counter easy hit Akira Toriyama’s Last Surprise For Fans With The Super Sayian 4 Transformation in Dragon Ball DAIMA – Wanto Ever

Akira Toriyama’s Last Surprise For Fans With The Super Sayian 4 Transformation in Dragon Ball DAIMA

Revisiting Dragon Ball DAIMA after it’s finally over, the Super Saiyan 4 transformation was undoubtedly one of the most hyped moments in the series. While everyone knows at this point that Akira Toriyama himself did almost all the groundwork for DAIMA, one question still remains, who actually designed the SSJ4 transformation?

Goku Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball DAIMA
Goku attained Super Saiyan 4 in his adult form | Credits: Toei Animation

It’s something that has sparked curiosity among fans. However, recently, some intriguing evidence has come up and finally brought light to this mystery. In fact, it came out as quite a big surprise, as it was the final piece Toriyama had fully worked on before passing away. Don’t worry, the answer will most definitely be to your satisfaction.

Toriyama himself came up with the SSJ4 transformation in Dragon Ball DAIMA!

Goku in DAIMA
SSJ4 Goku in his kid form | Credits: Toei Animation

After years of waiting, we finally got a continuation of the Dragon Ball franchise, and it certainly did not disappoint in the slightest. Although a few people had some complaints about its ending, DAIMA undeniably brought some of the most unique things that have never been done in this series. In a recent interview, key animator Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru spilled some of those beans on what went into bringing this epic series to life.

Apart from everything else he said, one of the most interesting reveals came when Nakatsuru was asked about who came up with the design of Super Saiyan 4. And quite surprisingly, it was Akira Toriyama himself who designed the SSJ4 transformation for DAIMA!

According to Nakatsuru, Toriyama wished to create a unique version of Super Saiyan 4 that was distinct from the DAIMA series.

This revelation made the entire Dragon Ball fandom completely awestruck, especially the Toriyama fans. It came out as a reminder of this legendary creator’s innovative spirit and how he always strives for uniqueness. In fact, he also had this strong resolution to finish DAIMA, it was as if Toriyama knew his time might be coming to a close.

Toriyama ended up doing almost everything in DAIMA

Dragon Ball DAIMA goku
Dragon Ball DAIMA episode 19 | Credits: Toei Animation

It’s crazy to think about, but Toriyama’s creative mode went into a Super Saiyan state when designing the world of DAIMA! And not just the SSJ4, he did almost everything! From the quirky characters hanging out in the bar to the terrifying monsters roaming the Demon Realm, every detail in DAIMA bears his touch. He even came up with those designs for planes and mecha himself, which could be done by anyone else.

Also, Toriyama could have easily taken the easy route and borrowed inspiration from other modern fantasy shows. Instead, he poured his heart and soul into crafting a unique experience that’ll be distinct from the Dragon Ball franchise. And as we can all agree, the result was an absolute feast!

Dragon Ball DAIMA is available to watch on Crunchyroll.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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