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“Never Again” Buy Tires From Costco, Shoppers Say: “Simply Horrendous”

Costco is beloved for many things. Two words: Free samples. The warehouse even has its own line of in-house apparel. But their tires? Not so beloved. In fact, Costco’s Tire Center has received tons of online backlash from customers who claim the shop is a “complete waste of time” and “absolutely miserable.” One Costco member on Reddit went so far as to say, “I would rather walk everywhere than go into a Costco tire center ever again.” Keep reading to see shoppers’ biggest gripes with Costco, plus which retailer is better.

RELATED: Costco Shoppers Are Abandoning These Kirkland Products: "Worst Things I’ve Ever Tasted."

Wait times are hours long even with appointments, says shoppers.

Multiple customers complained about lengthy wait times, despite having made an appointment ahead of time. One Redditor said they were stuck in the waiting room for three hours while employees “did their best to avoid any kind of update.”

In another post, someone called Costco’s wait times “simply horrendous.” Their appointment, which was for tire rotation and minor nail repair, lasted three hours, and the work was only half completed because “they ran out of time.”

“They’re already overbooked just for new tire installations. Good luck getting a rotation or road hazard warranty work done. Get a flat tire? Too bad,” wrote a third.

All of this to say, “It's not BAD, it's just not convenient. You're essentially on their schedule, not yours,” said another.

Costco doesn’t hire trained mechanics, employees confirm.

Customers also dislike the lack of expertise and professionalism at Costco’s Tire Center. In a subsequent Reddit thread, several employees confirmed that the tire shop isn’t staffed with trained mechanics—meaning, customers can expect their services to be limited in scope compared with auto shops.

“The Tire Center is not a mechanical shop. We are not allowed to give any advice regarding things other than tires for liability reasons,” wrote a Costco employee. “I have worked in the Tire Center for years and don't know anything about things other than wheels and tires.”

A second employee corroborated this narrative, adding that most workers “have a hobby interest” or “will pick things up after years in the shop.” But as for more advanced maintenance, they said: “If we see something obviously wrong with your vehicle we will tell you and/or put it in your final invoice to have the vehicle inspected by a mechanic for XYZ reason.”

“Keep in mind Costco has no actual mecanics working in their garage, just service men that are only good for changing tires and oil (at leat at my local one),” wrote a third.

RELATED: Costco Shoppers Slam Popular Products: "Looks Like Shrinkflation to Me."

Shoppers are boycotting Costco and turning to Discount Tire instead.

Some patrons are so fed up with the retailer that they're abandoning the tire service center altogether—and taking their business to Discount Tire instead.

“Note to others, Discount Tire has always matched or beat Costco on tires, and they have the sizes in stock or can get them in a day or two versus weeks for Costco,” shared one Redditor.

“Discount Tire for life,” another second.

“Going to a Discount Tire means I’m in and out in an hour without appointment, and for even cheaper than Costco these days,” wrote a customer. A fourth person added that Discount Tire is “miles better” than Costco in every regard that matters.

“I don’t go to Costco for tires. I don’t go to discount tires for hot dogs,” quipped another.

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“Секрет” приготування смачного соусу для тефтельок

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