counter easy hit ‘Attack on Titan’ Is the Only Anime to Surpass Invincible and Breaking Bad for the Highest Rated Episodes in Television History – Wanto Ever

‘Attack on Titan’ Is the Only Anime to Surpass Invincible and Breaking Bad for the Highest Rated Episodes in Television History

Anime as a medium has gotten the mainstream attention fairly recently. Considering that, it’s a matter of great joy that Attack on Titan is ahead of acclaimed shows like Breaking Bad and Invincible in one aspect. When it comes to the episode ratings, Attack on Titan has more highly rated episodes than both these shows, revealed by a fan who came up with an interesting criteria. 

Eren is gritting his teeth and the sun is shining behind him in Attack on Titan anime
Eren in Attack on Titan anime | Credits: Studio Wit

There are endless reasons that justify this achievement for Hajime Isayama’s beloved series. However, there’s also a possibility that the cumulative and individual ratings would have been much better if the anime community wasn’t so competitive. 

Attack on Titan beats Breaking Bad and Invincible in this aspect 

Breaking Bad has been the undisputable king of TV shows and no amount of chatter is enough to express how much fans rever this show. What makes Breaking Bad so good is that it excels on all fronts, from the acting to the plot. The quality is impeccable throughout. Similarly, Invincible has caught fans attention in recent times for its gripping narrative.

Half of Reiner’s face is glowing a bright yellow in Attack on Titan anime
The revelation of Reiner’s true identity was one of the most entertaining plot twist | Credits: Studio Wit

While it hasn’t achieved the same glory as Breaking Bad, it’s still on top of everyone’s mind at present. That gives us a brief idea of what Breaking Bad and Invincible represent. A fan on Instagram (@vetzmovies) ranked the top seven series on IMDb with the most number of episodes with a ranking of 9.8 or more. Attack on Titan topped this list with 7 episodes that are rated 9.8. 

Breaking Bad was only second to AOT on the list, but while AOT’s highest rated episode has a ranking on 9.8 and for Invincible it’s 9.9; and Breaking Bad is the only show on IMDb with a perfect score of 10. However, part of the reason why AOT stopped at 9.8 could be the competitive nature of the anime community. Some fandoms are notorious for giving bad reviews to popular series that start topping the charts. AOT could have been a victim of this discourse. 

Here’s why Attack on Titan is so highly rated 

Attack on Titan has always been the cream of the crop when it comes to anime. From busting the myth that anime is for kids to popularizing the medium among international audience, AOT has become definitive of the medium (ani-manga) for many fans. The consistently good quality is one of the reasons why it is so highly regarded. All the top-rated episodes are a testament to Hajime Isayama’s genius at unraveling complex information in entertaining ways. 

Beast Titan is throwing something in Attack on Titan anime
Levi vs. the Beast Titan is the highest rated episode at present | Credits: Studio Wit

Whether it was revealing Reiner and Bertholdt’s true identity or having Levi go on a rampage against the Beast Titan, the mangaka surprised us multiple points. When we look back at the expansive and layered narrative of the series, it’s fascinating how AOT has aced both critical and commercial acclaim alike. 

Attack on Titan is available to stream on Crunchyroll. 

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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