty

Met Eireann slapped a status yellow wind and rain warning for majority of the country, which lists “dangerous travelling conditions” as further damage to already weakened structures and trees are expected.

The status yellow alert is currently in effect and will last until 6pm today for all counties excluding Limerick, Clare, Laois, Kildare, Offaly, Westmeath, Longford, Roscommon, Cavan and Monaghan.

However, another yellow wind warning is set to come into effect for Cork, Kerry and Waterford tonight at 11pm and last until 9am on Monday.

And a yellow wind alert is set to come into effect at 2am to 2pm on Monday for Wexford.

Fallen debris and weakened structures, left behind from Storm Eowyn, are causing further delays.

Dublin Bus has resumed its operations, with 90 per cent of their services now back on the road.

The Go-Ahead Connect’s services remain primarily unaffected, with the L15 route being delayed due to a fallen tree on the Dargle Road Bray, with the service being diverted to the Bray Road.

This means that stops 4183, 4184, 7369, 4422, 4196, 4186, 4584, 4185, 4184 and 4183 are affected by the diversion.

Customers are also reminded that L1, L2 and L15 services cannot serve at 2973 and 2974 stops due to ongoing roadworks at Bray Station.


Luas chiefs confirmed this afternoon that all Red and Green lines services are operating normally with no travel disruptions.

A spokesperson said: “All Red Line services are operating normally. All Green Line services are operating normally.”

Passengers can keep up to date on the Luas website and their social media.


Bus Eireann’s services have resumed normal operations after Storm Eowyn but are currently experiencing some isolated incidents in the Eastern/Southeastern Regions due to the current storm.

The following services are cancelled for today:


Route 2

  • 20:30 Wexford to Dublin – Cancelled
  • 00:00 Dublin to Wexford – Cancelled

Route 4

  • 10:45 Waterford to Dublin – Cancelled
  • 15:05 Dublin to Waterford – Cancelled

Route 354

  • 11:20 Carrick-on-Suir to Dunmore East – Cancelled
  • 13:20 Dunmore East to Carrick on Suir – Cancelled

Route D5

  • 12:30 Termonabbey to Drogheda – Cancelled
  • 13:00 Colpe Road to Termonabbey – Cancelled
  • 13:30 Termonabbey to Drogheda – Cancelled
  • 14:00 Colpe Road to Termonabbey – Cancelled
  • 14:30 Termonabbey to Drogheda – Cancelled
  • 15:00 Colpe Road to Termonabbey – Cancelled
  • 15:30 Termonabbey to Drogheda – Cancelled
  • 16:00 Colpe Road to Termonabbey – Cancelled

The Route CW1 are still operating with a reduced frequency, from 12:50 to 15:30.


Irish Rail has reopened their routes after the disruptive weather event, but significant disruption remains due to power outages or damage to the tracks.

The affected rail services are:

  • Westport/Ballina to Athlone
  • Connolly to Belfast

Due to the disruption, bus transfers are in place but currently limited. No bus transfers are operating from Enfield/Kilcock.

A spokesperson stated that the power outages are affecting the operation and monitoring of automatic level crossings on the routes.

The Sligo Line services resumed its service this morning after “countless trees” were removed – but it is currently experiencing slight delays due to more fallen trees due to Storm Herminia.

A fallen tree was reported on the line between Thurles/Limerick Jct, putting the 10:00 Heuston/Cork service to a halt but was quickly resolved as it departed 40 minutes later.

Longford is currently experiencing a signalling issue, with few services through this station suffering delays.

Despite most Irish Rail services operating again with some slight delays, customers are reminded that the Dublin’s Connolly to Drogheda/Howth line is closed for planned rail works.

This means that the Northside DART, Northern Commuter and Dublin/Belfast services are currently not operating for the weekend and will resume on Monday.


Dublin Airport has resumed its operations after declaring that no flights cannot land or fly during the red warning alerts for Storm Eowyn.

For Storm Herminia, flights are currently operation but several are suffering some delays due to the strong winds.

Ryanair flights to London, Hamburg, Cluj, Malta, Berlin are delayed.

Aer Lingus is suffering some disruptions, with delays for flights from Paris and Geneva and a cancelled flight from Donegal to Dublin Airport.

Norwegian Airlines flying from Oslo to Dublin is suffering a delay of 30 minutes due to strong wings, making it difficult to manage its schedule in the air.

Luas tram on O'Connell Street, Dublin.
Luas bosses have resumed its operations
Getty Images - Getty
Dublin Airport in Ireland.
Dublin Airport is suffering some disruptions
Getty Images - Getty

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Володимир Кличко показав рідкісне фото 10-річної донечки від акторки із США: наче відбрунькувалась від тата (фото)

Хто би міг подумати, що цей дужий боксер, ім’я якого наводило тремтіння на суперників, виявиться дуже турботливим батьком, який самотужки буде виховувати свою дочку. Володимир Кличко повністю віддався своїм обов’язкам і не соромиться того, що йому довелося стати для своєї Каї-Євдокії і мамою, і татом. Дівчинка народилася 9 грудня 2014 року в сім’ї Кличка та […]

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Наслідки серцевого нападу можна повернути назад

Дослідники з Нідерландів зробили прорив у регенеративній медицині, виявивши білок Hmga1, який може стати ключем до лікування ускладнень після серцевого нападу та значно знизити ризик розвитку серцевої недостатності. by @freepik У рибок даніо цей білок сприяє повному відновленню серцевого м’яза за два місяці. Перенесення його функцій на мишей дозволило досягти подібних результатів: уражені ділянки серцевого […]

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