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Traffic at standstill after THREE crashes on busy Irish motorways as drivers warned ‘use another route’ amid bus delays

MOTORISTS are being warned to slow down this morning as severe delays caused by three separate collisions cause chaos.

There have been three crashes this morning on two major Irish motorways, causing severe delays for drivers.

Traffic bosses have urged road users to “consider a different route” after two multi-vehicle collisions and a single car crash.

A crash on the M4/N4 westbound has caused significant delays for commuters.

The single car collision occurred between Junction 5 Leixlip and Junction 6 Celbridge.

TII warned: “Delays to your journey will occur. Consider a different journey route or start time.

“When approaching the collision location, drive with caution, reduce your speed and obey instructions from emergency services.”

A separate incident has seen another Kildare crash, this time a multi-vehicle collision.

The incident occurred on the M7/N7 westbound, impacting lane one between Junction 8 Johnstown and Junction 9 Naas.

A third collision is also causing delays after a multi-car crash occurred on another main motorway.

The M11/N11 Northbound is experiencing delays between Junction 25 Enniscorthy and Junction 24 Ferns.

There is also reports of congestion impacting Dublin’s M50, with both northbound and southbound routes seeing heavy flows of traffic.


Meanwhile, Bus Eireann has issued a number of cancellations and disruptions for commuters.

Due to operational issues the 7.30am 226X from Kinsale to MTU has been cancelled.

There are a number of diversions in place for routes 214 and 216 which can all be found here.

The 323X from Birr to Limerick at 7am is currently operating 20 minutes behind schedule.

Route 115 from at 7.50am from Enfield to Dublin has been cancelled this morning.

The 109X at 7.15am from Dublin to Cavan has also been cancelled, as has the 7.50am 105 service from Connolly Hospital to Ashbourne.

The D4/D5 is operating at a reduced frequency.

Over at Irish Rail, the 5.40am Sligo to Connolly Station service is operating 11 minutes late due to a mechanical issue.

Motorway road signs indicating routes to Dublin city center.
Traffic is heavy in parts of the country
Getty Images - Getty

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