When I first started watching the Harry Potter films, I was barely a 5 to 6-year-old kid, blissfully unaware of how cinematic adaptations often butcher beloved books. Back then, I watched the movies assuming they were gospel. But then something shifted, I picked up J.K. Rowling’s novels and there was no end to my disappointment.

Now, it’s been over two decades and I still can’t forgive how the movies ruined the characters—especially Ron Weasley’s. One of the biggest betrayals happened in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) where they erased one of Ron’s most intelligent moments. The films reduced him to comic relief when, in reality, book Ron had brains, wit, and a knack for wizarding world trivia.
Ron’s deleted scene from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
It’s been way over two decades since the release of the first Harry Potter movie, and I’m still fuming. So when I tell you that the franchise did Ron Weasley dirty, I mean DIRTY. They took one of the best characters from the books—a loyal, clever, and fiercely brave best friend—and turned him into a walking punchline.
Now, believe it or not, nothing stings more than the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets deleted scene that proved that Ron wasn’t just “the funny sidekick”—he was actually smart. If you’ve only watched the movies, you probably wouldn’t know this but in the film’s Special Features DVD, there’s a scene showcasing Ron’s memory and quick wit.
In the scene, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are seen examining Tom Riddle’s diary when suddenly it’s Ron who recognizes the name first. He casually mentions that he remembers Riddle’s name because he once had to polish his trophy while vomiting slugs (courtesy of that amazing broken wand moment).

Well, that’s not it, because after recollecting Tom Riddle’s name, Ron goes a step further and remembers how the trophy was from 50 years ago. This proved that Tom was present at Hogwarts at the time when the Chamber of Secrets was first opened. Yes, you read that right. Ron figured it out!
And now, imagine how many of you who watched the movies instead of the Special Features DVD, were robbed of this incredible moment, because the filmmakers decided to chop it out. Following this revelation, if you’re feeling disappointed, remember that you aren’t alone. Because so am I, and so are the netizens who came across this scene on Instagram.
People took to the comment section expressing how the filmmakers “erased everything that made Ron intelligent”. Others noted how the “movies loved to make Ron look dumb”, and I agree. Because removing this crucial piece of information felt like a massive betrayal to the character.
It’s heartbreaking to see how filmmakers reduced Ron to a comic relief
If you ask me, Potterhead to Potterhead, Ron Weasley was never meant to be just the funny one. Sure, he had some hilarious moments, but in the books, he was so much more than that. He was strategic, knowledgeable about the wizarding world (after all he came from a family of pureblood wizards), and, most importantly, he was the glue that held the Golden Trio together.
Sadly, I can’t wrap my head around the fact as to why the Harry Potter movies decided to strip him of his depth and make him the designated goofball. Need a joke? Give it to Ron. Need someone to scream unnecessarily? Ron again. Need to hand over a few of his best book lines to Hermione instead? Yep, you guessed it—RON. The way the films turned him into a living breathing comic is one of the reasons why people never understood why Hermione chose him.
Trust me, that deleted Chamber of Secrets scene along with several other tiny moments were proof that Ron wasn’t useless. Those scenes weren’t just a few throwaway sequences, they were proof of his instincts, memory, and an understanding of Hogwarts history that could rival even Hermione’s. And yet, I fail to understand why the filmmakers removed it, making it seem like Ron was just along for the ride while Harry and Hermione did all the thinking.

Harry and Hermione had their respective moments of glory and intelligence. They genuinely did not need to borrow Ron’s pivotal scenes to shine. So now, the filmmakers’ decision seems purely heartbreaking, because it unfairly diminished Ron’s character, reducing him to comic relief instead of the loyal, brave, and strategic friend he truly was. It’s no wonder book fans are still bitter—even I’m still waiting for justice, 23 years later.
Harry Potter films are currently available to watch on Max.
This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire