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I’m League of Ireland’s first set-piece coach – Having come from Canada, I’ll prove it’s no gimmick

RECENT headlines around Nicolas Jover have revolved around Gary Neville calling him the most annoying man in football.

But, with Arsenal having scored ten goals from corners this season, their set-piece coach is getting under the skin of opponents even more than a pundit affronted by what he sees as an overstepping of the mark on the touchline.

Jesse Acteson, Sligo Rovers set-piece coach, standing on a soccer field.
Jesse Acteson aims to oversee a big improvement in Sligo Rovers’ set-piece stats
1 April 2024; Luke Turner of St Patrick's Athletic, second from left, celebrates after scoring his side's first goal during the SSE Airtricity Men's Premier Division match between St Patrick's Athletic and Sligo Rovers at Richmond Park in Dublin. Photo by Harry Murphy/Sportsfile
Luke Turner of St Patrick’s Athletic scoring from a corner against Sligo last season
Mikel Arteta and Nicolas Jover, Arsenal coaches, on the sidelines.
Nicolas Jover has become a genuine star amid Arsenal’s success from corners and free-kicks[/caption]

And, if Jesse Acteson can get under the skin of Sligo Rovers’ rivals in the same way, he will know he is doing something right.

In elite sport, there is a lot of talk about marginal gains.

But the statistic rolled out by John Russell in explaining why the Bit O’Red had become the first League of Ireland side to appoint a set-piece coach was staggering.

He explained that HALF of the goals his side had conceded in 2024 were from dead balls.

Acteson volunteers that only 11 per cent of the goals they scored were in such scenarios — so the scope for improvement at both ends is vast.

And it is the challenge of doing just that which helped persuade Acteson to leave Canada and land in Ireland on New Year’s Eve.

He has already learned to call it football rather than soccer and he has begun to pick up that there is some other terminology which does not travel either.

Acteson said: “For us, back home, a neutral player is a joker.

“But the first time I said it, it got a laugh and there was some questioning from players as it means something different over here.”

But he said they are serious about embracing his role with a greater appreciation now for specialist coaches than when Kevin Keegan initially brought in Mark Lawrenson as his defence coach at Newcastle United.

Acteson said: “Set-plays are almost a different sport, the ball is stopped and the ball in a regular game is not stopped. There’s time to set up and focus on something.

“There are different technical skills whether it’s a free-kick or a throw-in, like heading and volleys.

“Yes, you use them in the flow of a game but probably not as much as in sets.

“It’s a different skill set and sometimes they get thrown to an assistant who may not have a huge background or focus on that.

“But there are a lot of stats, strategy and analysis which have to be taken into consideration.

“More clubs are realising the importance of it.”


Jover’s contribution has brought the appreciation of the discipline to a new level in this part of the world, with Acheson a fan of the Frenchman whose formative coaching years were spent in his home province of Quebec.

The Sligo recruit said: “He coached in a university which was in the same league as I worked in but I hadn’t started at that point.

“Arsenal are pretty consistent and they’re so dominant that teams are afraid of conceding set-pieces against them.

“Even when he was at Manchester City, they were good at it.”

Acteson grew up in Montreal as a native English speaker who was educated in French which has allowed him to coach through both languages.


He was an enthusiastic hockey, lacrosse and football player until a series of concussions resulted in him giving them all up by the age of 17.

He told SunSport: “My dream was to play professionally but doctors told me I should stop so I quit hockey and lacrosse at 13 or 14.

“I kept the football up because it was what I wanted to do full-time so I just tried to be safer with contact.

“Then I got a couple of more concussions, nothing really bad, but it was an accumulation and it felt like it was a tough decision but one that I wanted to make.

“I went straight into coaching. It was something I had wanted to do from an early age.”


He threw himself into it which resulted in him, simultaneously, holding roles at a university, college and two clubs.

He explained: “I didn’t feel like I wanted to be full-time in one thing so there was a lot of experience I was able to gain from different clubs and schools, working with different people.

“Each environment required different things so it means I was able to progress as a coach and a person.

“It wasn’t easy, though. There was a lot of work to do with not much time for a social life.

“But if you’ve got a goal or a dream, you’ve got to make sacrifices to get what you want in life. That’s the path I chose.

“Every place I worked at, it didn’t feel like work because of the colleagues I had. The players gave you energy and drove you to push them.

“When you are working in some places with not a huge staff, you wear a lot of different hats but the analysis and set-piece aspect came later on when I worked with people who worked on youth national teams.”


There was no mutual contact between him and Russell but there was a connection made over LinkedIn and after several Zoom meetings both decided they wanted to work together.

Acteson said: “He presented his vision for the club, the model of play, how the club works and it felt like a really good fit for me.

“John thought it would be helpful to bring me in.

“We aligned well in terms of our values and how we saw things and that was important. It felt like a good opportunity.”

He is also excited to experience the match atmosphere at The Showgrounds.

With under three weeks to go before the Bit O’Red’s home league opener against Waterford, he admitted there is still much work to be done.

But, with Russell working with a much smaller budget than most other managers, Acteson hopes he can help bridge the gap.

He said: “Set-pieces are probably the reason why they missed out on Europe last year.

“They were good in open play, scored a lot of goals and didn’t concede a lot in open play.

“But they conceded a lot and didn’t score as much from sets.

“That can make all the difference between three points or one or losing the game.

“There will be an equal focus on attacking and defending set-pieces.

“It’s one thing knowing the data and knowing the context, though.

“We’ve got to keep working on the other aspects that we were good at too.”

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Masked Singer’s Bear is huge noughties popstar and not an actor insist fans after spotting clue

THE MASKED Singer fans have come up with a brand new theory about who Bear could be, after being convinced he was a famous actor.

The wacky ITV show is back for a fifth series, and viewers are once again enjoying the ultimate guessing game.

The Masked Singer Bear costume.
Bear has impressed on The Masked Singer – but who is he?[/caption]
Bear in a red costume performing on stage with dancers.
The cuddly character showed off his vocal talent on the reality TV series[/caption]

The internet has been buzzing with new theories about who the impressive singer behind the mask really is.

After a string of clues, armchair detectives now think Bear is a famous noughties star.

It all started after the character said in their VT: “What a way to kickstart the competition!”

This immediately led fans to thinking that Bear is rapper Example, as he has a song called Kickstart.

Taking to social media, one said: “I’m loving the Bear and after that sing off song, it’s got to be Example!?! (“Who doesn’t love a kick start” that was a good clue).”

While another agreed: “So Bear is 100% example, right? That last performance sounded exactly like him!”

This fan tweeted: “Bear is 100% Example!”

Another viewer commented: “Not heard any of the clues, but Bear does sound like Example’s voice.”

This is a brand new theory, as a lot of fans have been convinced that Bear is actor Richard Blackwood.

Adding fuel to the fire, the former EastEnders star dropped a handful of teasing clues when he appeared Good Morning Britain this week.

On the show, host Richard Madeley asked: “Why do you think everybody thinks it’s you?”

To which Richard Blackwood replied: “The Bear has swag.

“I’m looking and thinking thats how I would do it.

“You cant put on the bear outfit and not know the swag has to be on point.”

Example performing on stage with a microphone.
Getty - Contributor
Fans now think that Bear is noughties rapper Example[/caption]
Richard Blackwood on Good Morning Britain.
Richard Blackwood dropped a series of teasing clues on GMB that he is Bear[/caption]

In another potential tease, soap star Richard said: “It’s hot in there – so I have heard.

“I did Shrek [on stage] so I can relate to the and make it work.

“That’s the way I would do it if I did it.”


Bear performed Will Smith hit Miami in his recent impressive performance.

The character is decked out in red regal attire and belted out a musical number from Oliver! on their first The Masked Singer performance.

Bear has also offered a variety of clues for reality show viewers and said: ”The stage is set, the audience awaits, and I am hungry for the competition.”

During the first show, the friendly character also revealed a riddle which read: “I’m walking the stage and displaying my toil, but I’m also at home amongst flowers and soil.”

Fans have previously suggested Jordan Stephens from Hip Hop duo Rizzle Kicks is behind the mask.

The theory about Jordan came just days after ITV viewers suspected the character was actually top Brit comedian Ben Bailey Smith.

Some viewers are also sure Bear is A Very Royal Scandal actor Michael Sheen.

Who has left The Masked Singer 2025 so far?

Much to the delight of telly fans, The Masked Singer is back in 2025.

Twelve celebrities have been hidden behind intricate costumes, with their identities concealed.

Sadly, not all of this year’s whacky and wonderful characters can make it to the end of the show, as there can only be one winner.

Here’s who has been unmasked so far:

Teeth – this character baffled judges and viewers with their changing voice. They were finally unmasked as former Bake Off host Mel Giedroyc. None of the panel managed to guess it was her.

Tattoo – despite Davina McCall saying “you sound the same” after this character was unmasked, none of the judges guessed it was 80s singer Carol Decker, whose hit China In Your Hand was a No1 hit for five weeks

Toad In The Hole – a massive diva strop saw the character storm off the stage after the judges voted them off. They later returned to be unmasked as singer Macy Gray

Pegasus – the mythical horse was revealed to be Prue Leith, with judge Jonathan Ross correctly guessing her identity

Spag Bol – this character was first to be unmasked and was none other than Good Morning Britain host Kate Garraway.

Plus there was one extra unmasking this season, with Giant Joel – a caricature of host Joel Dommett – unveiled as double-double Olympic champion Sir Mo Farah.

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