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Археологи знайшли в Єгипті мумії із золотими язиками та нігтями

Дослідники з Університету Барселони (Іспанія) та Інституту Стародавнього Близького Сходу (Німеччина) виявили гробницю з 52 муміями в давньоєгипетському місті Оксірінх (нині – Аль-Баханса). 13 небіжчиків мали золоті накладки на язиках. Причому в однієї мумії їх було аж дві, а ще одна мала нігті із золотими пластинами. Знахідку датовано епохою Птолемеїв (305–30 рр. до н. е.). […]

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Путін заявив про готовність зустрітися з Трампом після «санкційних погроз»

Глава Кремля Володимир Путін прокоментував пропозиції президента США Дональда Трампа розпочати переговори щодо завершення війни в Україні. Як передає Укрінформ, про це повідомляє Медиазона. «Президент США зробив багато заяв із цього приводу (зустрічі – ред.). По-перше, хочу сказати, що Росія ніколи не відмовлялася від контактів із адміністрацією США. Не наша вина, що колишня адміністрація від цих […]

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Гороскоп на 26 січня за картами Таро для всіх знаків Зодіаку

  26 січня – день, коли енергія карт Таро допоможе зрозуміти приховані аспекти життя, знайти відповіді на важливі питання та обрати правильний шлях. Таро розкривають таємниці майбутнього і надають підказки кожному знаку зодіаку. Цього дня особливу увагу слід приділити своїм відчуттям та інтуїції, адже карти вказують не лише на зовнішні події, а й на внутрішній […]

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Kyle Walker’s wife Annie Kilner shows off stunning new look as she prepares for life in Italy after AC Milan transfer

KYLE WALKER’S wife Annie Kilner showed off a stunning new look ahead of a major move for her and her family.

The mother-of-four is due to fly to Italy to join Kyle Walker following the 34-year-old’s loan transfer to AC Milan.

Woman with long braids taking a selfie in a silver sequined bikini top and jeans.
Annie Kilner showed off a stunning new look on Instagram[/caption]
Woman with long dark hair at a nightclub.
Annie sported the new look during a night out with friends[/caption]
A blurry photo of people at a crowded nightclub.
She was also seen in silver bikini top[/caption]
Woman taking a selfie in a black top.
Annie is a mother-of-four with Kyle Walker

Annie, who has more than 81,000 followers on Instagram, showed off eye-catching long and dark braided hair which fell down around her shoulders and to her waist.

She was also seen in a sparkly silver bikini top paired with light blue jeans.

The new look was present as the 33-year-old went out to party for a friend’s birthday as she captioned the post: “Shauna turns 40.”

She also reposted a video from a friend’s Instagram to her story as they enjoyed the night out.

It is understood Annie will by flying to join Walker in Italy after he completed a £4.2million loan from Manchester City to AC Milan that includes an option to buy on a permanent basis.

The Sun revealed how Annie scrapped £27m plans to divorce the defender after a cosy Christmas with the star and their children.

And Annie is now set to move to Milan with Walker, underlining efforts to turn over a new leaf amid their scandal-hit marriage.

The hope is to start afresh by moving away from the goldfish bowl of Cheshire and the constant noise ­surrounding him and Lauryn Goodman — mother of two of his children.

A source told The Sun: “Annie has made it clear to friends she is making the move to Italy for the sake of her family, telling them, ‘I’m doing it for the boys’.

“Getting away from the UK and the noise surrounding Kyle’s sex scandals and drama with Lauryn is what they desperately need. They feel smothered.

“It’s been a traumatic 12 months and they now just want to put it behind them and attempt to lead some sort of normal existence for a while.”

Annie and their four boys will fly to Italy by private jet from Manchester Airport ahead of Milan’s Serie A showdown against Parma tomorrow.

The insider added: “Annie is still intent on going through with the divorce, which Kyle won’t oppose, but the longer they remain together, the more chance they have of eventually reconciling against the odds.

“Kyle accepts that he is taking his problems with him and won’t ever escape what he has done.

“This is an opportunity for him to get some breathing space and for the couple to work out their next steps.”

Walker was spotted in the stands at the San Siro during the game alongside ex-Manchester United star Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

Kyle Walker at a Serie A match.
Walker recently completed a transfer to AC Milan and is set to be joined by Annie[/caption]
Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Kyle Walker seated together.
The 34-year-old was seen next to Zlatan Ibrahimovic ahead of Milan’s game vs Parma[/caption]

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