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6 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on Man, 21, kidnapped woman, 20, off the street after asking her for directions and dragging her into stolen car
A CAR thief has admitted kidnapping a woman off the street after asking her for directions.
Cameron Boxhall, 21, who was driving a Mini he had earlier stolen, pushed the young woman into the passenger seat and tried to drive off with her.
However, the 20-year-old victim managed to keep her legs outside the open door until eventually Boxhall pushed her out and sped off.
A court heard that Boxhall did not have a driving licence or insurance and had stolen the black car earlier in the evening on August 5 from Brighton, East Sussex.
At Hove Crown Court on Friday Boxhall admitted a charge of kidnap as well as theft of a vehicle, theft from a vehicle, driving without a licence, driving without insurance, making off without payment, and possession of cannabis.
He has been remanded in custody to be sentenced on March 3.
A spokesman for Sussex Police said that the kidnap happened in nearby Hove.
“The victim, a 20-year-old local woman, was walking home from work in the early hours of the morning when she noticed a black Mini sitting at the junction of Church Road and Palmeira Avenue.
“She continued onto Selbourne Road, where she saw the black Mini again. This time, the driver opened the passenger door and asked the victim for directions, which she provided.
“Without warning, the driver then exited the vehicle and forced the woman into the passenger seat of the car. She bravely fought back, ensuring her legs stayed outside of the vehicle so the car door remained open as the suspect tried to drive away.
“After a short distance, the driver pushed the victim out of the car and sped off from the scene. The victim called for help from members of the public nearby, and police were called.
“Officers began an immediate search for the vehicle and inquiries quickly identified it had been stolen from Brighton the previous evening, and was also used to steal petrol from a garage in Woodingdean later that same day.
“The Mini was found and recovered around 5.45pm on August 5.
“He was arrested and found to be in possession of clothing matching that of the Mini driver in CCTV footage. Location data from his mobile phone also put him at close proximity of the scene at the time of the offence.
“Boxall, formerly of Carden Hill, Brighton, was charged and admitted all offences when he appeared at Hove Crown Court. He has been remanded in custody to be sentenced on March 3.”
Cameron Boxhall, 21, kidnapped a woman off the street after asking her for directions[/caption]
6 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on Gerald Dowden Net Worth : A Look Into His Life Story And Financial Success
American television personality Gerald Dowden gained fame through his participation in the reality show “Bayou Billionaires” which showcased his entrepreneurial success. Views and discussions concerning wealth acquisition as well as family and American dream elements arose from his journey which began in his childhood Shreveport Louisiana residence. This article delves into Dowden’s life, career, net […]
6 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on Fears new Man Utd stadium faces SEVEN-YEAR wait as Sir Jim Ratcliffe rushes to get started on Old Trafford replacement
MANCHESTER UNITED fans could be waiting SEVEN YEARS for a new home to replace Old Trafford.
Co-owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe wants to move the Red Devils into a new 100,000-seater, £2billion home.
Man Utd co-owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe is desperate to get started on Old Trafford’s redevelopment[/caption]
An AI impression of the new project, which could see United build a 100,000-seater stadium[/caption]
The plans will see a huge overhaul of the area around Old Trafford[/caption]
It’s reported that a final decision on the stadium’s future will be made before the end of the season.
A redevelopment of the iconic ground would house just 87,000 fans, a task force recently discovered.
The team – which includes ex-United starGary Neville, Manchester mayor Andy Burnham and Lord Sebastian Coe – conducted a feasibility study into whether a new stadium should be built.
He envisages a completely new 100,000 arena which would serve as the focal point of a completely renovated site.
The entire project is estimated to cost around £2billion and was described by Olympics hero Coe as “one of the biggest regeneration projects ever undertaken in the UK”.
Manchester mayor Andy Burnham added: “[This is] the biggest opportunity for urban regeneration this country has seen since London 2012.
“It will be a key part of our 10-year plan to turbocharge growth across Greater Manchester.
“We look forward to working with the Government on moving freight away from the site around Old Trafford to new locations to open up capacity for our rail network and unlock massive regeneration potential – delivering benefits across the whole of the North.”
On the field, it’s been another dismal season for United.
They currently sit 13th in the Premier League, with only 8 wins from 24 games.
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Чорноморський флот, який колись був гордістю російської військово-морських сил, зазнав катастрофічних втрат у війні в Україні, втративши понад 30% військових кораблів, пише для 19FortyFive ексофіцер піхоти армії США, доктор філософії та військовий експерт Брент Іствуд. Знищення Чорноморського флоту почалося із затоплення крейсера “Москва”. Згодом атаки безпілотників і високоточні протикорабельні ракети України підірвали військово-морські операції Росії. […]
6 hours agoLatest NewsComments Off on Слава Дьомін висловився про своє розлучення
Фото: instagram.com/slavademin_official Подружжя розлучилося 2021 року після 13 років шлюбу Ведучий зізнався, що вважає себе винним у розлученні з колишньою дружиною. За його словами, почуття згасли через відсутність роботи над стосунками. Український ведучий Слава Дьомін відверто розповів про причини розлучення з ексдружиною Оксаною після 13 років шлюбу. Тепер же Дьомін визнав, що головною проблемою було […]
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