When you’re looking to get fit and burn calories, it’s hard to overstate the simple power of consistency. As any fitness expert will tell you, more important than achieving fast results is your ability to achieve lasting results. That said, there are a few workout plans that can offer immediate benefits while also setting you up for long-term success. A jump rope workout—requiring little in terms of financial investment or equipment—can be an accessible entry point to sustainable exercise for people of all fitness levels.
Before you try anything more complicated, it’s a good idea to find your rhythm and form by practicing a basic jump. And, it may be encouraging to learn that even if you never progress to fancier footwork, this exercise offers serious benefits. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a 150-pound person can expect to burn 750 calories per hour spent jumping rope, while a 200-pound person can burn 1,000 calories in that same amount of time. Additionally, jumping rope builds bone health, muscle strength, balance, and more.
That said, if you’re ready to try something more advanced, you may notice results even sooner. Read on to learn seven expert-approved jump rope exercises that can take your routine to the next level in no time flat.
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1. Interval Jump Rope
After you’ve mastered a basic jump, the natural next step is to incorporate interval training, says Nicole Davis, CPT, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach at Garage Gym Reviews.
“Alternating between high-speed intervals and slower recovery periods helps torch calories fast,” she tells Best Life. “For example, try 30 seconds of fast jumping with 15 to 30 seconds of rest, repeated for 10 minutes. This workout boosts metabolism and creates a lasting calorie-burning effect even after you’re done.”
2. Double Unders
We all remember this trick from childhood: Jump high and spin the rope twice under your feet before you land on each jump.
“It requires a lot of coordination, speed, and power, which burns a lot of calories. Because of the intensity, it’s best used as part of a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) session,” says Davis.
For an added challenge, try doing this move on one foot, suggests Maria Vazquez, head of training at MYWOWFIT.
“Jump on one foot and spin the rope twice per jump,” she explains, noting that you should switch legs after 10 reps. “Keep your jumps low to avoid shin bone injury. This builds endurance and strengthens your wrists.”
3. Alternating Foot Step
If you think your coordination is up to the task, next try alternating your foot step as you jump.
“Instead of jumping with both feet, alternate by lifting one foot up while the other foot taps the ground—it’s almost a skipping motion. This move is a bit lower impact than basic jump rope, but does require more coordination,” Davis says. “Once you nail the footwork though, you may find this movement allows you to jump rope for longer periods of time, thus increasing your caloric burn.”
Davis also endorses another alternating foot step—the Boxer Step—if you’re looking to make the most of your routine.
“Mimicking the footwork of boxers, this technique involves shifting your weight from one foot to the other while lightly jumping. This move helps build endurance, rhythm, and agility. Also, because you’re working side to side in the lateral plane, your hips and knees will gain some benefits,” she explains.
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4. Criss-Cross Jump
A criss-cross jump can help you burn more calories by engaging more muscle groups.
“This move involves crossing your arms in front of you as you jump, then uncrossing them on the next jump,” Davis notes. “It adds an upper-body challenge, enhancing coordination and shoulder strength. The movement is also complex, which keeps you constantly thinking—a positive for your brain.”
5. Butt Kicks
Another way to ramp up the intensity of your workout is to increase your range of motion by simply adding butt kicks to each of your jumps.
“As you jump, kick your heels to touch your glutes,” Vazquez suggests. “Keep it systematic, and if you can’t find a rhythm, try jumping to music. This helps with sprinting mechanics and burns calories fast.”
6. Scissor Jumps
Scissor jumps can also torch calories by adding rigor to your routine. To try them, split your legs—one forward and one backward, like a pair of scissors—switching positions with each jump. Both feet should leave the ground, but Vazquez advises against jumping too high, which can cause you to lose balance.
“This move strengthens the hip flexors, core, and overall agility,” she tells Best Life.
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7. Low Squat Jumps
Finally, adding a squat to each jump can engage your core and lower body muscles, and should have you feeling the burn in no time.
For an extra challenge in a group workout setting, Vazquez recommends having others spin the rope while you stay low. “Your legs will hurt but it’s very effective in building lower body strength,” she notes.
Davis notes that whatever you do, setting time goals and building your stamina should help you enhance your cardiovascular health, slim down, and build strength: “If you can jump rope for 15 minutes three times per week, you’d be over half way to the CDC’s recommended weekly physical activity level.”