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Liam Gallagher’s limited edition Bristol 603 set to sell for huge sum at auction

OASIS fans can bag themselves some classic memorabilia before this year’s tour — as one of Liam Gallagher’s old cars goes up for sale.

The rocker bought the Bristol 603 for £20,000 in 1996 when he was dating actress Patsy Kensit.

Liam Gallagher and Patsy Kensit by a car.
Capital Pictures
Liam Gallagher bought the Bristol 603 for £20,000 in 1996 when he was dating actress Patsy Kensit, above[/caption]
1992 Bristol Brigand classic car.
Marc Giddings
The Bristol 603 is one of only 65 of its kind made, and is now up for sale for £42,500[/caption]
1992 Bristol Brigand classic car.
Marc Giddings
Liam could not drive so he employed a chauffeur for him and his wife-to-be[/caption]

The silver car — one of only 65 of its kind made — is now up for sale for £42,500.

Liam, 52, could not drive so he employed a chauffeur for him and his wife-to-be.

Patsy, 56, who was a child actor and starred in 1974 film The Great Gatsby, married Liam in 1997. They had one son, ­Lennon, and divorced in 2000.

The Bristol 603, complete with leather upholstery and a powerful 5.9L V8 engine, and built in 1981, is in immaculate condition.

Seller SLJ Hackett, in Warminster, Wilts, said: “The car will sit at 100mph with the engine only turning over at 3,300rpm so it is a supremely relaxed cruiser on long journeys at legal speeds!”

Experts say the cars are an alternative to Bentleys and Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson and U2’s Bono have owned one.

Classic car salesman Richard Hackett, 78, said: “This is a great car of its kind and it will definitely sell.

“But the connection with Liam Gallagher gives it that added attraction.

“Personally, I’m more of a Buddy Holly and Little Richard fan, stuff from the 1950s.

“That’s my era rather than the 1990s but I know that Oasis are very popular, especially this year.

“This car would be a great buy for someone who is a fan of both Oasis and classic cars.”

Liam owned the car in the 1990s, when Oasis were one of the biggest bands in the world following a string of top-selling albums and singles.

After this year’s comeback tour there will be no motor the frontman cannot afford, as he and Noel are expected to pocket £50million each from 41 sell-out shows around the world.

The Gallagher brothers’ tour kicks off on July 4 at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff.

Older man sitting in a silver Bristol Brigand classic car.
Marc Giddings
Classic car salesman Richard Hackett, 78, said: ‘This is a great car of its kind and it will definitely sell’[/caption]

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I spent £80k on 4 boob jobs, cheek fillers & Botox – now I’m 40 I’ve had it ALL reversed, I hate the fake look

MUCKING out the stables in my wellies, without a scrap of make-up on, it is hard to believe I was once a top lads’ mag model.

And while posing for publications like Playboy and Zoo in the Noughties was great fun, it came at a price.

Portrait of Lucy Kemp, a former glamour model, now working with horses.
Former lads’ mag model Lisa Kemp has reversed all traces of her cosmetic enhancements[/caption]
Former glamour model Lucy Kemp holding a small container.
Courtesy Lucy Kemp
Lucy spent £80,000 on cosmetic enhancements including four boob jobs[/caption]

Desperate to look like Keeley Hazell and Lucy Pinder — the glamour industry’s big stars of the day — I spent £80,000 on fillers, breast implants, Botox, veneers, hair extensions and treatments.

There was barely a cosmetic procedure I didn’t try.

But after 20 years of being “fake”, all traces of cosmetic enhancements have been banished from my face and body.

I’ve had my fillers dissolved and even had corrective surgery on my face to reverse years of tweakments.

I’ve even ditched the eyelash extensions and make-up.

Now, at the age of 40, I love my new, natural look and I was glad to hear of Geordie Shore star Chloe Ferry’s decision to have her cosmetic surgery reversed.

Chloe, 29, is believed to have spent up to £50,000 on nose jobs, breast implants, fillers, eyebrow lifts, botox and liposuction.

This week she thanked fans for their support as she went to hospital to embark on “a journey to correct my previous work”, starting with having her Brazilian bum lift reversed.

She explained that while she had hoped cosmetic surgery would solve all her problems, it only added to them, sparking depression, anxiety and physical discomfort.

It ultimately left her feeling much worse about herself.

Such honesty from a powerful influencer like Chloe is a breath of fresh air.

Realising that cosmetic tweak after tweak won’t make you happy is a hard reality to accept.

But once you get there — like I did — it frees you.

You accept yourself for who you are and what you really look like.

In my modelling heyday, I felt I HAD to look a certain way.

Big boobs were important, thanks to stars like Katie Price and Pamela ­Anderson.

Fake breasts brought you more work and heftier paychecks.

Later, when a wave of younger models came along, I found myself battling against my ageing face with Botox and fillers.

I felt I had to fight to stay glamorous.

Woman in lime green bra.
Geordie Shore star Chloe Ferry has decided to have her cosmetic surgery reversed[/caption]
Woman with blonde hair, wearing a vest and white shirt, leans on a wooden fence with a pitchfork over her shoulder.
Lucy now lives in the countryside and is a horse-trainer and show-jumper[/caption]

How times have changed.

These days you’ll find me at home in the lovely Bedfordshire countryside with my partner, surrounded by my beloved horses and blissfully content with my new life as a horse-trainer and show-jumper.

But I worry about young girls getting their lips plumped up to the size of baboons’ bums, to look like every­one else on TikTok.

The saddest thing is, these girls aren’t even out having fun like me and my fellow glamour models were in the Noughties.

We were out dancing with pals, celebrating our glamorous looks.

And we embraced our differences, each with our own individual style and personality.

Now girls seem to spend every spare penny on fillers and Botox instead of going out with their mates.

They are on their own in their bedrooms, contouring away like it’s an art form.

Taking selfie after selfie and ­filtering the hell out of their snaps until they are “perfect” enough to post online.

Social media and reality TV stars like the Kardashians have not helped with the trend.


I wasn’t the slightest bit surpris­ed to hear that, according to a recent government report, 36 per cent of adolescents would do “whatever it takes” to look good.

No wonder it’s affecting their mental health.

It’s brilliant Chloe has realised enough is enough, but rev­er­sing cosmetic work is painful and expensive.

My boob jobs, Botox and fillers helped me carve out a successful glamour modelling career.

I ­was earning £4,000 a week doing practically nothing.

Posing for lads’ mag photos is pretty easy.

My career catapulted when I got a boob job on finance, going from a 28B to 30DD when I was 18.

Soon after, I was scouted by a glamour model photographer at a car show in Birmingham.

That says it all, doesn’t it?

Playboy soon came knocking at my door.

But my youthful looks and big boobs weren’t enough when I reached my late twenties.

I needed to keep up with the younger models.

I noticed lines and wrinkles, so I had my cupid’s bow and forehead Botoxed and it spiralled from there.

Chloe Ferry, Geordie Shore cast member, leaving a nightclub.
Fame Flynet
Chloe Ferry before her cosmetic enhancements[/caption]
Chloe Ferry in a red bandana-print mini dress.
Chloe is believed to have spent up to £50,000 on nose jobs, breast implants, fillers, eyebrow lifts, botox and liposuction[/caption]

In my twenties and thirties I had so many tweakments I lost track.

I spent around £16,000 on cheek and lip fillers, £10,000 on Botox, £4,500 on veneers and £10,000 on hair extensions.

I had four boob jobs in total, costing £4,500 each and taking me from a natural 28B to a huge 32FF.

I can remember how amazing I felt, at first.

I finally had this incredible cleavage and looked fabulous in swimwear.

With my long, blonde hair extensions, it was like I’d arrived into womanhood.

Sadly, women don’t realise the toll fillers take.

Your skin gets stretched over time and as your collagen levels naturally fall with age, it does not bounce back when you have the fillers dissolved.

I recently read that there’s been a 27 per cent drop in people getting fillers and I constantly hear of women having theirs dissolved.

It’s a step in the right direction.

I just hope Chloe’s skin is young and elastic enough to repair itself if she dissolves hers.

I wasn’t so lucky.

When I had mine dissolved in 2020, my face became so sunken and saggy I had a mini facelift.

It cost £10,000 and I had intense headaches afterwards and will have the scars for ever.

Fortunately, my sister is trained in aesthetic procedures and dissolved my fillers for me, saving me around £1,000.

It is also more painful than having fillers and I had a lot of bruising and swelling.

Having my breast implants removed cost around £6,000.

I saw a very kind surgeon in Belgium, but I know it can be up to £16,000 for people in the UK.

Now, I urge women to think twice before getting procedures.

It won’t make you happy.

My enhancements made me rich, but I wish I’d known the joy of being at peace with how I really look — like I do now.

My happy place is in my tracksuit and wellies, not the surgeon’s clinic.

Katie Price arriving at the British Book Awards.
PA:Press Association
Katie Price back in her Jordan days[/caption]


ASHTON COLLINS, director of Save Face, which campaigns for safer cosmetic procedures, says:

“Fillers are dissolved by injecting an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which breaks down the material that makes up the filler – usually hyaluronic acid.

The body can then naturally break down the filler and absorb it.

It usually requires multiple injections and can take up to a fortnight for the enzyme to take full effect.

It’s difficult to isolate a very small area, as the product spreads upon injection.

So if you’re having lip fillers dissolved, it will most likely reverse 7 your whole lip enhancement.”

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10 років шукала пропорції цих дерунів зі столової

0 Нарешті я знайшла той самий рецепт ароматних дерунів! І нарешті користуюсь тільки цим рецептом, бо тепер він мій улюблений! Інгредієнти: Картопля 1 кг Цибуля 2 шт. Часник 3 зуб. Яйця 2- 3 шт. Сметана 2 ст. л. Борошно 3 ст. л. Сіль 0,5 ст. л. Перець 0,5 ч. л. Олія для смаження Приготування: Картоплю натираю на […]

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“Люблю східних чоловіків”: Ірина Білик прокоментувала стосунки з ексом Лорак

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