free website stats program ‘Castlevania’ Fans Will Stop Calling Alucard a Mama’s Boy After They Get a Look at Dracula’s Younger Self – Wanto Ever

‘Castlevania’ Fans Will Stop Calling Alucard a Mama’s Boy After They Get a Look at Dracula’s Younger Self

Castlevania has to be on everyone’s watchlist for many reasons and it has nothing to do with the series’ popularity. Its a spin on the tale of Bram Stroker’s Dracula but it also reimagines several tropes within vampiric genre. But what has most fangirls going gaga is the charming dhampir Alucard.

Alucard draws his sword and prepares for a fight.
Alucard draws his sword | Credit: Powerhouse Animation

Other than being a fan-favorite, he is a well-written yet complex character in most senses. There is a debate though regarding him being his mother’s splitting image. And while fans may have blown it out of proportion, his father’s influence is undisputed in most aspects.

Alucard, the splitting image of Lisa

For starters, a dhampir is a child born out of a union between a human and a vampire. There are countless examples of that in popular media and the popular ones are D (Vampire Hunter D) and Saya (Blood: The Last Vampire). But the Netflix series took it to a whole new level.

We are introduced to Alucard properly by the end of the first season. But he makes his appearance early on while bickering with his father regarding humanity. His move to protect innocent people proves that he isn’t devoid of empathy or compassion despite the vampiric ties.

Alucard in a disheveled state in Castlevania.
Alucard in a still from the series | Credit: Powerhouse Animation

Not only that, a large part of his appeal as a character has more to do with his appearance. His soft features contrast the portrayal of masculinity in media and pop culture, but they hold a deeper meaning. He takes after his mother Lisa, or rather, he is a splitting image of her as most fans pointed out.

On X, fans praised Lisa’s genetics for adding charm and appeal to the character.

Not only appearance, but he is similar to his mother in terms of the sentiment he carries throughout the series. Like Lisa, he stood up against all odds for humanity and faced his father’s anger. The scar on his chest is a proof of that.

On top of that, his move to protect people from his father’s wrath is overlooked for the most part. The openness to understand humans and their lives is something he inherited from Lisa. While he shares a strained relationship with his father, the latter inadvertently influenced him.

Dracula’s influence on his son in Castlevania

Castlevania does several elements brilliantly. The idea of oppressive religion as well as abuse is something so taboo, yet is showcased sensibly in the series. But what stands ignored is Dracula’s influence on his son Adrian Tepes despite their conflicting relationship.

Strength means different things to different people and both carry and hone it perfectly. It is beautifully done, especially with Dracula’s wrath and rage stemming out of loss. With his son, it is born out of justice, which is precisely what he inherits from his father, but that is not the end of it all.

Dracula with his fangs out in Castlevania.
Dracula showcases his wrath in the series | Credit: Powerhouse Animation

Some fans were quick to retort to the whole genes don’t fight back argument. They had a move up their sleeve, and to say the least, both father and son’s resemblance is very much there. It might even shut the haters for good.

In retrospect, both father and son share fierceness in battles. We witness their ruthlessness in fights and their resolve. And by the end of the day, both are characterized by their loneliness. But we’re not done here.

The writers outdid themselves by rendering human qualities in both father and son. There’s something so beautiful in grief and loss that the series brings out perfectly, which only makes it a must-watch.

Castlevania is available for streaming on Netflix.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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