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“Dad Advice” Influencer Shares 4 Household Tasks You Need to Do Now—And They Only Take 5 Minutes

Sometimes, the most difficult part of getting chores done is working up the motivation to get started But even if a major overhaul like spring cleaning can’t fit into your busy schedule, there are still plenty of essential to-do items you can get in less time than it takes to brew a cup of tea. In a recent video, Instagram "dad advice" influencer @DadAdviceFromBo laid out a handful of small household tasks that are as important as they are quick, with all of them taking less than five minutes and mostly using tools you probably already have on hand. Read on to see which quick chores you could get done today.

RELATED: 10 Mistakes You're Making That Keep Your House Cold, Experts Say.

​1 | Do a quick ventilation clean.

Removing air vent to add a filter

Despite the fact that they heat your home throughout the winter and keep the air flowing in some rooms, ventilation systems can be easily forgotten.

According to @DadAdviceFromBo, vacuuming out bathroom fans and wall heaters is essential. In fact, he warns that this can become a fire risk if it’s not performed every year or so.

All bathroom fan cleaning requires is turning off the breakers to the appliance, removing the covers, and cleaning.

“And on your wall heaters, just vacuum everything out—and make sure you don’t touch any of the fins because if you bend those up, sometimes that can create some sparks!” he cautions.

​2 | Tidy up the space around your refrigerator.

sweeping behind fridge

It’s common knowledge that you need to clean the inside of your refrigerator, but when was the last time you tidied up around it?

“I know it’s gross, but at least twice a year, you’ve got to pull your fridge out and clean underneath it and vacuum out behind it,” says @DadAdviceFromBo, adding that you can motivate yourself to “do it while you have that vacuum cleaner out” from taking care of your wall heaters and bathroom fans.

RELATED: The 2 Things You Need to Do to Keep Your Bathroom Mold-Free, Doctor Says.

​3 | Thoroughly clean your dishwasher.

cleaning dishwasher

Just because your dishwasher is getting your plates and utensils clean doesn’t mean it’s staying clean on its own. Just like your washing machine, the dishwasher has a piece that needs to be regularly cleaned.

“Clean [the filter] out, and then I like to wipe down the inside [of the dishwasher] with vinegar,” @DadAdviceFromBo says. “Then, run a cup of vinegar through the cycle to clean everything up.”

4 | Unclog your drains.

water pouring into drain

Let’s be honest: Using your sink shouldn’t be a race against your running water.

“If you’re like my daughter and you’ve been watching the drain in your sink go slower and slower, you need to understand it’s not going to get better all by itself,” @DadAdviceFromBo says.

To remedy the issue, he suggests buying a drain clog remover tool from the store, which usually costs $5 or less. "Thread it down your drain, and pull out whatever gunk you can!” he advises.

Feeling motivated to keep cleaning? As an honorable mention, @DadAdviceFromBo says you should also remember to swap out your fridge’s old water filter for a new one if you haven’t done so in a while.

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