counter easy hit I’ve spent £77k on surgery to become the ultimate bimbo – my home is full of framed selfies and mirrors to admire myself – Wanto Ever

I’ve spent £77k on surgery to become the ultimate bimbo – my home is full of framed selfies and mirrors to admire myself

A WOMAN revealed that she spent over £77,000 on various surgeries and procedures to alter her appearance.

She explained that her goal is to look like a “typical bimbo” using everything from fillers to operations.

Woman in red lace jumpsuit on balcony at night.
Instagram @phuccphaamee

Influencer Nicole revealed that she has spent over £77,000 on surgeries to alter her appearance[/caption]

Speaking on the Truly YouTube channel, Natalie explained her history going under the knife.

She shared that she spent $100,000 (£77,000) “to look this good”.

The influencer revealed that she wants to be described as “exotic”, “infamous”, “hot”, and as a “bimbo”.

After coming out as trans in her teen years, Natalie began her journey with surgeries when she turned 18.

Since then she has undergone 21 procedures, including a forehead reduction, two eyebrow lifts, as eyebrow shave, two nose jobs, cheek implants, under eye filler, cheek filler, lip filler, a chin shave, a jaw shave, veneers, and two boob jobs.

“I am judged for the amount of surgeries I’ve had,” Natalie said.

“Honestly, my opinion is if you don’t like something about yourself then change it.”

She explained that she knew she wanted to be perceived as a “fantasy” when she transitioned.

“I’m literally the centre of attention anywhere I go,” Natalie told viewers.

She revealed that she doesn’t liked to “blend” in and even goes as far as changing her hair colour every day with wigs.

Natalie’s approach to her appearance is “look good, feel good, do good”.

The content creator, who says she is 21, added that she likes to look expensive.

And while she described herself as in “cruise control right now” she revealed that she definitely hasn’t settled on her “final form”.

Natalie joked that she would be turning 21 again in another few years and might revise her appearance.

She also shared her plans to get a cat eye surgery in Turkey some day.

What are the risks of lip fillers?

THE RISKS of dermal fillers depend on whether the procedure was done correctly and the type of filler used.

The NHS recommends you speak to your practitioner about the risks beforehand.

Serious problems are rare but can include:

  • Infection
  • A lumpy appearance under the skin, which might need to be treated with surgery or medicine
  • The filler moving away from the intended treatment area, which may need to be removed using surgery
  • Scarring
  • Blocked blood vessels in the face, which can cause tissue death and permanent blindness

You should see your GP if you have any complications that need medical attention and speak to your practitioner if you’re not happy with the results or experience lumpiness.

Source: NHS

And Natalie’s love for her “exagerrated features” is also evident throughout her home.

The Chicago apartment features countless framed pics of her as well as multiple mirrors.

“This is the hall of fame and just another mirror because I love looking at myself,” Natalie said as she gave a tour of the space.

“How many people do you know with a shower curtain of themselves?”

She joked that some of the snaps were worthy of being on an “altar” dedicated to her.

While Natalie described herself as “obsessed with myself” she shared that others have labelled her as “self-centred”, “narcissistic”, and “egotistic”.

However, the influencer countered this by simply saying “At least I’m pretty”.

Other trolls have gone as far to criticise her appearance as well, one person writing “Plastic, more like recycled”.

YouTube subscribers shared their thoughts on Natalie’s look in the comments section.

“It’s shocking the amount of abuse the human body can withstand,” wrote one viewer.

Another commenter described the influencer as “a victim of the plastic world”.

“Go girl! Do what makes you happy,” commented a third person.

Woman in red top and denim shorts posing in an elevator.
Instagram @phuccphaamee

Nicole said that she is currently in ‘cruise control’ with her appearance but has plans for future procedures[/caption]

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