A SERIAL rape fiend hid one drugged victim naked under his bed after police turned up trying to find her.
Sohail Ahmed wrapped the unconscious woman in a duvet at his flat after abducting her from the street.

Ahmed – labelled a ‘creep’ by neighbours – dancing on their doorbell camera[/caption]
He has been jailed for his horrific crimes[/caption]
But experts believe there may be more victims[/caption]
The 51-year-old former teacher was convicted at the High Court in Glasgow of taking two women hostage and seriously sexually assaulting them.
But prosecutors have made contact with a third alleged victim, and sources believe there could be more.
An expert close to the case told The Scottish Sun: “Ahmed is the kind of serial offender who leaves a trail of fear and devastation behind him.
“Now that’s he’s locked up, any other victims should feel brave enough to come forward and make sure his prison sentence is as long as possible.”
The married predator first struck days before Christmas of 2022 — after being charged with sending sleazy texts and voicemails to an osteopath.
His victim, an escort, agreed to go to his home in Glasgow’s Maryhill after he contacted her online.
Once there, the ex-geography and modern studies tutor snatched the 41-year-old’s handbag, locked the door and pinned her down before raping her. She eventually fled ‘wailing’ in terror, with a child asking his mum: “Why is that lady crying.”
Ahmed struck again in August 2023 after striking up a conversation with a 28-year-old near Glasgow Central Station. He took her to his flat where, according to prosecutors, he spiked her drink.
NEIGHBOURS of vile Ahmed described him as a “creep” who disgusted them.
One said: “We saw one victim leaving his flat. It was horrifying. She looked completely broken. She seemed really out of it, like she had been drugged.
“When he first moved in, he left me and my kids boxes of perfume. It was really strange. He was a creep.”
Another resident said: “He was always picking fights, blasting music at odd hours, dancing in front of our ring doorbell cameras, making rude gestures.
We tried to ignore him. He was looking for a fight, but he wasn’t going to get one from us.”
Ahmed said he asked her: “Do you want to disappear.
He raped her before cops turned up, sending him into a panic.
Ahmed covered the victim with the duvet before stuffing her under the bed and piling sheets on top of her.
Officers rescued her and discovered valium-like pills in the flat.
Prosecutor Lorraine Glancy KC put it to Ahmed that he thought he had “some moral high ground” over the women. He replied: “Not at all. I believe in calling a spade a spade.”
Ms Glancy said: “Well, I am going to call you a rapist.
“You are a man who has systematically raped women who have found themselves in the unfortunate position of being alone in your home.”
The Crown also led evidence, without a formal charge, regarding another alleged sex attack on an escort in 2012. It was stated that
Ahmed was violent with her, made indecent remarks and had sex without consent. He denied the accusations.
Judge Lord Harrower paid tribute to the victims, saying: “I commend their bravery in reporting their ordeals.”
He remanded Ahmed in custody and deferred sentence to a later date.
Prosecutors believe Ahmed is so dangerous they are pushing for an order of lifelong restriction. It would mean him being strictly monitored for the rest of his life after release.