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Girl, 14, who ‘wanted to be celeb’ is GUILTY of trying to murder two teachers and pupil in school playground stabbing

A GIRL who wanted to be a “celebrity” has been found guilty of trying to murder two teachers and a pupil in a school stabbing.

The teen, who was aged 13 at the time, launched into a frenzied knife attack at Ysgo Dyffryn Aman in Ammanford, Wales.

a group of people are standing next to each other on a sidewalk .
The teen is spotted talking to the teachers outside right before launching the attack
Knife used in a stabbing.
She had smuggled a fishing multi-tool into school[/caption]
two women sitting at a table holding drinks with straws
Fiona Elias was one of the teachers stabbed in the horror[/caption]
a woman wearing a red and white shirt with the word wru on it
Colleague Liz Hopkin had come over to help when she was knifed[/caption]

She first knifed assistant headteacher Fiona Elias after telling her: “I’m going to f***ing kill you”.

The girl then turned her attention to Fiona’s colleague Liz Hopkin, 53, as she rushed over to help before also slashing a 14-year-old girl.

After she was arrested, she chillingly told police: “I’m pretty sure this is going to be on the news so more eyes will be looking at me.

“That’s one way to be a celebrity.”

The girl, who can’t be named, has now been found guilty of three charges of attempted murder following a retrial.

She had admitted three counts of wounding with intent and one of possessing a bladed article article on school premises.

Swansea Crown Court was told the horror unfolded on April 24 after the girl smuggled a bladed “fishing multi-tool” into school.

Haunting footage showed her stabbing the floor in an auditorium before making her way to the playground.

She then approached Fiona with a “sinister look” on her face and asked: “Do you want to see what’s in my pocket?”

The girl then began slashing at the 48-year-old teacher as Liz came over to help.

The knife fell to the floor in the carnage but the girl retrieved it and began hacking at Liz.

She also attacked a pupil in the upper torso and leg and left Liz with knife wounds to her neck, back, legs and arms.

The horror only came to an end when two male members of staff, Stephen Hagget and Darrell Campbell, rushed over.

The school was placed in a “code red” lockdown as pupils were kept inside for several hours.

During this time, the teen, now aged 14, was arrested and asked officers “are they dead?”.

She also told them: “I stabbed her, oopsies”.

Police searched the girl’s home and discovered a school planner with the words “death before dishonour” written on it.

The court was told she also wrote about how a girl would “burn” and had scrawled “cut their mouths and eyes” on a drawing of a woman.

She also labelled another drawing “Mrs Frogface Elias”, it was said.

When asked during her evidence why she brought the knife into school, the girl said: “I get very upset or grumpy when I’m on my period.

“I woke up in a bad mood that morning.”

The teen, now aged 14, also explained she had armed herself with a knife in school since Year 3 as she felt “scared and worried”.

Six months before the attack, she was caught with a vegetable knife in lessons and suspended for a week.

She has been remanded into custody ahead of sentencing.

a classroom with tables and chairs stacked on top of each other
Moments before the horror, the girl could be seen stabbing the floor with a knife
a police officer walking in front of a building
The school was placed in a ‘code red’ lockdown[/caption]

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