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Doctors should prescribe exercise to help older people live longer, study shows

DOCTORS should prescribe exercise to help older folk live longer, a study shows.

Regular workouts were found to reduce the risk of early death by a quarter and also cut the risk of more than 30 common conditions.

Senior adults participating in a yoga class.
A study claims that doctors should prescribe exercise to help older folk live longer[/caption]

Staying active can protect against injuries from falls, keep the brain sharp, stave off arthritis and improve mental health, the researchers say.

Dr Jane Thornton, of Western University in Ontario, Canada, called it an “underused health intervention” and said frailty and old age should not be barriers to exercise.

She said: “They should be viewed as key reasons to prescribe it.

“Older adults who become more physically active potentially add years to their lives.”

In the review of other studies, she found those who exercised more had lower risks from diabetes, lung and heart diseases as well as cancer.

Co-author Dr Samir Sinha, at the University of Toronto, added: “Doctors should encourage gradually increasing activity.”

The NHS uses so-called social prescribing of hobbies for older people.

But 85 per cent of over-65s don’t do its recommended muscle-strengthening twice a week.

Age UK’s Caroline Abrahams said: “Even a small amount of physical activity improves health and wellbeing.”

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