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Gogglebox star in hospital dash as he shares photo of mystery injury with concerned fans

A GOGGLEBOX star has revealed that he was taken to hospital after an injury, as he shared a photo from his bed.

Tom Malone Senior could be seen lying in a hospital bed with a large bandage over his shoulder.

Man in hospital bed with bandaged shoulder.
Instagram @themalonesgb
A Gogglebox star has revealed that he was taken to hospital after an injury, as he shared a photo from his bed[/caption]
The Malone family sits on a couch with cupcakes and a dog.
Channel 4
The Malone family have been regulars on the show since 2014[/caption]

The TV star looked down at the mystery injury and wrote as the caption: “Woke up with a nappy as a dressing ,was caught off guard when the nurse said she had to change my nappy!

“Grateful to our NHS ,top notch care Thank you , home now !!!!”

Tom didn’t share what exactly had happened, and his post was greeted by messages of support from fans.

One person wrote: “Oh gosh what on earth have you been up to, get well soon.”

A second added: “Omg Tom what have you done? Get well soon,” and a third echoed: “Oh no!!! Hope you are ok? Glad you are home now though looking forward to seeing you all back on Gogglebox wishing you a good recovery.”

Dave and Shirley, also of Gogglebox fame, commented too, writing: “Get well soon mate love Dave and Shirley xx.”

The Malone family have been regulars on Googlebox since 2014.

As well as their son Shaun, Tom Snr and Julie were previously joined by their other son Tom Jr. He left the show in 2021, however.

The couple’s daughter Vanessa and her children have also popped up on Gogglebox on occasion.

In 2023, it was revealed that Tom’s son Shaun was left in a coma and with brain damage after an infection led to a devastating health battle.

His older brother Tom Malone opened up about the tough time, which took place when Shaun was just 15.

At the time their parents Tom Sr and Julie were told Shaun had a 10 per cent chance of survival after a sinus infection spread to his brain.

He ended up spending six months in hospital – during which time his progress was filmed for ITV’s Children’s Hospital.

Julie previously told the Mirror: “We were absolutely frantic. The doctor said Shaun only had a slim chance of surviving surgery, that there were no beds available.

“Tom said I just went doolally saying ‘he’s going to be fine, he’s going to be fine’. Thankfully Tom was level-headed and really pushed them.

“When a bed was finally found Shaun spent six hours in surgery to remove a piece of bone from his skull because of the swelling.

“He was in a coma for two weeks and when he came around had to learn to walk all over again.”

Tom Jr recalled the tough period during an appearance on the Power of the Ordinary podcast.

He said: “I put him in the back of the car because he was too big for my mum to carry.

“I do this thing when traumatic stuff happens or if I get some really bad news, I will just shut off and go into auto pilot and dive into something. So I went straight to training.

“Didn’t realise that as I’ve gone to training, he’s started to have a seizure in the back of the car. He’s gone to the hospital, they’ve put him in a drug induced coma.

“Give him a bunch of brain surgeries and told my mum and dad he had a one in ten chance of survival. They had to keep a part of his skull out so they could keep doing brain surgeries. He was covered in tubes.”

Thankfully Shaun was able to make a full recovery and in 2020 he announced he’d become a dad for the first time after welcoming son Louis.

Family portrait with their Rottweiler.
In 2023, it was revealed that Tom’s son Shaun was left in a coma and with brain damage

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