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US Navy seen firing futuristic drone-destroying laser weapon dubbed ‘Helios’ from warship in incredible declassified pic

A FUTURISTIC drone-destroying laser has been seen firing from a US Navy warship in an incredible declassified image.

The remarkable picture shows the USS Preble (DDG-88) deploying its formidable HELIOS laser system out at sea as Washington continues to prepare in the face of incoming enemy threats.

US Navy warship firing a laser weapon.
Army Recognition
A remarkable picture shows the USS Preble (DDG-88) deploying its formidable HELIOS laser system out at sea[/caption]
USS Carney (DDG-64), an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, at sea.
The HELIOS laser has been put on board a Arleigh Burke-class destroyer[/caption]

An unmanned aerial vehicle target was struck by the laser as seen in the image, according to the US Center for Countermeasures (CCM).

HELIOS, which stands for High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance, has been developed by Lockheed Martin to aid the US Navy.

They are aiming to bring powerful energy weapons aboard its fleet of vessels to enhance defensive capabilities.

It is capable of operating at powers succeeding 60 killowatts but it is hoped to one day be able to blast at 120 kilowatts depending on operational needs.

The integrated optical dazzler element can also cause temporary blindness for the enemy.

Another key feature is its surveillance feature which helps to disable surveillance sensors of incoming vessels.

When the laser is officially in use the Navy aims to use it blast threats from drones, fast attack craft and even short-range missiles if necessary.

The first sea trials of the HELIOS laser on board a Arleigh Burke-class destroyer came back in 2021 at Wallops Island, Virginia. 

The new image was first showcased in the CCM’s annual report last month.

According to the report: “CCM supported the Navy’s demonstration on USS Preble (DDG 88) to verify and validate the functionality, performance, and capability of the HEL with Integrated Optical Dazzler and Surveillance system against an unmanned aerial vehicle target.

“CCM collected imagery of the engagements to support the evaluation of system performance.”

It is unclear when or where the test took place.

The USS Preble is the first ever US Navy vessel to be equipped with HELIOS.

One of HELIOS’ biggest technological benefits is its ability to fire for as long as it has a power source.

This allows it to be virtually unlimited in its usage and helps to reduce the typical stoppages and constraints currently affecting warships.

It is also the first advanced laser weapon integrated with the Aegis combat system.

This allows it to track, engage, and neutralise threats with a greater efficiency.

Western allies are continuing to rapidly improve their defence weaponry as the looming threat of war continues to grow across the globe.

The US has already been testing their laser systems for over three years now with the UK also starting to develop their own milestone weapon.

The British Army fired their own version of the HELIOS from an armoured vehicle back in December.

It was fired from Wolfhound armoire troop carrier at drones in a test range in Radnor in Wales.

The unnamed weapon is a miniature version of the UK’s world-beating Dragon Fire weapon that has blasted drones from ships.

They work by tracking fast moving objects and blasting a super hot beam of infra-red light.

Lasers could shield British troops from devastating drone strikes seen daily in Ukraine.

Warrant Officer Matthew Anderson, who running the trials, said the laser had a 100 per cent strike rate.

He added: “We’ve been testing a variety of distances, speeds and altitudes, one thing has remained – how quick a drone can be taken out.

“It’s definitely a capability that could be added to the arsenal of weapons that we use on the battlefield.”

How do laser weapons work?

LASER weapons work by focusing highly concentrated beams of light to deliver energy to a target.

The term “laser” stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation” and they often come in the form of visible, infrared, or ultraviolet lights.

When they are fired, the beam will be directed and focused using lenses or mirrors to ensure it remains aligned over long distances.

It will travel at the speed of light which means it strikes any enemy target almost instantly and without warning.

When the laser hits it delivers energy in the form of heat.

This can melt, burn, or even vaporise whatever it touches depending on the power of the blast.

The advantages of using a laser weapon include its speed, efficiency and precision.

As long as it hits an intended target it will almost always cause enough damage to render the object destroyed.

It is also cheaper compared to continuous ammunition and in theory can be used an unlimited amount of times as long as the weapon has a power source.

Laser beam at night.
The Ministry of Defence released declassified footage of its own military laser last year[/caption]
Military vehicle parked on a mountain road.
An advanced laser gun that shoots down drones has been tested at a range in Wales in December[/caption] an illustration of a ship with the words breathing fire at the top

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‘I want a refund’ demand Katie Price fans as star blames surgery for ‘out of tune’ performance

KATIE Price performed in Barnsley on Saturday night, with the performance going viral on TikTok.

Social media users who have seen videos of Katie’s performance have said that they would demand a a refund had they have been in attendance.

Katie Price on stage holding a microphone.
Katie Price took to the stage to sing over the weekend[/caption]
Katie Price singing on stage.
The stunning star recently underwent another nose job[/caption]
Katie Price dancing and taking shots in a nightclub.
Katie divided fans with her performance on Saturday night[/caption]

On Saturday, Katie was seen performing at Funny Gals in Barnsley, with her nose wrapped in bandages.

Singing the 1991 hit Finally by CeCe Peniston, Katie treated fans to an upbeat performance as she bounced around the stage.

In one video posted on social media, the mum-of-five can be seen dancing while she downed shots.

And in another she said: “If it’s not quite in tune, it’s because I’ve got this on my nose,” after singing Tell It to My Heart by Taylor Dayne.

But now fans are saying that those who paid for tickets at the event should demand a refund.

“Demand a refund,” said one person underneath a TikTok video of Katie’s on-stage performance.

“I want my money back and l didn’t even buy a ticket,” said another.

A third then penned: “I don’t understand why people pay to go see her.”

“What a racket,” said a fourth.

A fifth then touched on her bandaged up nose, writing: “What is wrong with her nose.”


“Rather wasting money on plastic surgery spend it on singing lessons,” said a sixth.

While a seventh added: “My ears man, give it up she really cannot sing.”

But the former glamour model did receive some praise from her dedicated fan base, with many loving the performance and admiring her confidence.

“Go on Katie lass .. love the girl,” penned one.

Katie Price's Surgery: A Timeline

1998 – Katie underwent her first breast augmentation taking her from a natural B cup to a C cup. She also had her first liposuction

1999 – Katie had two more boob jobs in the same year, one taking her from a C cup to a D cup, and then up to an F cup

2006 – Katie went under the knife to take her breasts up to a G cup

2007 – Katie had a rhinoplasty and veneers on her teeth

2008 – Katie stunned fans by reducing her breasts from an F cup to a C cup

2011 – Going back to an F cup, Katie also underwent body-contouring treatment and cheek and lip fillers

2014/5 – Following a nasty infection, Katie had her breast implants removed

2016 – Opting for bigger breasts yet again, Katie had another set of implants, along with implants, Botox and lip fillers

2017 – After a disastrous ‘threading’ facelift, Katie also had her veneers replaced. She also had her eighth boob job taking her to a GG cup

2018 – Katie went under the knife yet again for a facelift

2019 – After jetting to Turkey, Katie had a face, eye and eyelid lift, Brazilian bum lift and a tummy tuck

2020 – Katie has her 12th boob job in Belgium to correct botched surgery and a new set of veneers

2021 –  In a complete body overhaul, she opts for eye and lip lifts, liposuction under her chin, fat injected into her bum and full body liposuction

2022 – Katie undergoes another brow and eye lift-and undergoes ‘biggest ever’ boob job in Belgium, her 16th in total

2023 – Opting for a second rhinoplasty, Katie also gets a lip lift at the same time as well as new lip filler throughout the year

2024 – Katie has her 17th boob job in Brussels after revealing she wanted to downsize. She performed at Dublin Pride just days later and surgeons warned the lack of recovery posed a risk of infection

“Sad I missed this tbh,” added another.

“At least she singing live not like half the pop stars out there,” said a third.

While a fourth wrote: “Life is about living in the moment and having fun, fair play to her.”


Katie, 46, has just returned from Turkey after having more surgery following her 17th boob job and a face lift.

She revealed last week that she had undergone another nose job after admitting she had some bits she wanted “tweaking”.

Katie recently told fans on Snapchat and Instagram: “From my last surgery, there are just a few little bits that I want tweaking.

“Well, they need tweaking. So here I am getting ready. That’s the worst bit for me, the needle.

“The needle’s done so now I can relax.”

Katie Price having her makeup applied.
The former glamour model shared some behind the scenes snaps amid her club performance[/caption]

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