Police bodycam footage shows the moment after a mother and father allegedly tried to strangle their teenage daughter in an “honor k!lling” Ihsan Ali, 44, and his wife Zahraa Subhi Mohsin Ali, 40, were charged with attempted murdr, attempted kidnapping, and assault after the attack on October 18, 2024. The girl, 17, who was not named, ran away from home to Timberline High School in Lacey, Washington, after her parents tried to put her on a plane to Iraq. “Her father had recently been threatening her with honor k!lling for refusing an arranged marriage with an older man in another country,” court documents stated that the girl told police. Subsequently, Ihsan went to the school to attack his daughter. Shocking video showed Ihsan on the ground with his daughter in a chokehold outside the school, while classmates desperately tried to free her. Police bodycam footage obtained by DailyMail showed the aftermath of the attack minutes later when officers arrived at the school at 2.18pm. By then, the girl’s brave 16-year-old boyfriend and his classmates had fought off Ihsan, saving her life, and adult passerby Josh Wagner restrained him on the ground.

Ihsan brazenly declared to police, while in handcuffs, that his daughter would come home if he asked, despite him allegedly trying to murdr her minutes earlier, while his wife Zahraa had a meltdown over his arrest. Both the girl and her boyfriend, who was allegedly punched in the face by Ihsan while defending her, suffered numerous injuries in the fracas. The vast majority of the released footage is from the perspective of the first cop on the scene, Officer Sophal Heang, and the audio is often muted to censor certain details. Heang handcuffed Ihsan while Wagner helped hold him down until backup arrived, while his eldest daughter Haneen Ali, 21, insisted her dad did nothing wrong. Haneen is accused of trying to fend off her younger sister’s classmates so their mother Zahraa could allegedly choke the girl to de@th in the ‘honor k!lling”.

Haneen and Zahraa”He was trying to kill her,” one of several students a few feet away said, in reference to Ihsan’s alleged attack on his daughter. “My sister ran away, my mom tried to get her to talk with her… but there was this guy who held her, really aggressive,” Haneen claimed, likely about her sister’s boyfriend. Heang hauled Ihsan to his feet and marched him to a police car past Zahraa, who was hysterically wailing and crying. Police were unaware at this point that Zahraa allegedly also tried to strangle her daughter after classmates stopped Ihsan, or that Haneen, who has not been charged with a crime, allegedly tried to fight off students who tried to intervene. Ihsan several times demanded to speak to the daughter he allegedly tried to murdr, even when Heang opened the trunk to retrieve equipment.

“You will not speak to your daughter” Heang replied. “We’re investigating a criminal investigation right now.” Ihsan replied: “Just let me tell her to come home – not like that. If I tell her to go home, she will go home.” Heang ignored him and closed the trunk. He later identified Ihsan as the “primary aggressor” during a call to his supervisors. The officer, who only joined the LPD in March 2021, tried to read Ihsan his Miranda rights, but was ignored when he asked if the suspect understood them.

Instead, Ihsan again demanded to speak to his wife and called Zahraa’s name, then began yelling to her in Arabic until Heang gave up and closed the door. “According to the school staff she ran inside to the admin building and she was just saying somebody was trying to hurt her… probably her dad,” Heang explained in a phone call to supervisors. “Dad confronted her and she wasn’t willing to go home with him and he ends up getting behind her and choking her, dragging her, trying to get her to come [with him].” Heang then explained to fellow officers at the scene that he met with Ihsan and Zahraa that morning when they reported her as a runaway. Police accompanied them to her boyfriend’s house, where his parents told them she wasn’t there and his son was in school, but they refused to believe him. Heang said he told Ihsan not to go to the school and make a scene, but evidently he went anyway. A few minutes later, the three officers discussed what to do with the girl, who was still hiding inside the school before being taken to hospital. “What are we going to do with the kid? Because they (Zahraa and Haneen) are all worked up, still,” Heang said. “She’s 17, she doesn’t want to go home to the parents, but they’re the legal guardian.” One of the other officers replied: “Is she gonna start choking her to get her home?” which Heang conceded was a good point. “She doesn’t feel safe going home because her older sister hit her with a broom, allegedly, this summertime,” the third policeman added. They started discussing which women’s shelter would be the best to send her to. Heang then transferred Ihsan to another officer’s police car, and Ihsan again demanded to speak with his wife and yelled to her in Arabic. He refused to get in car while he yelled more to Zahraa, and was only convinced to sit inside after officers promised to bring her to him. Police did not realize Zahraa also allegedly tried to k!ll her daughter until four days later, leaving her free to continue looking for her daughter, who was in hiding. She was finally detained by customs officers on the night of October 22 while trying to cross into Canada. Zahraa was taken into custody on a domestic assault warrant without incident and booked into the Whatcom County Jail until Lacey Police arrived to pick her up. Victor Barnes, the father of the girl’s boyfriend, told DailyMail.com that Zahraa had fled to the border after prosecutors moved to charge her along with Ihsan. He claimed Zahraa was in court with Haneen at Ihsan’s arraignment when prosecutors said they believed she was also a threat and were seeking an arrest warrant. “The second she hears that, she runs out the courtroom,” said Barnes. Barnes claimed Zahraa drove her youngest children, two boys aged five and three, into Canada and dropped them off with an uncle who lived there. She then reportedly returned to Washington before trying to cross into Canada a second time. During this time, police compiled statements from the victim, her boyfriend, and other witnesses and issued an arrest warrant flagging her passport. Barnes said the two older sisters were also with their uncle in Canada, but he wasn’t sure when or how they got there. He explained that his son started dating the girl in February 2024, and her family kept it a secret from her father, who was often out of town running his business. “He’s an abusive man. So they just didn’t tell him because… they may think he’ll fly off the handle and do something crazy like he did,” he said. He said his wife, JeTe Drake, tried to arrange a meeting with Zahraa months earlier to discuss their children’s relationship, but phone conversations degenerated into “a lot of yelling” as Haneen tried to translate. They heard nothing until September 16 when Zahraa appeared outside the school, and Barnes claimed “tried to kidnap his son”. He said CCTV showed Zahraa grabbing the his son and trying to drag him away with her, but he was stronger than her. After a couple of steps, he pulled his arm away and told her not to touch him. Barnes claimed Zahraa called his son a “thug and a thief” but the rest of her yelling was unintelligible. Timberline High sent her a letter the next day advising that as she was seen “grabbing and yelling at” a student, she would be charged with trespassing if she came to the school again. Barnes eventually called Ihsan to tell him about his daughter’s secret relationship, and that he was considering pressing charges against Zahraa. Ihsan responded to the situation by pulling the girl out of school, smashing her phone so they couldn’t communicate, and buying plane tickets to Iraq. “So they wanted to seclude her and during this period of time, that’s when he was threatening to k!ll her and was starving her and crazy, crazy stuff,” Barnes claimed. The girl outlined shocking alleged abuse at the hands of her father in an interview with police days after the attack, and claimed one of her brothers, who is autistic, was treated even worse.

The victim being wheeled to the hospital after the attempted strangulationBarnes said his son didn’t see or hear from the girl until she showed up at the school on October 18, asking for help. After speaking with Ihsan, Barnes got a protective order against Zahraa on his son’s behalf, and then got one against Ihsan after the girl was attacked. “At the end of the school day, the school made my child responsible for this girl’s safety by asking him to help this girl get on the bus,” Barnes wrote in the application. “They continued to put this girl’s family situation in the lap of my child as if he’s an adult and understands the gravity of everything.” Barnes said his son was still not doing well mentally after he was allegedly punched in the face by Ihsan, then had to watch his girlfriend almost be murdred in front of him as he desperately tried to save her. “He’s just trying to keep it together… trying to not feel so tensed up all the time,” he said, noting he had a breakdown in late November. On the morning of October 18, he said the girl’s parents showed up at his house with police demanding to know where she was. Barnes told them she was wasn’t there and would presumably be at the school, then texted his son to warn him. “She runs away from home because they wanted to fly her out of the country that day – she’s afraid,” he said. “She shows up at the school and my son’s class and the teacher helps her because she looks very malnourished.” Barnes said school officials took her to a room and eventually found a safe place for her to go, but did not offer to help her get there. “They know she’s in danger, they know her circumstances and situation, but they insist for her to take public transportation to get to her safe destination – without any type of chaperone,” he said. The girl and her boyfriend walked to the bus stop at the front of the school and she spotted her father’s pickup truck outside. Suddenly, Ihsan emerged from the truck and confronted them, yelling at his daughter in Arabic. Barnes said another student, who spoke Arabic, yelled back, “She doesn’t want to go back with you. Leave her alone.” “He didn’t like what the kid said, he loses his mind and punches my son in the face,” Barnes alleged. Court documents explained that another student told police the boyfriend stood in front of her and was sent “flying onto the concrete” when he was punched. Ihsan allegedly put his daughter in a headlock and tried to choke her to de@th. Barnes said his son “starts to see her eyes roll back, and her arms start flailing” before she went limp and unconscious as he tried to save her. Other students described similar horrifying scenes to police, and her boyfriend told them he thought she was going to d!e. Her boyfriend managed to subdue him, along with other students, by repeatedly punching Ihsan in the head until he was dazed and let go, prosecutors said. Zahraa then allegedly got involved and also tried to choke her daughter to de@th, but was separated by the growing group of kids. “Her other daughter (Haneen), which is the girl’s older sister, is trying to fight the other kids away,” Barnes said, which the girl also told police.

Haneen”But it’s too many other kids and mom isn’t as strong as that, so they eventually grab the girl away from mom.” The girl told police she fled inside with her boyfriend yelling, “My dad was trying to k!ll me” as Zahraa allegedly pursued her to the school doors, but wasn’t let in. The boyfriend suffered a boxer’s fracture as he tried to get Ihsan off his girlfriend, which is now in a cast. The girl was taken to Providence St Peter Hospital in Olympia for treatment and a strangulation exam. Police said they saw scratches on her neck and she complained of neck, throat, and jaw pain, and had difficulty swallowing. “She believes she lost consciousness three to four times during the incident,” court documents alleged, adding that at one point she woke up with dirt pressed into her face. “[The girl] stated that she thought she was going to die.” Ihsan was not initially charged with attempted murdr, and released from jail on October 24 on just a $150,000 bond after a hearing in Thurston County Superior Court before Judge John Skinder. Zahraa faced a different judge – Christopher Lanese – on the same day, but she was charged with attempted murdr and held on $500,000 bail. Almost two weeks after his release, on November 5, second-degree attempted murdr was finally added to Ihsan’s charges. Ihsan was re-arrested and his bail raised to $1million, which was too much for him to pay. He remains in jail, while Zahraa’s bond was unchanged. Haneen, 21, who is accused of trying to fend off her younger sister’s classmates so their mother could choke the girl to de@th, has not been charged. Watch videos below. Ihsan Ali, 44, and Zahraa Subhi Mohsin Ali, 40, face charges of attempted murder and after the father tries to choke his 17 daughter to death because she refused to be sent to Iraq for an arranged marriage to an older man The girl fled to Timberline High School in Lacey, pic.twitter.com/2oShNSLZpN leilani dowding (@LeilaniDowding) November 16, 2024 The post
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