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The forbidden ‘Gate to Hell’ once used for ancient offerings to ‘god of the underworld’ – and it hides a deadly secret

THE ancient Turkish city of Hierapolis hosts what is believed to be the oldest ‘Gate to Hell’ on Earth.

It is a passage once used for animal sacrifices to the Greek god of death, Pluto – also known as Hades.

The Gates of Hell, or the Ploutonion, at Hierapolis.
Public Archive
The stone archway is known as Pluto’s Gate, and was discovered amongst ruins by archaeologists in southwestern Turkey in 2013[/caption]
Illustration of the ancient Roman Plutonium in Hierapolis, Turkey.
Francesco D’Andria /University of Salento
During their excavation, archaeologists witnessed several birds drop dead after flying too close to the gate’s mouth[/caption]
Aerial view of the ruins of the Plutonium in Hierapolis, Turkey.
Archivio Missione Archeologica Italiana a Hierapolis
Researchers in 2018 discovered that the Ploutonion was filled with volcanic carbon dioxide[/caption]
Ancient tombs in a necropolis.
Getty - Contributor
The gas has been belched from a fissure running deep beneath the area for centuries[/caption]

Two thousand years later, it lies in ruins – believed to have been torn apart during the 6th century AD by Christians and later, earthquakes.

Yet visitors should still be wary.

The stone archway is known as Pluto’s Gate, and was discovered amongst ruins by archaeologists in southwestern Turkey in 2013.

It is located in the modern town of Pamukkale, known for its hot springs.

The gate is built into one wall of a rectangular, open-aired arena with raised stone seating and a temple on top.

During their excavation of the site more than a decade ago, archaeologists witnessed several birds drop dead after flying too close to the gate’s mouth.

Their observation corresponded with the ancient writings of the Greek geographer Strabo, who lived between roughly 63 BC and 24 AD.

“This space is full of a vapor so misty and dense that one can scarcely see the ground. Any animal that passes inside meets instant death,” he wrote.

“I threw in sparrows and they immediately breathed their last and fell.”

Even the bulls that were led into it would fall and be “dragged out dead”, while priests would walk out unharmed.

But there are no strange forces at work here.

Researchers in 2018 discovered that the Ploutonion was filled with volcanic carbon dioxide.

Parts of the cave reached levels of 4% to 53% of volcanic carbon dioxide, depending on where you are inside the cave.

The gas has been belched from a fissure running deep beneath the area for centuries.

The lower to the cave floor, the higher the amount of suffocating gas – which is why animals were more likely to succumb to it than humans.

So much gas coats the bottom of the cave that it forms a lethal lake, which animals with noses to the ground breathed in far more of than the humans walking upright beside them.

Though Strabo noted that the priests who entered with their offering would “hold their breath as much as they [could]”.

Francesco D’Andria, professor of classic archaeology at the University of Salento, who led the excavation of the cave, said: “People could watch the sacred rites from these steps, but they could not get to the area near the opening.

“Only the priests could stand in front of the portal.”

According to the archaeologist, the site had once been a place to convene with god by way of animal sacrifices.

Small birds were given to pilgrims, he said at the time, to test the deadly effects of the cave.

There are few pictures inside the grotto, due both to its toxicity and its nature as an archaeological site.

Stone inscription from the ancient city of Hierapolis, possibly the "Gate of Hell".
Archivio Missione Archeologica Italiana a Hierapolis
It is located in the modern town of Pamukkale, known for its hot springs[/caption]
Ruins of Hierapolis in Pamukkale, Turkey.
Getty - Contributor
There are few pictures inside the grotto, due both to its toxicity and its nature as an archaeological site[/caption]

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