If you’re new to Brawl Stars, you may be wondering which brawlers in the game work the best. But reading an entire tier list can also be draining, especially if you just want to see how certain brawlers perform. So to make it shorter, here’s a Brawl Stars Rare Brawlers tier list for each brawler in the Rare category. Note that we did not account for mutations, which were only available for a limited time.
Brawl Stars Rare Brawlers Tier List
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As Season 35 of Brawl Stars approaches, this is our Rare Brawlers Tier List based off the latest patch notes:
S Tier
Colt – One of the first brawlers players usually unlock, and for good reason. Colt’s attack puts pressure on enemies, deals a lot of damage, and his super is incredible. A good Colt can be useful in any game mode. He can break walls, deal a lot of damage, and all of his gadgets and star powers have their uses. Slick Boots increases his walking speed, but Magnum special is great for any combat situations. We recommend Silver bullet, his gadget that allows him to break walls. It can help you chase brawlers in showdown, or open lanes in heist.
With Colt’s new Hypercharge Ability increasing his Super’s width (to 120%!), he now joins the S Tier of Rare Brawlers. Additionally, the damage, shield and speed buffs to his Hypercharge catapult our favorite gunslinger to the top spot of the Rare Brawlers Tier List. Although all Hypercharge received some nerfs, it still doesn’t really Hamper Colt’s effectiveness.
Colt’s last buff gave him a faster reload speed, officially putting him on the top of our Rare Brawlers Tier list. Our favorite gunslinger in the game finally reached the apex of his category. Even if Supercell introduces a nerf to him in the future, we still feel he will be the best in the whole rarity.
Poco – The absolute best healer in the game, by far. His attacks pierce through enemies, his super heals some brawlers back to full health, and he can tank some hits along the way. His Da Capo Star Power heals teammates just by attacking them, which both heals teammates and damages enemies all at once.
Pam and Byron are also good healers with their own advantages, but Poco makes it easy. His attack spreads pretty far and deals decent damage for what he tries to accomplish. For healing purposes, use his Da Capo Star power and Tuning Fork gadget for max medical performance. Both of his Star Powers as well as his Tuning Fork gadgets all received buffs due to the Power Level 11 adjustments back in October.
And with a new Hypercharge, Poco is without a doubt one of the best brawlers in the entire game. With it, his super now gives a shield to any player he over-heals. Along with the temporary stat boosts, this just makes him and his teammates even tougher to take down. He returns to the S tier in glorious fashion.
Brock – A brawler with good range, high damage, and an area of effect after each projectile makes its impact. Brock’s damage can take away over 2300 HP at power level 11, and even more with a damage gear equipped. Use that with his Rocket No 4. Gadget, and a reload gear. At that point, you’ll never run out of ammo, deal insane damage, and you have an extra shot to save yourself in case things go sour.
Both of Brock’s gadgets are great. Rocket Laces is great for jumping away from close range brawlers. Rocket fuel is awesome for destroying walls and giving you more places to shoot. Regardless, there’s many ways to use this classic brawler, and he’s really easy to use. Therefore, we recommend newcomers to the game use him often.
Back in Season 28, we moved Brock back to the S tier, thanks to his brand new Hypercharge ability. This new ability lets Brock fire waves of rockets, dealing 1000 damage per rocket (recently buffed from 750). Furthermore, Supercell increased the spread of his Hypercharge attack, making it much more reliable. They even increased his health in the latest Angels vs. Demons update. He belongs in the S tier as one of the best Rare brawlers in the game.
A Tier
Barley – Recent updates have made Barley a lot more viable. Since February of 2024, he received four total buffs that greatly improved his main attack damage, Super damage, and Super recharge rate. Furthermore, Supercell finally gave one of the OG throwers a Hypercharge ability. As a thrower, Barley’s ranged attacks let him damage enemies from a safe distance, with different abilities to support his team.
Barley can use his Sticky Syrup Mixer to slow down any-close range foes, or those standing on the other side of a wall. Or, his Herbal Tonic Gadget heals teammates and himself. Additionally, you can use his Extra Noxious Star Power to add more damage to your attacks, or his Medical Use Star Power to heal yourself with each attack.
Regardless of what you choose, Barley can have multiple uses and effective builds to make him a great brawler. Whether you focus on healing or attacking, Barley should be capable of servicing either need. And his new Hypercharge covers a much larger area of effect than his Super does. Furthermore, it destroys bushes, helping you expose any close-range brawlers who tried to sneak up on you.
El Primo – El Primo’s new Hypercharge now puts him among the best close-range brawlers in Brawl Stars. For a time, he was one of the worst. Personally, we love using in him in Brawl Ball, where he deals a ton of damage up close, has a ton of HP, and comes with a deadly Super.
Additionally, he can jump to the other side of the map, destroy some walls, and open lanes for scoring. He used to be a rather average close-range brawler, but he’s easy to get and fun to play with now that he’s got a Hypercharge ability.
Furthermore, Primo received multiple buffs throughout 2024, including a recent health buff to make him tankier. Furthermore, he deals more damage with his main attack, El Fuego Star Power, and Asteroid Belt gadget. Additionally, his Hypercharge lets him pull enemies in when he uses his Super. Suffice to say, Primo is bringing close-range brawlers back into the meta!
B Tier
Rosa – A tanky brawler with a super who makes her even more tanky. It can be hard to play as a close-range brawler, especially with so many others having slow, stun, or knock back mechanics. That being said, Rosa is tough to take down, and even tougher with the right setup. She’s one of the better close-range fighters of the game.
On game modes like Hot Zone, use her Grow Light gadget, which creates bushes around her. Her Plant Life Star power lets her increase her health when in bushes. You may not get a lot of KOs and you’ll likely be knocked out more, but you’ll have a better chance of winning.
Rosa’s Hypercharge and recent buffs make her one of the better close range brawlers in the game. That being said, it’s extremely hard for close range brawlers to be at the apex of Brawl Stars’ meta, considering that map rotation plays a big role in their success. In open maps with very little coverage, Rosa becomes a massive liability for those who don’t play as her. In close range maps/modes, she’s an absolute menace. Overall, it all balances out and she’s still extremely powerful.
So for now, we’ll keep Rosa in the B tier, though that could change with one or two more buffs.
Nita – She’s not bad, but without her bear, Bruce, Nita isn’t special. Her attack range is fairly short, though she does reload quickly. Her super is good, but when her bear is destroyed she’s back to being an open target. She deals decent damage, and she can take some too, but there’s nothing about her that makes her pop out.
However, Nita is good at a few things. Her attack can’t travel through walls, but if you shoot at certain angles you can just about hit anyone hiding around a corner. Her bear can also corner enemies, even if it doesn’t get to deal damage. It’ll give you the chance you need to finish off your enemy, and build toward your next super.
Fun fact, Nita’s last nerf was back in 2020 while also only receiving five buffs since. Out of all the brawlers in the Brawl Stars Rare Brawlers tier list, Supercell seems really content with her right now. We feel the same way, as she’s easy to unlock but still useful after you unlock 70+ brawlers.
C Tier
Bull – With the exception of Snake Prairie and a few other maps, Bull is relatively useless. His attack range is way too small, and although it deals a lot of damage it doesn’t beat every brawler in 1v1s. Despite being a bully, he’s usually the one getting bullied himself. You’d get much more out of Shelly, who everyone gets for free. She has better range, her super wins almost every close-corner 1v1, and she moves faster.
Bull isn’t the worst brawler, but he definitely takes time getting used to. Only use him in maps and modes with a lot of walls that cater to his play-style. We only really recommend using him in Bounty (specifically, Snake Prairie), and Brawl Ball/Heist Maps with a lot of walls.
However, Bull finally moved out of the D tier last year since he’s one of a few brawlers to own a Hypercharge ability right now. Bull’s Hypercharge gives him a shield during his super, while increasing his speed, damage, and shield without it. It received a few nerfs awhile back, as all brawlers received adjustments to their Hypercharges. Nevertheless, Bull remains the worst Brawler in this Brawl Stars Rare Brawlers Tier List.
That wraps it up for the Brawl Stars Rare Brawlers Tier List. We also have tier lists for Super Rare, Epic, Mythic, and Legendary Brawlers if you’re interested.
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