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I’m a mum-of-three and trolls slam me for living in a tiny shed – but I don’t care, I’m mortgage and debt free

A MUM-OF-THREE has revealed that people make fun of her for living in a tiny shed, but she doesn’t care.

Savannah, who lives in Texas, US, won’t listen to those who critique her lifestyle, after she decided to move out of the 1,800 sq ft house in the city that she once lived in for a converted 600 sq ft shed in the country instead.

Woman in front of shed, mortgage free.
A mother has revealed that she relocated from a large home in the city, to a tiny shed in the country, with her partner and three children[/caption]
A 16x40 shed house with a sign that says "This is a small house with a big welcome".
But Savannah was keen to clap back at trolls who ‘make fun’ of her and don’t agree with her frugal lifestyle[/caption]

Now, the self-confessed ‘crunchy mum’ is not only mortgage free, but debt free too.

Posting on social media, the red-haired beauty, who adopts a ‘slow’ and ‘frugal’ way of living, shared a clip as she posed outside her tiny home.

She wrote: “When someone makes fun of me for living in a shed but I’m mortgage free.” 

Clapping back to the trolls who don’t agree with her minimalist life, Savannah mimed along to a viral TikTok audio that said: “Not everybody fits in the bad b***h genre. It’s a genre.”

She also then added: “Your opinion is not my reality”. 

But whilst Savannah’s custom made shed, which she bought from a family friend and has a living area, kitchen, bathroom and three bedrooms, isn’t the biggest, it is in fact surrounded by lots of land.

Savannah explained: “We bought 26 acres with my parents! We would have bought five-10 acres probably if it was just us. There’s lots of land in Texas.”

The mum-of-three then went on to explain that her tiny shed has a full-size fridge and freezer, as well as a full-size stackable washer dryer in the bathroom.

And whilst they have to make adjustments to accommodate guests, she stressed that “it’s not unfair” on her children, who “still have their decorations…plenty of toys, and a regular full-size twin bunk bed.”

She revealed: “We live in a shed house, and yes, we still love to host. We just may sit on the floor so you can take the sofas.”

Keen to set the record straight with the haters, she claimed: “I may not have a typical “house” but I have a home.

“If you want to keep paying a mortgage and interest, go for it. Been there, done that, not for me.” 

Do I need planning permission to convert my shed?

CONVERTING an existing shed or outbuilding into a self-contained living space will usually require you apply for planning permission.

However, there is a “loophole” Brits can use to convert outbuildings into a tiny home without permission.

Planning expert Martin Gaine from Just Planning warned the conversion process is far easier than you may think.

Speaking to The Sun, the Chartered Town Planner of 14 years’ experience explained: “An outbuilding can be built using ‘permitted development rights’, meaning it does not need planning permission.

“As long as you comply with the various restrictions and conditions.”

One of these is that the outbuilding can only be used for something ‘ancillary’ to your main living accommodation – examples include storage, a gym or a pool room.

If the outbuilding is existing, converting it then into primary living accommodation IS allowed.

Martin explained: “This is because internal changes to an existing building are not considered to be development at all under the Town and Country Planning Act.

But like anything, there is one catch.

The new living accommodation must still have some connection with your use of the main house.

For instance, if your gran is living out there, she must still come into the house to eat.

The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @thehotmesshomestead, has clearly left many open-mouthed, as it has quickly amassed over 8,600 likes. 

But whilst people haven’t always been kind to Savannah about her shed home, many social media users were ‘jealous’ of her debt free lifestyle. 

If you want to keep paying a mortgage and interest, go for it. Been there, done that, not for me


One person said: “You are living my dream.

“I literally cannot wait to sell my house and downsize EVERYTHING. The white picket fence life SUCKS.” 

Another added: “My dream!” 

A third commented: “Not gonna lie, I’m jelly.”

Whilst someone else chimed in: “I can’t even afford a shed.” 

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