Avatar: The Last Airbender and its successor, The Legend of Korra, were able to deliver a lot of brilliant fight scenes with its core group of characters. There has been a lot of debate online about which squad was the better when it came to laying down a curbstomp, but there is one team that is routinely left out of these conversations, most probably because there are only a few who could match them when it came to power, skill and screen presence.

Order of the White Lotus in Avatar: The Last Airbender consisted of Iroh, Bumi, and a few other masters that would come to form one of the most formidable forces fighting against the evils of the Fire Nation, helping the Avatar to put Zuko on the throne and take down Fire Lord Ozai. In doing so, by taking the city of Ba Sing Se, the team was prevented from being one of the strongest ensembles in the show.
Order of the White Lotus really put the fear of themselves in the Fire Nation

The Order of the White Lotus, as has existed since the time of Avatar Kuruk, is one of the most interesting aspects of the Avatarverse. The iteration of the order during the time of Avatar Aang, with Iroh as its Grand Lotus, remains the best depiction of the might and power of the order, showcasing what a competent iteration of the team would be capable of.
The team, by definition, takes members from across nations who can bring their unique philosophies to enrich a collaborative effort that aims at protecting the Avatar and helping them maintain peace between the four nations.
Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Pakku, Bumi and Piandao were the versions of the Order that fought in the tail end of the Hundred Year War, absolutely decimating the forces that dared to engage with them in battle. While the Avatar of the day was fighting Ozai head on, the Order was instrumental in securing the day and winning the war when it counted most.
The Order of the White Lotus needs to be redeemed in Avatar: Seven Havens

Avatar: Seven Havens is going to take place in a world that is drastically different. Gone are the four nations, in what seems to be the logical conclusion of the actions that were put in motion towards the finale of The Legend of Korra. During the time of Korra herself, the White Lotus had largely become an international peace-keeping and regulatory body, the prime objective of which was to imprison and monitor international criminals.
In the time of Seven Havens, it remains to be seen if the White Lotus is disbanded or not. The order was largely responsible for keeping young Avatars safe, and in a time when the Avatar is looked at as a symbol of humanity, the Order also might have been branded as terrorists or rebels.
It also needs to be seen how the Seven Havens are going to function, whether they will be isolated, or form an international community. The survival of the order of the White Lotus is also subject to the nature of (or the lack of ) such alliances.
This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire