free website stats program Diablo 4 Needs to Steer Clear From a Major Companion Folly That Neverwinter Is a Victim Of – Wanto Ever

Diablo 4 Needs to Steer Clear From a Major Companion Folly That Neverwinter Is a Victim Of

Most RPGs today have some sort of companion or pet system. It’s especially true for ARPGs like Diablo 4, Neverwinter, and other games of the genre. But regardless of how cool these systems can be, the execution is what matters most. And that’s where we hope Blizzard doesn’t learn from Neverwinter’s mistakes.

A player and their pet in Diablo 4.
There is no space for pay-to-win in the game. | Image Credit: Blizzard

In Neverwinter, all the good companions are locked behind paywalls, and it encourages a pay-to-win mentality. Since Diablo 4 finally got companions in the Vessel of Hatred expansion, we can assume that more are coming. We just hope Blizzard doesn’t make them pay to win too because there are a lot of other things to worry about right now.

Diablo 4 should not learn from Neverwinter‘s mistakes

A Diablo 4 player in combat.
Greed is not good. | Image Credit: Blizzard

The companions in Neverwinter are AI-controlled allies that assist players in battle. You can get them in different forms from humanoid warriors to magical creatures and they all have their own stats and abilities. However, the game’s monetization model has turned this system into a pay-to-win nightmare. There’s a reason why the game has been called a cash grab over the last few years.

Neverwinter’s monetization model is one of the biggest reasons behind its decline. The game may be free to play but rest assured, it’s not that simple. While some companions are free via in-game activities, the best ones with the highest item levels and most useful abilities, are locked behind paid content, such as Zen Store purchases and loot boxes.

With Blizzard releasing companions in the Vessel of Hatred expansion, there’s a lot to learn from Neverwinter’s mistakes, especially in terms of microtransactions. Mercenaries have historically been a part of the Diablo franchise and these AI-controlled allies have now joined us in Diablo 4 too.

But if Blizzard ties mercenary upgrades, gear, or special abilities to microtransactions, it’ll be the same kind of greed we’ve seen before. Not everyone can pay for progress like Elon Musk you know. If the developers make it so that players can pay for more power, it could be disastrous for the game’s long-term health.

The older Diablo games have done companions well, just learn from them

Lilith in Diablo 4
And Path of Exile 2 is waiting for the devs to trip up. | Image Credit: Blizzard

The Diablo franchise has previously handled companions in a way that worked. We could hire mercenaries in Diablo 2 with in-game gold and give them weapons and armor to improve their effectiveness. In Diablo 3, followers had unique abilities and dialogue. One thing to note is that neither system forced players to spend real money to access or upgrade these companions.

We all know Blizzard doesn’t have the freedom to try and make controversial changes right now, not with the meteoric rise of Path of Exile 2. PoE2 has quickly risen to success and has already become one of the best-selling games on Steam. Despite the fact that it’s only in Early Access right now, players are gladly paying for it and it shows.

If Blizzard makes the mistake of bringing Neverwinter-style pay-to-win monetization to Diablo 4’s mercenary system, players could easily abandon ship and flock to Path of Exile 2. There’s no room for error given the competitive nature of the genre so let’s hope Blizzard knows what’s right.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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